
Monday, April 29, 2013

Exclusive: 333 Disarray-One foot in Heaven and One in Hell | THE GOVERNMENT RAG

Posted by George Freund on April 29, 2013 at 11:20 AM
FBI and the Suspects – According to the LA Times, “Deceased Boston Marathon bombing suspect Tamerlan Tsarnaev was identified by a foreign government as a “follower of radical Islam and a strong believer” whose personality had changed drastically in just a year, according to the FBI.”


“As investigators considered possible motives for Monday’s fatal bombings, U.S. authorities acknowledged that an unnamed government had contacted the FBI to say the 26-year-old ethnic Chechen “had changed drastically” since 2010 and was preparing to leave the United States “to join unspecified underground groups,” according to an official statement from the FBI.”

russians bin laden
Hummm, according the mother of the alleged marathon bombers. she claims that the FBI tracked the older brother for five years. She also claimed the FBI was told by Moscow that there were links to Chechen terrorists. Apparently, the FBI was convinced that the he was in contact with Islamist militants. The story is that he was inspired by Chechen rebel leader, Doku Umarov, aka Russian Bin Laden, who has been behind some of Russia’s worst crimes. The FBI then later decided that Tamerlan was not a threat even though they told his mother he was an “extremist leader.”

Is it just me or does this story stink to high heaven? The FBI followed the kid for five years? Then decided he wasn’t a threat? Where have we seen this type of behavior from the FBI before? Then, he goes out with his brother and bombs the finish line at the Boston Marathon? OMG, can’t you see what is happening here? Was this guy being used as an operative? In another development, according to Business Insider, “The mother of the suspected Boston bombers has given an exclusive interview to Britain’s Channel 4 in which she reiterates assertions that her sons were set up, and also claims that her oldest son Tamerlan is still alive.”
So, I am under the impression, along with many others, that the FBI was mentoring the brothers? Shouldn’t the media and investigators be questioning these agents that spent five years allegedly setting up these young adults. Can you see the criminal element here?
Even more recent, in another article by the Daily Mail, the mother is claiming it was all just a really big play. Were actors used fresh off the required continued educational training sign up sheet?
“Tsarnaeva earlier told CNN that she believed that the Boston marathon atrocity was a ‘really big play’ with ‘paint instead of blood’. The father of the suspected bombers Anzor Tsarnaev told the same press conference that he would travel from Russia to the United States to bury his elder son. The parents sat side by side in the southern Russian city of Makhachkala and denied their sons had planted the bombs at the Boston marathon, saying they had been framed.”
Man, this is really getting ugly…the infowar, that is. By now most Americans are really thirsty for the truth… what the heck is it?
mother comparison

Is it me or is there something strange going on here? Then in another report that was just released by ALL VOICES, titled, The terrorists recruited by Tamerlane Tsarnaeva Georgian Foundation, “Journalists of the newspaper “Izvestia” managed to get the documents Counterintelligence Department Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, which confirm that Tamerlane Tsarnaev cooperated with the Georgian organization “Fund of Caucasus”. She works with the American NGO Jamestown, which in turn recruit people from the North Caucasus to work in the interests of the U.S. and Georgia.” Cooperated? What does that mean?

