
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Woozy woman nearly passes out behind Obama as he doubles down on delusional 'success' of Obamacare launch

Originally published October 21 2013

Woozy woman nearly passes out behind Obama as he doubles down on delusional 'success' of Obamacare launch

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) There is a point where the Orwellian theater of bad government reaches such a comical threshold of absurdity that even the actors can't keep up appearances. Today at the Rose Garden, Obama lined up a roster of window-dressing stand-ins to create the impression of solidarity in support of the failed, disastrous Obamacare rollout.

During Obama's speech where he claimed Obamacare was a hugely successful program, one woman suddenly got woozy and appeared to nearly faint and collapse just as Obama was saying, " free families from the pervasive fear that one illness..." The woman, who nearly passed out, was prevented from collapsing only because the people behind her and beside her caught her body and quickly removed her from view of the cameras.

Click here to see the full video.

In response, Obama said, "I got you. You're okay," as if his words alone would solve the problem.

But that's exactly what Obama does on a national basis: tries to cover up real problems with slick words, even in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence.

In truth, the system flat-out will not be functioning by the Dec. 15th deadline for enrollees who want to be covered in 2014. In truth, the Obamacare mandates are an economic disaster resulting in nationwide job loss. In truth Obama himself is facing what journalists are now calling a "credibility death spiral" for existing in such a state of denial over the sobering reality that virtually no one can even use

America, too, is getting woozy and is about to collapse

America today is much like the woozy woman who nearly passed out behind Obama: it's sick, gasping for breath and about to collapse. Through disastrous government policies such as doubling the national debt during his term of office, waging endless, unwinnable wars in foreign lands and forcing employers to slash jobs and hours to avoid crushing Obamacare mandates, Obama has brought America to such a devastating state of near-collapse that even the on-camera theatrical speeches can hardly pull it together anymore.

When the hand-picked actors can't even stand up straight without nearly collapsing on camera, you know the empire is nearing its end. Theater can only get you so far, and even though Obama is the master of theater, the reality of the disaster cannot be covered up with clever linguistics and staged theatrics. Sooner or later, Americans are going to realize they still don't have affordable health care. And the real kicker is going to come when the people realize Obamacare isn't even about health in the first place: it's about sick-care management monopolies that enrich drug companies, hospitals, cancer centers, doctors and the entire medical status quo at the expense of human health.

A real health care system would focus on nutritional therapies and disease prevention. Obamacare won't even acknowledge nutrition at all. It's all about drugs, surgery, radiation and chemotherapy. And why? Because that's what makes the most money off human suffering and disease. This isn't about making people well, it's about profiting from sickness and disease, then using government to force everyone to participate in that for-profit system that only enriches wealthy corporations and drug companies.

Obamacare is truly just a government-enforced medical monopoly that's doomed to fail even if is someone made to function in the next two months.

If you start to feel woozy about all this, don't worry. Obama's "got ya" and "you're okay." How do I know? Because Obama said so. And his words are uniquely magical in that they never have to pass the test of reality.

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