
Saturday, May 25, 2013

Historic Moment: House Votes To Hold Holder In Contempt

Saturday, May 25, 2013 19:34

House votes to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt

For the first time in U.S. history, a sitting attorney general has been held in contempt of Congress.
On Thursday, the GOP-led House of Representatives voted 255-67 to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt over documents relating to the Fast and Furious scandal.
Over 100 Democrats, including the 42 members of the Congressional Black Caucus, walked out of the vote, saying the Republican leadership "has articulated no legislative purpose for pursuing this course of action."
"For these reasons, we cannot and will not participate in a vote to hold the attorney general in contempt," the CBC said in a letter.
Seventeen Democrats joined the Republican majority in voting for the contempt resolution, while two Republicans voted against it. Rep. Dan Lipinski (D-IL) voted not present.
According to USA Today:
The criminal citation will [be] sent on to the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia -- who works for Holder.
The civil contempt allows the House to sue Holder in court in an attempt to get the documents in question.
The White House responded by repeating the claim that gun-walking operations began under the Bush Administration.
"Yet," the Administration said, "Republicans pushed for political theater rather than legitimate Congressional oversight."
Attorney General Holder said that Republicans "have focused on politics over public safety."
"Instead of trying to correct the problems that led to a series of flawed law enforcement operations -- and instead of helping us find ways to better protect the brave law enforcement officers, like Agent Brian Terry, who keep us safe – they have led us to this unnecessary and unwarranted outcome," he added.
The House also voted to give Rep. Issa's Oversight and Government Reform Committee authority to sue the Justice Department in federal court to obtain the documents they seek.
Before the vote, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) said that "no Justice Department is above the law, and no Justice Department is above the Constitution, which each of us has sworn an oath to uphold."

Wikipedia: Partial list of those held in contempt since 1975 [edit]

[icon] This section requires expansion.(September 2010)
Person Subcommittee/Committee Chamber Ultimate Disposition
Rogers C.B. Morton(Republican),
Secretary of Commerce
November 11, 1975
Subcommittee of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Morton released the material to the subcommittee.
Henry Kissinger(Republican),
Secretary of State
November 15, 1975
House Select Committee on Intelligence
Citation dismissed after “substantial compliance” with subpoena.
Joseph A. Califano, Jr.(Democrat),
Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare
August 6, 1978
Subcommittee of the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce
Califano complied with the subpoena about one month after the subcommittee citation.
Charles W. Duncan, Jr.(Democrat),
Secretary of Energy
April 29, 1980
Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations
Duncan supplied the material by 14 May 1980.
James B. Edwards(Republican),
Secretary of Energy
July 23, 1981
Environment, Energy, and Natural Resources Subcommittee of the House Committee on Government Operations
Documents were delivered to Congress prior to full Committee consideration of the contempt citation.
James G. Watt(Republican),
Secretary of the Interior
February 9, 1982
Subcommittee of House Committee on Energy and Commerce
25 February 1982
House Committee on Energy and Commerce
The White House delivered documents to the Rayburn House Office Building for review by Committee members for four hours, providing for no staff or photocopies.
Anne Gorsuch(Republican),
Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
December 2, 1982
Oversight Subcommittee of the House Committee on Public Works and Transportation
House of Representatives After legal cases and a court dismissal of the executive Branch’s suit, the parties reached an agreement to provide documents.
Rita Lavelle (Republican),
EPA official
April 26, 1983
House Committee on Energy and Commerce
House of Representatives Indicted for lying to Congress; convicted; sentenced to 6 months in prison, 5 years probation thereafter, and a fine of $10,000
Jack Quinn (Democrat),
White House Counsel
David Watkins,
White House Director of Administration
Matthew Moore, White House aide
May 9, 1996
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Subpoenaed documents were provided hours before the House of Representatives was set to consider the contempt citation.
Janet Reno (Democrat),
Attorney General
August 6, 1998
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
Documents in question were revealed during the impeachment of President Clinton.
Harriet Miers(Republican),
Former White House Counsel
Joshua Bolten(Republican), White House Chief of Staff
July 25, 2007
House Committee on the Judiciary[11]
February 14, 2008
House of Representatives[12]
On March 4, 2009, Miers and former Deputy Chief of Staff to President Bush Karl Rove, agreed to testify under oath before Congress about the firings of U.S. attorneys
Eric Holder (Democrat),Attorney General June 20, 2012
House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform[13]
June 28, 2012
House of Representatives

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