
Saturday, May 2, 2015

The Bigfoot - What Is It Really??? Your not going to like my answer......

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Bigfoot - What Is It Really??? Your not going to like my answer......        & How MANY people have been gone "missing" in National Parks ???   ...just "puff" gone !

I have been researching Bigfoot for four years. I have had two encounters where I made direct eye contact with a Bigfoot during this time.  I participated in the Ketchum/NABS DNA Study and submitted over thirty hair samples to the study. Eleven of the samples were confirmed to be from a Bigfoot. I have captured video of the Bigfoot both from trail cameras and hand held video cameras. I have heard and recorded Bigfoot vocalizations. I have communicated with the Bigfoot via rocks and stick formations. I have had Bigfoots come to my place of residence and take food, leave footprints, and three of the hair samples that were confirmed Bigfoot actually came from my residence. I have had the privilege of sharing information with some of the top researchers of the Bigfoot world. I have been privy to confidential information about the Bigfoot and its behavior that has never been made public. I am not an “expert”. In my opinion if you’re an expert that means you have learned all there is to know about a subject. In Bigfoot research the more you learn, the more you realize how little you actually know.

I give you my “credentials” in order to qualify the statements I am about to make. In the past I have blogged about what I think the Bigfoot is. This opinion has been changing and evolving as I learn more and my research has matured. Based on my personal experience, the results of the DNA Study, and input from other researchers I have come to the following conclusions:

  • The biological entity that we call a Bigfoot/Sasquatch is a human hybrid. The DNA shows that the mother of the species is human and the father is of unknown origin. The nuclear DNA (which comes from the father) from three complete Bigfoot/Sasquatch genomes was compared against the Genbank Database. This database currently contains over 150 billion nucleotide bases in more than 162 million sequences. There was NO match for the nuclear DNA sequences.

  • A majority of the Bigfoot/Sasquatch have an intelligence level equal to or greater than humans.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch are aware of our technologies and what their purposes are to include video cameras, trail cameras, digital voice recorders, vehicles, fire arms, etc. 

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch know our culture, our habits, and our history.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch are not the “benevolent keepers of the forest”.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasqutach have abilities that we do not fully understand or comprehend. These abilities include: The use of infrasound to confuse, disorient, cause memory loss, or incapacitate. The ability to “cloak” or become invisible to the naked eye. I am convinced they use infrasound to achieve this “cloak” but I am open to the possibilities of some other explanation. I think that these abilities are genetic and passed down to the offspring. This explains why some Bigfoot/Sasquatch exhibit these abilities and others do not. I think the diluting of the genome by interbreeding with humans is the major cause of the loss of these abilities.

  • There are types or races of Bigfoot/Sasquatch. Their appearance and behavior vary depending on the geographic region of the country in which they are located.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch live in a family group structure. This family group usually consists of a male, female, and offspring.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch family groups live in a “home” range that may encompass up to 100 miles. These family groups form clans. The clans provide mates for the offspring of the family groups and help prevent inbreeding. These clans also enforce the social structure for the family groups.

  • The Bigfoot /Sasquatch live a “subsistence existence” on the fringe of human civilization. They have formed a symbiotic relationship with humans observing our activities and scavenging food and other resources when advantageous.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch are reclusive and avoid direct human contact at almost any cost. They are “hyper-elusive” which borderlines on fanaticism. The question that remains unanswered is why they live this way. Is it by choice or by force? The evidence is mounting that both the subsistence existence and reclusiveness may not be by choice but coerced. The question then becomes who is enforcing this lifestyle on the Bigfoot/Sasquatch and why?
  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch are each unique individuals. They each have a personality and a demeanor. They exhibit behaviors that suggest that their culture contains individuals that are benevolent, violent, and homicidal.  Each Bigfoot has its own set of “morals” and exercises them according its own desires.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch abduct humans for a variety of reasons. The reasons are varied and may include the following: replacement of a lost infant, breeding mate, curiosity, ritual rite of passage, and unfortunately cannibalism.

  • The Bigfoot/Sasquatch population numbers in the tens of thousands and may go as high as the hundreds of thousands.

I know many will disagree with some of my conclusions and I welcome the discussion and debate. We still have much to learn about this biped known as Bigfoot. To be honest we know very little about them.
 In summation I have a healthy respect for the Bigfoot’s abilities. I do not trust the Bigfoot completely and I am still unsure of the motives behind most if not all of its behaviors. Many times the behavior of the Bigfoot mimics that of someone in a prison camp. They cannot communicate with us directly so they use stones, sticks, and other forms of communication that their “over seers” will not recognize.  I have read many accounts of how the POW’s in Vietnam had to communicate with each other while under the watchful eye of the prison guards. I see amazing similarities in the way the Bigfoot attempt to communicate with me and other researchers. If this is true then who are the “guards” and why are the Bigfoot under such tight surveillance?

 With Bigfoot research one answer begets 10 more unanswered questions and I somehow doubt we will ever have them all even with a “body”.

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