
Friday, September 27, 2013

Cyber attack warning: Banks beginning to delay payrolls and have extended electronic outages

Cyber attack warning: Banks beginning to delay payrolls and have extended electronic outages
On Sept. 16, a former head trader with the Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS) issued a new warning that a cyber attack on the banking system is a real and probably threat in light of the many recent electronic outages and delays in payroll processing.  Known under the pseudonyms V and the Guerrilla Economist, this high level insider has warned of  impending cyber attacks meant to mask liquidity and financial problems that threaten the entire banking system.
Bank Risk
For many months I have been warning that there will be a banking/financial cyber attack that will put the economy on it’s back. This was one of the scenarios that the banksters have been wargaming/simulating for years.
I became privy to it once it was revealed to me that not only are the banks open to it, but that they are doing nothing to prevent it.
Over the last few weeks we have seen massive interruptions from online banking to exchanges shutting down for hours at time. This is not just a mere coincidence, when one takes into account the large scale of these disruptions. It becomes clear that something is fundamentally wrong.
From payroll problems in the private sector to now the very same issues affecting the public/federal sector. This problem seems to be mounting and I believe the culprits are two fold. – V, the Guerrilla Economist, Steve Quayle Q Alerts
Over the past week, two specific events have occurred which are validating V’s information that liquidity in the financial and banking systems is causing delays, and perhaps even ‘forced outages’ to prevent outgoing cash from leaving banks in a timely manner.  A recent letter from the Federal payroll office (Comptroller General) was issued specifying that payroll for the week ending Sept. 7 is delayed until Sept. 17, citing a ‘worm virus’ as the reason for the delay.  Additionally, the state of California was found to have kept unemployment payments from up to 600000 recipients through an investigation done this week by a local television station.
For the government, there is little more than a month before the debt ceiling is once again reached, and Congress will need to vote on whether increasing the national debt is a viable option.  Coupled with this are the current discussions taking place at today’s FMOC meeting on whether to taper back bond buying and money printing QE programs, and it is likely that any slowdown in credit and liquidity to the financial system will trigger irrevocable consequences.
The Guerrilla Economist has a long track record of accurate information and forecasting, going back to calls made on the Japanese Bond market, and fragility within Deutsche Bank.  And with exterior events beginning to accumulate in the banking system that show warning signs of another liquidity crisis, the clear potential of a real or false flag cyber attack on the banks to shut them down, and keep them from collapsing, is a very real possibility.
You can find more financial updates by the Guerrilla Economist at Steve Quayle’s website under the Q Alerts section, and periodically on the Hagmann and Hagmann Report.
Kenneth Schortgen Jr is a writer for, and hosts the popular web blog, The Daily Economist. Ken can also be heard Friday evenings giving an weekly economic report on the Angel Clark radio show.

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