“ According to the reports of Colonel Chief Directorate Counterintelligence Department Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia Gregory Chanturia, “Caucasian fund” together with the Jamestown Foundation in the summer of 2012 conducted workshops and seminars for young people of the Caucasus. Some of them attended Tsarnaev Tamerlane, who was in Russia from January to July 2012, write “News”. The activities of the “Caucasian fund” is also extended to the three border with Dagestan region of Azerbaijan – Belokan, Zakatalsky and Qakh.”
Oh my…
Interestingly enough, someone brought to my attention that there was a television show called ‘The Americans’ which are about Russian sleeper cells posing as Americas. This is just all to strange and over the past two years, there have been many reports, according to The Official Government Rag’s Mayday Page, of Russian drills taking place and sightings of Russians in the Colorado area and others. Are foreign troops here to terrorize us in the name of special operations and war games?
Oddities – First witnesses say a drill was taking place:
According to Local15News, “University of Mobile’s Cross Country Coach, who was near the finish line of the Boston Marathon when a series of explosions went off, said he thought it was odd there were bomb sniffing dogs at the start and finish lines.”
“They kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it’s just a training exercise,” Coach Ali Stevenson told Local 15. Stevenson said he saw law enforcement spotters on the roofs at the start of the race. He’s been in plenty of marathons in Chicago, D.C., Chicago, London and other major metropolitan areas but has never seen that level of security before.”
Plus, it seems there is a blackout on the information that surfaced when an article was published by squamishchief (The Chief), by writer Ben Lypka claiming, “Mike Heiliger, 59, said a woman holding several bags was telling runners who were picking up their pre-race packages in downtown Boston on Saturday (April 13) that they were going to die if they participated in the event.”
“I was downtown on Saturday and you know, you see these people on the street and think it’s just some nutbar,” he told The Chief from his Boston hotel on Monday. “It was a little creepy because you can identify who the runners are and I heard her say to this runner two feet away from me that, ‘If you run tomorrow you’re going to die.’”
After reading the article, I wondered why there was not more of a description of the woman who made the statement to Heiliger. The following was Ben Lypka’s response via email:
“Hi there: All he said was that she looked like she had come in from the airport and was carrying two bags. Sort of just a normal, random person. No other detail.”
“Kind of kicking myself for not asking that, haha.” (meaning getting a more detailed description of the woman)
Then, there is the Boston Globe, who tweeted:
“Breaking News: Police will have controlled explosion on 600 block on Boylston Street” and “Officials: There will be a controlled explosion opposite the library within one minute as part of bomb squad activities”
Clearly, the Boston Marathon happened on the same day as a controlled explosion was taking place by a bomb squad.
Another unanswered question is the dogs. These bomb squad dogs are specifically trained to sniff out and hunt down explosive devices. There were numerous reports following the bombing that verified that the bomb dogs had been deployed beforehand to help secure the area of the marathon. Security and multiple police offers reported that there is no way anyone could have got in there with explosives as tight as security was. Why didn’t the bomb-dogs catch this? The only plausible answer is that maybe they were trained to ignore their own training devices? Just a thought to ponder on. If this not the case then are we just wasting taxpayer dollars to show off super-hero dogs that really are not as cracked up to be as the doggie trainers claim? Worth pondering on as well… I wonder if a FOIA would cover finding out if any law enforcement dogs were injured or killed in the bombing and/or blood-thirsty man-hunt that took place?


Controlled bombs were announced all day and into the night and the next day. I personally remember hearing on a live feed through FOX NEWS when the second suspect was being hunted down that there was a controlled explosion taking place. I was not able to catch the location.

finish line devices and chips

THE BOMBS – Well. All pressure cooker owners, bicycle shops with nails, ball bearings, and gun powder users better get ready for some heavy duty demonizing as the government will probably find away to make individuals register these items. I mean, won’t you feel safer if granny has to go through a FBI check to can some family goods from the garden? So now will all potential bicycles and other items that require ball bearings be potentially dangerous and become a public health threat? If we register all the ball bearings and call the police every time someone needs a wheel replaced, will be be a safer nation? Come on people, I am trying to joke around here. You know as well as I do our legislators have done far crazier psychopathic things.
Apparently, the bombs used were labeled ‘pressure cooker bombs.’ The bombs are said to have been built inside of six litre pressure cookers and packed with shards of metal, nails, ball bearings, gun powder from fireworks, and possibly set-off by electronic timer. According to a 2008 Boston Globe article, titled, Marathon as dry-run disaster, “a tracking system that utilizes barcodes and hand scanners to log a patient’s condition and location has been tested during past races. During a real disaster, this technology could provide authorities quick access to the location and condition of casualties, information that currently takes hours, if not days, for friends and families of the injured to ascertain.”
The picture above shows a man holding an electronic device and some speculate this could have been the electronic device that detonated the bomb. I have had some people also tell me personally that have participated in marathons that the runner numbers that the runners wear also have chips inside of them. I found it interesting that following the bombing, Geraldo blamed the Boston bombing in part on the New Hampshire’s fireworks regulations claiming they were too lax. Go figure, eh?
geraldo tweet
pressure cooker2
leaving scene with backpack
The two explosions that rocked Boylston Street were approximately 11-12 seconds apart. The first explosion has been reported at 671 Boylston Street, the second Is at 755 Boylston Street, where Dzhokhar allegedly left is back pack with the bomb. Pictures have surfaced of the alleged suspects carrying backpacks but are they really the sole brother bombers? Some have questioned the photograph of Dzhokhar Tsarnaev leaving the scene that the dinosaur media claims proves he walked away from the scene without a backpack. It apparently shows signs of being photo-shopped to cover up the strap and extend the arm to appear there is no backpack. Other researchers have said it appears the arm is at an angle that covers the backpack but you can faintly see the strap coming over his shoulder. I am not an expert in photographs so hopefully someone independent that is can shed some more light on this question. (Right) – photo in question).
Are they patsies? It seems convenient for the mainstream and AP press to not discuss the ‘other’ suspects that have surfaced that apparently swept under the rug that were also carrying backpacks that fit the description shown in mainstream reports of the blown-up backpack. On the morning of the bombing, the 333 Disarray (Dysarray) leak went out on The Power Hour with Joyce Riley. 04192013;hr3;min10:05)
A very interesting discovery surfaced when a Boston Public Health course presentation, presented by Chief EMS, Richard Serino, following the marathon bombing. It is titled, course_18_-_tale_of_two_cities_and_the_running_of_a_planned_mass_casualty_event_-_serino_richard
tale of two cities10
tale of two cities11

