
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Trillions Spent on Useless Wars – Time to Tell Israel Enough – Stand on Your Own

folks  We The People got an "elites" & "their" ass pipes problem !!!   ...isn't it TIME we clean em outta here oh yea "they" can leave  ALL the "stuff"  these parasites have been "stealing"  at the door  ....what 2000 yrs of "their" shit spewing ways ...hows it going folks ?               

Trillions Spent on Useless Wars – Time to Tell Israel Enough – Stand on Your Own

Iraq is currently in just as much turmoil as ever, Afghanistan is basically under siege and Libya lost a president the Libyans, for the most part, loved to death. American nationals have been conned as the liars and pontificators from the war mongering machine moved in for the kill. This was the beginning of the end for the American economy; the banksters finished us all off.
We all know which American leaders are responsible for all this. We must not allow for any of these New World Order traitors just skate by as if nothing has happened. These people have ruined our country by playing God, while wiping out thousands of American lives for the sake of filling their pockets full of money, money that should have never been used without the American people’s permission. We the people had nothing to say about a damn thing as we were fed lies.   
History will remember these traitors to the Constitution and Bill of Rights. None of this was necessary, causing misery around the world. The Jewish establishment has been giving the orders to America for far too long, as we the people had no say at all. It is sickening on its face, as we bow down to people thousands of miles away. What the hell have the Israelis ever done for us? Because of this insanity we are now in financial ruin.
Netanyahu gives orders to our leaders that are putting the Americans in danger. His little sliver of land has caused the rest of the world huge sacrifices, while giving nothing meaningful in return. We continue to accommodate Israel’s every wish as if some kind utopia blessed by a special God who only recognizes the Jew, as America is used as Israel’s personal army. We are being used, that simple people.
American leaders kiss the Jewish rear end at every whim, ruining our way of life. We have news organizations that cater to the Jewish rear end causing more danger. Will the insanity ever stop?
Israel has corrupted our leadership and have ruined the American nationals way of life, all for the sake of a few who put themselves above all else. How much longer are we going to accept this garbage?
The American oligarchs have had their way for too damn long. They have partnered with Israel ignoring the American people’s wishes. We must put an end to the ass kissing and start to separate ourselves from this endless money pit located on a worthless sliver of land in the Middle East. If we don’t, America will never be free as our forefathers intended, that simple. Our kids will have endless suffering because of useless Middle Eastern wars.
God Bless the American national and the Republic of the United States of America.

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