
Saturday, September 27, 2014




As history unfolds it becomes quite clear that how we interpret news events is based on quick glances at a newspaper, a magazine or news program that is funded, owned and operated by a corporation that has a controlling political interest in what is being reported.
This type of journalism is what you would expect in a country where the press is no longer objective. It usually turns up in countries that are highly controlled. Countries with State run newspapers and state run radio and TV stations. The state of the media has been declared dead by old timers who long for the days of real journalism, where hunting for the blockbuster story was as stimulating as delivering it.
Now those days have long passed and no one stops to understand that sometimes it takes more than a television show or a newspaper columnist to get the whole story. Sometimes stories are not meant to be reported accurately. Sometimes it is not the fault of the messenger— it is the fault of the source or the informant.
When I attempted to report that the CIA and other alphabet agencies recently had an intelligence dump, I felt as though the report had hit the ground with a thud. The reason is simply that when the bombs are bursting in air over Syria I really don’t know if the CIA responding to Freedom of information act inquiries truly impresses anyone.
But what is important is what has been found in the intelligence dump and how the CIA and NSA find useful idiots in the media and elsewhere to spread disinformation in order obfuscate and confuse the general population in matters of intelligence.
I know that when someone gives you an anonymous tip you run the risk of spreading disinformation and so as a rule you are not to fall in love with any report you feel you have scooped up and divulged.
Good disinformation always has a grain of truth to it, and so if you find that the original story gets in the way of facts, you sometimes have to painfully admit that the information you received was a bust stretched in order to throw you off the trail of treachery and criminality.
Recently I have had to deal with a number of Facebook posts that were inadvertently posted from my administration account. Some were outrageous forms of disinformation with some truth to them while another story about a three breasted woman was inadvertently posted as a joke and a number of irate Facebook watchers were concerned about the content of my website.
I have to say that when you are in the business of gathering intelligence and information, there will be from time to time things that slip through the cracks. Keep in mind that mush of what you see in a Facebook post is mostly part of a clipping service and it is up to the person reading the post to decide whether or not it is disinformation.
I am also stating for the record that information also is gathered by listeners from other talk show websites like Info wars and other sites and I am certainly not responsible for information that Alex Jones or other reporters are citing as real.
They too run the risk of reporting false information that can be part of an intelligence dump or other investigative reporters that may or may not have been duped into being a part of disseminating a disinformation campaign.
Disinformation has been released everywhere about every possible topic you can think of and without the aid of a massive staff equipped with the background of intelligence gathering there is always a risk of reporting erroneous material to the public.
People, who are listeners to shows like Ground Zero, may also post things in social media from time to time that may also be disinformation. It is not always deleted from the social media forum and so it is important to use caution when repeating information that may be half true or completely false.
One of the greatest examples of how disinformation can completely confuse people is the Sandy Hook Shooting. This is a topic that has been a sore spot with me because of the fact that I have been accused of making claims about the case that I have never made, and that most of the so called claims that have been said I support can be traced to a disinformation campaign that was unleashed to discredit anyone associated with Conspiracy theory.
I have always suggested that with the Sandy Hook case that any reporter that has been labeled a conspiracy theorist may have at any time reported disinformation that was strategically released on the internet to discredit anyone entertaining malfeasance during the investigation.
I even reported that there was a glaring misconception about Peter Lanza, the father of the so called lone nut gunmen Adam Lanza which got me accused of reporting disinformation. However I stick by what I reported and that is Lanza in most conspiracy circles was actually reported to be acquainted with the Father of James Holmes, the Aurora shooting suspect.
It was reported that Both Peter Lanza and Colorado shooter James Holmes’s father were set to testify in the LIBOR hearings.
This is FALSE!
However, it does not excuse him from a scandal that is even more interesting. According to his LinkedIn site, Lanza worked “closely with many of the preeminent partnership tax advisors in the United States on a daily basis Lanza’s responsibilities at GE-EFS include:
• Tax strategies, planning and tax operations
• Reporting directly to GE-EFS Chief Financial Officer
• Consultations on “structuring, negotiating asset acquisition, dispositions”
• Responsible for risk management on transactions
• Assist other employees in achieving business tax objectives
• Partner with GE Corporate tax group to “leverage technical resources . . . provide support on projects and initiatives”
GE successfully evaded paying taxes for many years. Although the corporation reported global profits of $14.2 billion with $5.1 billion of that total being attributed to American operations last year, GE claimed a tax benefit of $3.2 billion. Lanza, would have contributed to the success of GE evading corporate taxes in the United States.
There have been many investigative sources that claim that the LIBOR scandal allegations were first put out on the web by a COINTELPRO group in order to distract from the tax scandal.
There may still be many lies being propagated by COINTELPRO groups to discredit anyone who believes them or continues to report them without fact checking. That is why a dose of reality not only exposes the mainstream narrative as disinformation but also the half truths that have been created by do-it-yourself theorists that push their lies as truth.
There is still plenty of disinformation and hidden truth about Sandy Hook that I cannot report nor can I talk about. The truth is I was threatened by an unnamed law enforcement agency to not speak about any details about what I know and I can honestly tell you that it is most certainly a case that I will not be able to report ever again and I will leave it at that.
When a reporter or an investigator is head off at the pass so to speak and is told that others are spreading disinformation and that you may have true information or vice versa it can be convenient and safe to avoid speaking of the topic. There are most certainly agents, intelligence men, and informants, paid enforcers, Men In Black and others that see you as a mark.