Alex Jones, has claimed from the first day of the bombing that pictures have surfaced that may suggest that the Navy Seals and possibly Craft International Private Military Forces were also present at the Boston Marathon. Many other researchers, blogs and other alternative media have questioned their presence as well.The men were seen with backpacks and then suddenly, they didn’t have them. Were they taking place during a ‘full-scale’ mass casualty event during the Boston Marathon? Were they contractors that were hired to interrupt (or add a little bomb-shell) to a scheduled drill to go live? Remember, most participants do not know they are part of a psyop. Then, those that question it either go missing or come up dead like so many others in past events. Were they hired to do a bait and switch? Do people, who are questionable at this event, getting away with terrorism? Are they Blackwater or Craft? More research needs to be done to verify who these people are. Were they hired as additional security? It would seem possible to have extra security but an international company? The police seem to be wearing safety vests that day. The pictures below are a compilation of other sources and social media sites.
could be craft international
The first bomb explodes at 669 Boylston St., where Dzhokhar allegedly left the backpack. Were all these people working together or were the brothers stalked for years until the right moment (during full-scale operation) and then nabbed like a ‘hot-off-the-press’ patsy? Go ahead and call me a conspiracy theorist and whatever else makes you zombies incredibly stupid.

photos released of suspects huffington
In the Jared Lee Loughner investigation, I have questioned whether the bait and switch happened there as well as evidence surfaced that suggested Giffords’ office sent out invitations to people who were not supporters before the event. I had people tell me personally they thought it was strange that they received an invitation when they were not supporters. Was Jared at the event when the shooting went down and then arrested at the scene after the shooting only to become a patsy? You can read about that in my book APPLEZEBRA11 how they set-up Jared Lee Loughner. Just like the questionable story at Sandy Hook. Was Adam Lanza dead upon arrival at the scene that day? Maybe someday, that question can be cleared up.
After investigating the Loughner case, nothing surprises me anymore. Still, over half the nation appears to be drugged up on poisonous beer, mind-controlled television, and fluoride. I cannot believe it. This nation is in shambles. One thing appears to be clear, the backpack used in one of the explosion appears to match the backpack of the men who appear to look like a military and/or government contractor, by the issued clothing.
Even more strange is an article surfaced from Channel 2 Action News claiming that Sen. Saxby Chambliss told them that law enforcement may have had prior knowledge this was going to happen. Do you think! Chambliss said, “There now appears that may have been some evidence that was obtained by one of the law enforcement agencies that did not get shared in a way that it could have been. If that turns out to be the case, then we have to determine whether or not that would have made a difference.”
MORE PEOPLE FOUND ON THE ROOFTOPS – A savvy citizen, who took it upon himself to look at the photos that surfaced following the event put together the following photos, which raises more questions than answers. It appears that two more people are spotted on the rooftops close to the finish line. One photo had already surfaced in the media questioning a man found on the rooftop, but were there more? Who are these people. Are they extra police security? Were they FBI? Were they government contractors?
The first picture lays out there the bombings were and where the men were located.
roland map

Boston1 pik retrieved from Roland Pierce
The following two picture has been put together by Roland Pierce, who has taken a comprehensive look at the photos that surfaced. New evidence suggests that there were more shady people spotted on the rooftops.
The building of 651 Boylston Street is at the location of Copley Healthcare. Mr Pierce discovered that two more people have been sighted on their rooftops. When the first blast happened, there was movement on the rooftop. Pierce says, “As soon as the Boston Bombings happened I told my dad that with so much video and camera footage about we were likely to catch something. The internet has been a buzz about the “man on the roof” during the second explosion but I want to also point out that near the first explosion there was ALSO a man (possibly two) on the roof. That seems like it needs further investigation and I wanted to present to you my findings.” Boston1 pik circles the location of the “roof-men” and the location of the bombs. Boston2 pik shows the first explosion and Boston3 pik shows the second explosion.

