
Thursday, September 26, 2013

Hillary Clinton: Electing Me President Would be a ‘Strong Statement’

yea just how fucked in the head you's dummycocks  ... REALLY ARE !!! :0 

Hillary Clinton: Electing Me President Would be a ‘Strong Statement’

Hillary Clinton thinks she would be the answer to America’s dreamy dream of having a female president. It’s all about Hillary, don’t you know?
(See also: Reliably Leftist HBO Set To Make A Movie About The Attack In Benghazi On September 11, 2012)
Clinton told the media on Tuesday that if the U.S. elected a female president it “would be a very strong statement.”
Just what would that statement be, though?

Hillary Clinton telling us how much she valued the lives of the four Americans killed in Benghazi, Libya

Well, Clinton said that the idea of electing a female president was “unfinished business of our own politically.”
“Electing one person, a woman, is not going to end those challenges, but it provides a kind of boost to the efforts that so many of us would be making for so long,” Clinton said. “I think it would be a very strong statement. … And, someday, I hope it happens.”
(See also: Benghazi Victim’s Mother: ‘Hillary Doesn’t Give a Damn About You!’)
But, really. Is electing a woman for the sake of electing a woman what we need to be doing to lead our country. Haven’t we learned a lesson with Barack Hussein Obama’s election? He was elected mostly because he was black, not because he was qualified or good for the country.
Do we want to repeat that mistake by just replacing an African American with a female?
Lord I hope not.
(See also: Benghazi Officials Punished… With PAID Leave)
What do you think, America? Tell us below.

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