When they case you out, they approach you and take advantage of your good nature. They can either be fair by dropping you a hint of what may be solid intelligence, or they may mislead you or even convince you that story as true so that you can promulgate their organized smokescreen that will keep you from finding the truth about a certain subject or news report.
I recently was invited to watch a film called Mirage Men. I did not know what to expect from the film, however I did see that two well known guests of Ground Zero, Peter Gersten and Linda Moulten Howe were featured in the documentary. This peaked my interest and so I immediately delved into the film and to be honest it left me feeling frightened for independent researchers that choose to investigate UFO’s and the subject of extra-terrestrial disclosure.
The film “Mirage Men” is a film that simply put is a bit of warning for anyone that might want to get too close to the intelligence dumps that are voluntarily given by agents of the United States Government that wish to mislead the public on the subject of UFO’s and alien phenomena.
The government takes their secret projects very seriously, and it seems they take the alien and UFO topic seriously. However they also know how powerful a good UFO or alien Disinformation campaign can immediately throw researcher off the trail of something that the government doesn’t want you to know about.
We have seen this many times in the fictional television show the X-files where Mulder and Scully were led to believe that there was an alien or extra-terrestrial event happening to throw them off the trail of an even darker and sinister cover up or conspiracy.
Mirage Men actually uncovers the fact that some of the UFO and conspiracy theory enthusiasm is the intended byproduct of a deliberate government-sanctioned disinformation campaign.
In some cases it has been reveled in the film that for over the last 30-40 years, the U.S. Air Force and other government bodies have stoked the public’s fascination in U.F.O.s, and even encouraged a few of the more enthusiastic folks with false-leads.
The film and even the Man In Black they interview, the slimy and chilling Richard Doty does not say that the Extra terrestrial and UFO reality does not exist, Doty just confesses that he and several other Intelligence men have been responsible for spinning lies and disinformation about everything from Secret Alien bases, Roswell, Majestic 12 , and Cattle Mutilations.
Doty we need to remember is a paid government liar and so what is most frustrating is we never know where his lies begin or end in the film. He goes from saying that they made up some of the UFO stories that are reported as fact and then uses doublespeak to say that the Alien and UFO accounts in some instances are very real and so they make a convenient smokescreen for government informants to mislead the public and enthusiastic UFO researchers.
The film accidentally becomes a Psy-op tool and it unintentionally raises serious questions about Doty’s credibility. If we are to believe Doty, then we are to determine that he along with other agents are sadists because of what they did to UFO researcher and businessman Paul Bennewitz. A one-time PhD candidate in physics, Bennewitz claimed the existence of a plot involving an extensive network of UFO bases tied to an alien colonization and control scheme to subjugate the human race.
He became convinced that cattle mutilations were due to aliens. As a result, Bennewitz claimed to have uncovered evidence of aliens controlling humans through electromagnetic devices, and furthermore claimed that UFOs were regularly flying near Kirtland and the nearby Manzano Nuclear Weapons Storage Facility and Coyote Canyon Test Area in New Mexico.
Richard Doty, was allegedly a special agent for the U.S. Air Force Office of Special Investigations (AFOSI) stationed at Kirtland Air Force Base and claims that he was responsible for hoaxing and convincing Bennewitz of his alien claims to the point of obsession. The obsessions ended up having Benewitz’s family commit him to a mental institution. Paul Benewitz felt his lif was in danger and suffered from paranoia.
Doty says he was told to make Bennewitz believe there was an impending alien invasion because Bennewitz was actually observing secret Air Force projects. According to Doty, the Air Force wanted to discredit Bennewitz so no one would figure that out. However, Doty claims that in doing so, he created hoaxed documents that were given to Bennewitz and other UFO researchers, and that he broke into Bennewitz’s house and office, some if not all of which is illegal.
This entire affair is incredibly unscrupulous, and Doty claims he did it all under orders.
Doty is now a sergeant with the New Mexico State Police.
The Mirage Men film seems to imply is that a majority of the modern U.F.O. sub-culture is the work of a few agents working on behalf of the N.S.A., C.I.A. and other PSY-OP agencies.
However investigators like Linda Moulten Howe, featured in the film contest the idea and pretty much states that it is up to reporters to try and sift through disinformation and even Doty admits that he was not able to fool Linda into believing all of the yarns he was spinning.
I was not convinced that everything Doty said in the film was true or even relevant, if anything he came off a slimy and sickening psychopath who I hope I never meet.
If anything the film makes you second guess anything you hear anymore and gives you more reason to question any and all research you do.
The United Kingdom is now saying that they will also be a part of an Intelligence dump on what it knows about UFO’s due to a Freedom of Information act request.
The FOIA response outlines that the documents were found and that they will be released to the public, making them available in about 9 months. The document also includes a table of the 18 documents to be released. They include several documents titled “Air Traffic Control Low Flying UFOs,” several others titled “ADGE UFO Reports.” and then, among others, the specific files requested.
As we note the data dumps and measures from the United Kingdom we can conclude that not all UFO reports are the handy-work of some sadistic Intelligence man.
What is most disconcerting is that the disinformation campaigns go unabated and are the result of enthusiastic intelligence scoops. It happens with any story, in any newsroom. The problem is that citizen journalists and those who are called conspiracy theorists suffer from some intentional agenda to lie to the public.
The Latin phrase “caveat” emptor will always apply when seeking out and delivering sound and credible information. Who you choose to believe or endorse should be chosen on their track record and their ability to get the story right and deliver it objectively.

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