
Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Secret Sandy Hook Secrecy Bill.

Saturday, May 25, 2013 3:32

If it walks like a duck. Nuff Said.
———————————-  ~ Steve ~ ———————————–    posted on May 24, 2013 byMark Horne
Been wondering what has happened with the Sandy Hook case? Want many of the weird questions settled? The legislature of Connecticut has been bypassing normal open procedures to craft a bill behind closed doors that would, if passed, keep basic evidence of the crime forever behind closed doors
From the Hartford Courant, “Bill Drafted In Secret Would Block Release Of Some Newtown Massacre Records”:
Adam Lanza Adam Lanza
“The staffs of the state’s top prosecutor and the governor’s office have been working in secret with General Assembly leaders on legislation to withhold records related to the police investigation into the Dec. 14 Newtown elementary school massacre — including victims’ photos, tapes of 911 calls, and possibly more. The behind-the-scenes legislative effort came to light Tuesday when The Courant obtained a copy of an email by a top assistant to Chief State’s Attorney Kevin Kane, Timothy J. Sugrue. Sugrue, an assistant state’s attorney, discussed options considered so far, including blocking release of statements ‘made by a minor.’”
You have got to be kidding.
The bereaved Sandy Hook parents are going through hell, I’m sure, and will be doing so for years to come. But they are no more special than the bereaved parents of children who were murdered in Columbine High SchoolAs I wrote back when Michael Moore said he wanted the pictures released,
“If you use Google image search for words like crime scene columbine or Cleboldand Harris, you will find some pretty gruesome pictures. Why is Sandy Hook being treated so differently?”
This entire investigation has been shrouded in secrecy, as evidenced by repeated protests by local editorials (here and here). All this secrecy has been kept simply by the raw will of the police and whoever is overseeing them. What will happen if this becomes enshrined in law? Will it only be the bodies that are kept from view, or will we never get to see any more pictures of the bullet-ridden cars in the parking lot? Or will we be forbidden from seeing photographs of Adam Lanza’s Honda Civic with all four doors open and black sweatshirts strewn on the pavement around it? What about spent shells and the bullet holes in the interior walls? The official story makes Adam Lanza a lone gunman who managed to shoot 155 bullets in under five minutes and hit multiple targets multiple times.
Other than some professional local Connecticut Journalists, the major media has investigated nothing at all related to Sandy Hook, but rather considered it an opportunity to play Oprah Winfrey and to lobby for gun control. Many (Most? All?) of the Sandy Hook parents whose delicate privacy the Connecticut legislators are so concerned about have been aggressively lobbying in the news and in legislatures using their pain as a license to attack the second amendment. Showing the damage would further their cause, just likeMichael Moore said.
I’ve never in my life heard of the side of law and order wanting to suppress evidence. It is always the defense who wants the pictures concealed because of the fear that the jury will become enflamed with a sense of justice against the perpetrator.
What the Connecticut legislature is trying to do just seems backwards. The fact that they have tried to hide what they are doing makes it seem even more sinister.


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