
Friday, September 27, 2013

Spot The Wealth Effect

hows it going America ! those welcome to wal~mart motherfuckers "jobs"  & JUST wait to the "new" ass~slam~our ~asses ~care kicks in ..... we'll ALL being "sneaking"  across the mexicany border  ..looking fer an 25,000.000,000,000.00   ? peso's job ....whats that about 1.17 hr :0   hehe lol or we'll ALL be working the "phones"  fer India/China       or  how bout "working" the streets of South America :o   gotta love you's kooky dummycocks & republipubes  ... it wasn't ME ...i "voted"  the lesser of 2 evils ! 

Spot The Wealth Effect

Tyler Durden's picture
Things are getting better; the nice man on the TV said so...

(h/t @Not_Jim_Cramer)

Of course, this brings to mind CNBC's Rick Santelli critical (rhetorical) question that everyone should ask: "[What the Fed minutes said] is, listen, we have to wait for bigger confirmation that the economy is doing better; and for that, we're going to look at the employment side. [At the same time] we have the fewest people working that can work in 30 years, and all-time-record-high profits for corporations. Now, does that strategy sound rational to you?" It seems, now that Bernanke has seemingly promised that it will really never end, that Santelli's question will become increasingly critical in this country.

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