In the Boston2 pik (see below), is the location of Copley Health Alliance located at 651 Boylston Street. It is this building, close to the finish line that as many as two more men, dressed in dark clothing are located on the rooftop. Under close examination it appears they are a chiropractic center and private building. Mr. Pierce emailed the company and asked them if they knew there were suspicious people spotted on their buildings roof. They did not reply. At first, one could dismiss these people as possibly by-standards or possible residents that may live in apartments above the chiropractic center but not so fast. In a video that surfaced from Boston Globe, around the 0:36 mark, shows one, possible two others on the roof. The only oddity that the people appear to be dressed in dark clothing. If they were residents that were on the roof, they would more than likely appear to have some color around them or move around more trying to get piks or see what was happening. These people appear to be hiding or possible trying to disguise their location. (photo retrieved from Copley Health Alliance, Chiropractic).
These people appear to be placed in their ‘nest’ and stay there and hide or wait for a safe escape route. There appears to be no obstruction or shadows. If you watch the Boston Globe video closely, it appears to me that they are ‘peeking’ over the building. Are these people assassins or are they watching and reporting the every movement of the alleged brother suspects or following the patsies? Worth checking into more. If these people were not residents or employees of Copley, then who are they? Why do they appear to be dressed in black or very dark clothing, including possible face masks? This new evidence may support the theory that other government contractors and/or security may be involved.
Another interesting discovery is on Copley Healthcare’s website, they provide links that are of interest to their company. I found the first three very odd. They are Whole Foods and Institute of Russian Healing Arts. These links really don’t necessarily mean anything, but it sure is surprising if you ask me considering Whole Foods just recently caved to Monsanto and the Russian story line in this case. In the JLL case, the link to OBAMACARE, changing the laws, attorneys, and healthcare companies intertwine. It is all for lowering the cost of doing business, increasing revenues, keeping us all safe, and stripping us of our liberties. Gun control is deeply connected to the financial insurance security and running BETA tests and drills can do a nice job of predicting the future in the medical industry.

Boston2 pik (above and right), Sight of two more people spotted on rooftops. Courtesy of Roland Pierce
The following picture is of 755 Boylston Street. This is the address of the second bombing. It is the location that 9/11 was reintroduced so that we can never forget. This message was presented by Heather Abbott, a Human Resource employee at Raytheon in Portsmouth, R.I. Yes that is right!
Michelle Obama visited with Abbot at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Is this the same day she visited with the alleged Saudi terrorist that was first reported in custody after the bombing that quickly changed to ‘nothing to see here, go back to sleep’ story? The Saudi story will be discussed further down.
Anyway, according to the Seattle Times, Abbott says, “I felt like I was watching the footage on 9/11.” Abbott received a token from Michelle Obama called the ‘challenge coin’ for wounded service members and their families.
***In the Tucson shooting, two people from Raytheon surfaced. One that was on the board of directors at the school Christina-Taylor Green attended and a victim who was shot, James Tucker, who is a now connected to ‘victim’s compensation funds’ and gun control. I have wondered of Tucker was a super-hero…
“James L. Tucker, an environmental-health and -safety fire inspector at Raytheon Missile Systems in Tucson and Safety Inspector Instructor at Fire Academy, Age 58, was shot (2) times; once in the right leg and once in the shoulder. Following the shooting, published an article quoting Tucker on his feelings over the shooting. He stated, “I really believe the only thing we have control over is our thoughts,” Tucker reflects. “What we listen to, what we watch, what we read. It’s all input that goes into our mind. And out of these thoughts we verbalize, and from the things we verbalize come our actions. By repeated actions we form habits that in turn form our character. So we’re pretty much a result of what we were five years ago in our thoughts. My wife and I choose to be uplifting people. If we see something not good, we try to make it good. If we see something good, we try to make it better. The shooter took a different path.” Note to the reader: Notice how Mr. Tucker focuses on verbalizing our thoughts aka freedom of speech? Tucker also has a connection to the Tucson Fire Department.” – Stephanie Sledge; APPLEZEBRA11 – A Case File
Just so the nation does not ever forget…
“Raytheon, the giant globalist leader of defense, government electronics, and special aircraft contractor makes billions in the Afghanistan killing fields. When the attacks took place on 9/11, an interesting fact that came to light was many or all of their employees who worked on the Patriot Missile Projects were on flights 11, 77, and 175 that struck the Twin Towers and the Pentagon on the day of the 9/11 attacks. Peter Gay, 54, Tewksbury, MA – Stanley Hall, 68, Clifton, Va – David Kovalcin, 42, Hudson, NH – and Kenneth Waldie, 46, Methuen, Mass were among the victims. Raytheon set-up a special disaster-relief fund service through Red Cross grants following 9/11.” – APPLEZEBRA11 – A CASE FILE
The picture labeled Boston3, shows where the first blast explosion took place. It was at a restaurant, that is heavily trafficked by Boston Red Sox fans. It is here that 9/11 was reintroduced. Heather Abbott, 39, was allegedly was celebrating the Patriots’ Day Red Sox Game at Fenway Park. She claims her and her friends left early and headed to the restaurant, Forum, where the former New England Patriots always gather to raise money for Joe Andruzzi’s Cancer Foundation.
The restaurant is close to the finish line. For the record: Wikipedia, the first explosion happened outside of Marathon Sports at 671-673 Boylston Street. Then they report that the second blast is reported at 755 Boylston. (We all know Wikipedia cannot really be trusted as a reference but someone is writing the history according to the plan, right?)
Interestingly enough, it was reported by the Boston Globe that the initial blast was at Marathon Sports at 671-673 Boylston Street, and then they removed the article. Wikipedia, then began their record collecting and reported that same address also. All other reports have reported 755 Boylston Street as being where the first blast took place and 669 Boylston as the second. There are still conflicting reports as some have even reported 666 Boylston. I could not confirm that address.
“The first exploded outside Marathon Sports (Marathon Place) at 671–673 Boylston Street at 2:49:43 p.m. EDT.[20]At the time of the first explosion, the race clock at the finish line showed 04:09:43.[21]The second bomb was located one block farther west at 755 Boylston Street and exploded at 2:49:57 p.m. EDT,[16][22]about 13 seconds after the first one.[5]” – Wikipedia
Interestingly enough, the candy store, where it is reported that the first bomb went off is listed at 669 Boylston, according to their website but their business registration with the State of Connecticut is listed at 673 Boylston.
669 and 673
755 boyston street roland pierce
Boston3 Pik – Roland Pierce

