
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Governments no longer have to worry about door-to-door consensus when they have operations like at their fingertips

World Governments hijacking Information Highway with Spy Networks

By Judi McLeod (Bio and Archives)  Tuesday, October 22, 2013
The most significant story of our lifetime isn’t that a ‘Canadian’  company’s glitches are keeping Americans from signing up for ObamaCare on a system that’s failing abysmally.  It gets much worse than that.
CGI—the IT system gleaning personal information from people signing up at is the same company providing the computer software for world governments to spy on their own people and in some cases, on the friendly governments of others.
Billion dollar spy networks are floated by taxpayers.  In other words, civilians being spied on by government are paying to be spied on.
None of these billion dollar spy networks were able to stop the September 11, 2001 terrorist attack on America.  Nor did they save any lives in the massacre of innocents that shocked the world at Westgate Mall in Kenya, one month ago today.
Reasonable people the world over expect government-sponsored spy systems to spy on the enemy and not average people in their own countries.
While so many waited for One World Government, aka Big Brother to come walking through the front door, it sneaked through the back door as Big Brother Digital.
You no longer have to wait for conspiracy theories to put a face on it.  Big Brother is not black; is not white and doesn’t have to be bothered about belonging to any particular ethnicity or culture.  Its face should be as familiar as one of your own relatives.  Big Brother’s the computer on your desk, your iPad and cell phone and there’s no running away from him because there’s nowhere to hide.
Your tax dollars pay for his big bucks’ setup and salary and he knows everything that makes you, you.
When Big Brother discovered how easy it would be getting information from people in setting up the computer system for ObamaCare, he yelled, “Bingo!”
Governments no longer have to worry about door-to-door consensus when they have operations like at their fingertips.
Why is no one putting together that the same company that can’t (or won’t) get up and running is the same company governments use to spy on the masses?
With American jobs disappearing,  President Obama did go to a Canadian company to set up the ObamaCare website, paying $292-million for a website that’s still not working.
 In 2013, CGI has 31,000 employees in 125+ offices worldwide.
Let’s hope Obama is not starting a world-wide trend in showing governments how to spy on their own populations.
It now turns out that Canada is following the U.S. in providing billion dollar headquarters for coverts to spy in stealth.
In Canada, the most expensive Canadian government building ever constructed will be headquarters for a little-known military spy agency: CSEC (Communications Security Establishment Canada).
“When completed next year, the facility in suburban Ottawa will house the roughly 2,000 employees of the Communications Security Establishment Canada, a federal agency that spies mainly on foreigners by hacking into their computers, reading their email and intercepting their phone calls.” (Greg Weston, CBC News, Oct. 8, 2013).
“Under tight security, CBC obtained an exclusive tour of the top secret complex that most Canadians will otherwise never get to see, a development even National Defence apparently thinks is so grandiose that the department dubbed the project “Camelot” in official documents.
“CSECC officially estimates the complex will cost $880 million.  But sources close to the project say it will be closer to $1.2 billion by the time all the associated costs are tallied.  The new CSEC headquarters will have more floor space than the Air Canada Centre in Toronto, and its cost would build several big city hospitals.”
The massive glass skyscraper that is Canada’s new intelligence headquarters has soaring atriums, grand staircases and filtered drinking fountains.
In Canada, every comfort imaginable is being built in.  Spying on others comes with ultra comfort zones.  We’re waiting for teenagers to sport T-shirts emblazoned with the words, “Spies and Coverts rule!”
Incredibly, governments who spy on their own people, also encourage coverts to spy on other governments and seem to be getting away with it.
“France and Mexico Monday angrily demanded swift explanations about fresh leaks by former US security contractor Edward Snowden, which alleged that the United States had spied on millions of phone communications. (AP, Oct. 21, 2013)
“French daily Le Monde reported that the US National Security Agency (NSA) secretly monitored 70.3 million phone communications in France over a 30-day period from December 10, 2012, to January 8.
“German magazine Der Speigel said the NSA had hacked into former Mexican president Felipe Calderon’s email account.
“The allegations come on top of revelations already leaked by Snowden—who has sought refuge in Russia as the US seeks to try him for leaking classified information—and published in June that the US had a vast, secret programme called PRISM to monitor Internet users.
“French prosecutors are already investigating the programme, and French Prime Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said he was “deeply shocked” by the new revelations.
“It’s incredible that an allied country like the United States at this point goes as far as spying on private communications that have no strategic justification, no justification on the basis of national defence,” he told journalists.
“French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius, on a visit to Luxembourg, said US ambassador Charles Rivkin was summoned to his ministry early Monday.
“These kinds of practices between partners that harm privacy are totally unacceptable,” he told reporters, adding France needed assurances that the United States was no longer monitoring its communications.”
Spying, which used to be the much ballyhooed preserve of the FBI/KGB during the Cold War, is now archived on the Hollywood screen which romanticizes spies as handsome heroes out to save the world rather than peopled by techno nerds on the take, some of them paid for information that imperils human lives. 
A cut-throat world came in with the election of Senator Barack Obama as president in 2008, who even when he was still out on the campaign trail, was touting CGI as a “wonderful” company providing “well-paying” jobs when unleashing the world of spydom on his own unwitting citizens.
The Worldwide Web-dubbed Information Highway was supposed to provide Internet access to all the peoples of the world, putting them on equal footing,  but was hijacked by big governments along the way.
Meanwhile, someone needs to start an organization called ‘Stop Big Government from Spying on Little People’.
Copyright © Canada Free Press

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