
Friday, July 17, 2015

THE STRANGE SUSPENSION OF TRADE OF THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE: PART ONE   ~  "our" elite rat~bas~terd's ...just don't "get" IT ... that 2 can "play" the "covert"   ... war ???

I received so many articles from so many people tracking the strange events of the New York Stock Exchange shutdown on July 8, that I simply have to talk about it. I propose an unusual methodology, namely, that it must be viewed in a wider context, not only of other computer glitches that happened in the same exact time frame, but that it also be viewed in the context of a potential relationship to all the bankers' mysterious deaths, deaths which, for me, are murders. Needless to say, the speculation abounds not only as to what happened, but also why, and who might be behind it. And, as always, I have my own high octane speculations about all of it.
First, a review of some of the stories. First, there  was the simple notice that the NYSE had suspended trading due to a "technical glitch". Here is USA Today's version:
NYSE Mysteriously Halts all Trading
In this version, it was merely a "technical glitch" and, as the article points out, trading continued via other venues, including NASDAQ and, one can only assume, the various "dark pools" that have emerged as competition to the NYSE:
Technical issues are being blamed for NYSE trading to shut down at 11:32 a.m. ET. Such outages are extremely rare in U.S. markets – but the halt brings up memories of the August 2013 "Flash Freeze" when trading on the Nasdaq was halted for hours.
Traders on the NYSE floor were standing around looking at blank trading terminals where no bid or offers were being exchanged.
In a statement, the NYSE says: "We're currently experiencing a technical issue that we're working to resolve as quickly as possible. We will be providing further updates as soon as we can, and are doing our utmost to produce a swift resolution, communicate thoroughly and transparently, and ensure a timely and orderly market re-open."
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security did not have an official statement about the computer outages. However, the agency said there was no immediate indication of a coordinated cyberattack.
It's important to note trading in stocks listed on the New York Stock Exchange can continue even when the NYSE is down. Many stocks trade on both the NYSE and the Nasdaq not to mention other dedicated electronic networks.
The article goes on to note that there was a strange "coincidence: in that a "technical glitch" also "halted United Airlines flights around the country for roughly two hours" and that even the Wall Street Journal's website also ceased to function when the NYSE suspended trading.
Those "technical glitches" are truly wondrous things, for they can "explain" by not explaining almost anything, and hence, could be a wonderful non-release of information covering what might really be going on. But we will have to suspend our own trading in high octane speculation for the moment to concentrate on various versions of the story.
As mentioned, the suspension occurred at almost the same time that United Airlines also experienced a "technical glitch":
Travel chaos after 'computer glitch' crashed United's entire reservation system and forced all its flights to be grounded for two hours
As noted in the second article, this was the second incident of United flights being grounded in five weeks, but the grouding coincident with a "similar technical glitch" in the NYSE, plus the statements of a United Airlines spokesman that the airline was experiencing "network connectivity problems" raises big red flags.
Needless to say, various theories also began to be circulated, one of the most convincing appearing on Alex Jones' website Infowars, in a short article by Paul Joseph Watson:
CEO: NYSE Shutdown “Probably” a Cyberattack Suspicions abound about official explanation of 'technical glitch'
In this version of the theory, you'll note that the explanation of a "technical glitch" is because the exchange was shutdown either because (1) trading was suspending to halt any backlash from the meltdown on the Chinese stock market, or (2) was the result of Chinese hacking in "retaliation" for the meltdown, a theory that implies that the USA, or someone within it, might have had something to do with it. On one view, this might make sense, given yesterday's blog about the banker deaths and the role of intelligence agencies within the western system of finance, and their implied ability to hack, and hence manipulate, high frequency trading.
But on closer examination, this too, seems unlikely, since as the first article points out, even though the NYSE had to suspend trading, this neither halted trading through other venues, which in turn, if it was retaliation from China, would seem to have warranted a market-wide attack, and not simply the NYSE.
Which brings us to the final tidbit of information:
Anonymous issued cryptic tweet on eve of NYSE suspension
Now, note that in addition to Anonymous releasing a statement the day before the "technical glitch", that during the suspension of NYSE trading, President Obama was briefed on the incident. I don't know about you, but I find it difficult, if not incredible, that the president would need to be briefed on incidents merely of "technical glitches." If it reaches the president's eyes and ears, then there is something else going on behind the scenes.
As if to sweeten that speculative pot, a day after the "technical glitches", a German patriot missile battery in Turkey experienced a similar phenomenon:
German missile battery receives orders from… unknown ‘hackers’ – report
This last report is worth citing at some length:
The German Patriot air and missile defense systems, stationed at the Turkish border with Syria, have carried out “unexplained” commands allegedly issued by unknown hackers, according to a German media report since rebutted by the government.
The US-produced missile systems, belonging to the German Bundeswehr armed forces and based on the territory of NATO ally Turkey since 2013, have been compromised, according to a report in the German Behörden Spiegel.
As a result, the systems, consisting of six launchers and two radars, reportedly carried out “unexplained” orders, the publication claimed, providing no further information on the kind of commands.
Compromising military systems is not something that an amateur hacking group would have the skills to do, or would want to admit doing, believes computer security consultant and former UK-based computer hacker Robert Jonathan Schifreen. He told RT that the “unexplained” commands from the hackers mentioned in the report, while “certainly worrying,” could not possibly be anything of much significance.
“These systems are not linked to public networks, they require special codes to fire the missile, which only a certain number of people have, and you generally need the code from two or three people to fire it, or to do anything that is of significance,” Schifreen said. “I don’t think it’s actually happened, which is not to say that some of these systems are not hackable in some way. It is possible in some way perhaps to detect the presence of it, but anything more than that is going to take some serious skills.”
“It is certainly the case that foreign governments, intelligence agencies do try to hack into these systems, and it may well be that the software built into the missile has been compromised in some way by some foreign government,” he added.  (All emphases in the original)
The implications here are clear: (1) US-purchased defense systems might be completely and in the final analysis in the hands of the USA, since they appear to be compromised, and (2) they might also be in the hands of someone else, who is capable of hacking them.
This leaves us, in the space of two short days, with three systems that were radically compromised: (1) the NYSE itself, (2) the United Airlines reservation system, and (3) a German missile defense battery using American-bought equipment.(time for the Bundeswehr, perhaps, to rethink purchases of American military hardware).
And, on top of this, there was (4) a prior statement from the hacking group Anonymous one day before the NYSE "computer glitch",(5) President Obama was briefed on the situation, and finally (6) this all occurs in a wider context of banker deaths and of recent internet cable attacks in California, which one reader here reminded me that, in the guise of attacks and their subsequent repairs, could be the pretext for splicing the cables or introducing other electronic monitoring devices.
So what might all this add up to? That has to wait until tomorrow.

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