George Freund, from Conspiracy Cafe questions another business at the location, which belongs to a law firm called Brody, Hardoon, Perkins, & Kesten, LLC that may have ties to the LIBOR scandal. I could not confirm the address but it does not mean all these shops are not grouped together in the same complex/plaza.
victim standing and alleged bomber

Some bloggers have questioned how this could have happened when it comes to the reinforcement behind the area of the bombings that were in place before the race. It does seem like it would be very difficult to get out. What about the photo that is circulating that the alleged bomber brothers were seen by the 8-year old that was killed that day? Many media reports claim that 8-year old Martin was waiting for his father a the finish line when the bomb exploded. The photograph taken clearly shows the boy was in front of the Forum restaurant at the second explosion where all the Red Sox Fans gather. So let me get this straight… the boy was photographed at the location of 755 Boylston, which was the exact location of the second bombing but is reported to have been at the finish line waiting for his dad when he was killed by the first bomb? Hummm… are you starting to see a pattern here with baseball and these events? Nancy Lanza, the mother of the alleged Sandy Hook killer (Adam Lanza), loved the Red Sox too.
THE TWIST – This year, the Boston Marathon was dedicated to the Sandy Hook/Newtown victims that happened on December, 14th, 2012. There were 26 victims according to the official reports. At the race, there were 26 stars dedicated for every life lost. Each mile marker represented a victim.
There were Newtown parents that were running in the race to help raise money for local charities. According to the Atlantic Wire, “Newtown families were reportedly seated in the VIP section right by where the explosions went off.”
obama boston
When there is tragedy, there is always a memorial and with these types of events, there are victim’s compensation funds and non-profits that pop up everywhere to never forget the tragedies of this nation. Since 9/11 everything there has been a tragedy, it is quickly turned into a national tragedy. The government is always been known to memorialize the disaster. Some researchers even question if there is an occult ritual attached to these tragic events. The Boston marathon, was a celebration to the Newtown shooting victims and a 26 sec moment of silence was observed. T-shirts with victims name surfaced and were passed around, and the memorial plaque positioned next to the explosions (photo retrieved from Dallas News).
Someone mentioned on social networking site that those in dark satanic arts know to stay away. A special 26-mile marker was for all to see that had green colors and the municipal seal on bottom emblem with 26 stars circling. Was this a death sentence? I don’t know but it sure appears to me a prime-time event. How the ratings must skyrocket to keep the advertisers happy in corporate media. After all, the dinosaur media’s ratings are said to be dropping at a rapid rate. Problem, reaction, solution… oh how the media operates. Who is playing who?
sandy marathon
sandy memorials 26

Continued Part 3

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