
Saturday, September 27, 2014


Mr. S.D. one of our regular readers, found this article, and when I read it, I had to share it, not so much for what the article says, but rather for the thoughts it provoked in me regarding the seeming strange rush to commercialize and colonize space:
Elon Musk Reveals Plans To Colonize Mars As Space X Competes With Boeing For 3 Billion Dollar NASA Space Shuttle Replacement Contract
There is one sentence in this article that set me off on my high octane reverie, and it occurs here:
“In order to achieve this goal Space X is working on The Falcon Heavy, the most powerful rocket since the Saturn V. While SpaceX has yet to do any test flights with the Falcon Heavy, Musk told CNBC earlier this year he’s hopeful his space company will get people to Mars by 2026.”
Now, this means Mr. Musk is willing to spend billions to develop a heavy booster chemical rocket, essentially, the Saturn V on steroids, and it’s this that gives me pause.
Most of you who are regular readers here and who have read my various books – specifically Covert Wars and Breakaway Civilizations and Covert Wars and the Clash of Civilizations are aware that I have been arguing a rather complex case about the relationship of black budget projects, Mr. Richard Dolan’s concept of a “breakaway civilization,” secret physics and technologies, and a vast hidden system of finance put into place by President Truman in 1947 using recovered Axis loot and various forms of financial fraud – rehypothecated gold,, gold-backed bearer bonds with “errors” on the paper that can be used to denounce them as counterfeit, and so on – and kept entirely off the books. In other words, I have been arguing that there is the “deep layer” of the black budget, which is one thing, and then there is something entirely different and much deeper than that, and that is this hidden system of finance. As a consequence of this deepest layer, I have been arguing that the intelligence-national security community entered the world of international finance and banking in a major way. One consequence of this argument, and one that not many people have apparently understood, is that for all the talk of “the banksters”, they are not the ones really in control of the vast amount of money represented by this deepest layer, and hence, if they sometimes act as if they don’t really understand themselves what’s going on in modern markets, it’s because they really don’t; they have deeper players that, perhaps, some of them have just woken up and found out about. Perhaps this factor is the hidden factor behind the mysterious banker “suicides”, above and beyond collecting on insurance policies!
But I digress.
It is this hidden system of finance, now almost seventy years old, and thus representing a commitment of trillions of “secret dollars” over all those decades, that is the real factor, for if one stops to think about it, this vast sum of money, plus enough brains and research, could indeed be the hidden locomotive behind Ben Rich’s now famous statements that “they found an error in the equations” and that we could now, “take ET home.”
The bottom line – and it really is a bottom line – is that Mr. Musk with his chemical rocket development is playing with pocket change, the real development  occurred elsewhere.
So what’s going on? Why the sudden promotion of such commercial enterprises by a NASA that has, in effect, said, “sure, if you can get there, go ahead and go”? My suspicion is that the commercialization of space provides a convenient way – here comes that “bottom line” again – to devolve and detach the government from having to maintain the expensive “public theater” of the public space program with its expensive and – from the standpoint of human interplanetary exploration and colonization –  totally impractical chemical rockets while at the same time maintaining its much more secret one. That was the game of the 1950s, 60,s 70s, and 80s. But why pay for the public fireworks, when the private sphere can now do it?
And the nice thing is, it provides an even better layer of “plausible” deniability.
So what could possibly go wrong with such a brilliant plan?
Well, if Mr. Musk is smart, he won’t be wasting all that money on a big bottle rocket. He’ll invest his money in “that off-the-books” stuff. If he’s smart, however, he’ll keep his mouth shut, or, if he’s even smarter, he’ll openly admit it…. and if that happens, then watch the fun begin…

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