
Monday, April 29, 2013

Exclusive: 333 Disarray-One foot in Heaven & One in Hell

Posted by George Freund on April 29, 2013 at 10:45 AM
The Boston Bombing Deception & the New Amerika (Part 1)
New Exclusive Photos of possibly two more people on rooftops found! New Evidence and associations may suggest connections to Loughner case!
Stephanie Sledge, The Government Rag, Opinion
A comprehensive look at the Boston Marathon Bombing
Original photo retrieved from Tattoo Donkey
“The modern mind is in complete disarray. Knowledge has stretched itself to the point where neither the world nor our intelligence can find any foot-hold. It is a fact that we are suffering from nihilism.” – Camus, Albert
I will have to admit, it took me a few days to unwrap the duct-tape holding my head together as the entire spoon-fed pressure cooker Marathon bombing story unfolded over the past week. The first bombing that took place was approximately around 3:00pm on April 15th, near the finish line. Three people were reported killed and as many as 264 have been injured.
The deceased victims are 8 year-old Martin Richard, 29 year-old Krystle M. Campbell of Medford, Massachusetts, and 23-year-old Lu Lingzi, a Boston University graduate student from Shenyang, Liaoning.
marathon bombing victims
blast compilation

I had to absorb as much information as I could and process it thoroughly before I wrote this article. My first reaction was to step up to the typing plate and regurgitate the history that is spewed like a flame from a dragon’s mouth. I am sure the official story will go down in American history just exactly how the Washington round table would like it to be published. That seems to be the case in many questionable tragedies we have seen in this country. We still, like disgraceful mind-controlled puppets, continue to allow ourselves and our children to be indoctrinated into false beliefs, a fake paradigm, and an educational system that thrives on dramatizing lies and deception.
If you do not notice the real pattern by now, then there is no hope for you or your family in this country. America is now at the cusp of the New Amerika. Face it fellow Citizens, we have one foot in Heaven and the other in Hell.
I will lay out the official story first, then the oddities, conflicting reports, cover-ups in the making and more. It is all becoming clear now, and we are definitely seeing the change that we can believe in. That’s for sure…
tsarnaev brothers daily mail
According to the mainstream and A/P reports (OFFICIAL STORY) that flooded the media spectrum, two of seven bombs went off close to the finish line at the Boston Marathon. Immediately following the bombing, the entire city of Boston went into lock-down, while a massive man-hunt took place for two suspects that are described in the mainstream and A/P press of being Muslim brothers from Russia and having ties to Chechen Terrorism. The two men, 26 year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev (Suspect#1) and 19 year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (Suspect#2) were brothers, accused of the Marathon bombings were then hunted down in the Boston and surrounding areas. The manhunt can only be compared to a raccoon being preyed upon and hunted down by a team of hungry blood-thirsty hound dogs.
sean collier mit officer killed during shootout daily mail
It is reported that around 10pm, the brothers allegedly hijacked a Mercedes SUV and robbed a 7/11 convenient store in Cambridge, near the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Now, that story has changed and they are not linked to the 7/11 robbery. According to USA Today, the 7/11 robbery had nothing to do with the brothers. The brothers allegedly kept the driver of the car hostage for approximately ½ hour as they were throwing bombs at cops and exchanging gun fire. They were reported to have let the hostage (car owner) go safely. Around 10:20, an MIT officer down was reported, who was later identified at 26 year-old Sean Collier.
Around 4am on April 19th, gunfire was reportedly exchanged after and the older brother, Tamerlan, was reported to have been captured and possible dead at the scene. The second suspect (Dzhokhar) was reported to have fled on foot.
According to the Examiner, there was an authentic death photo of the older brother leaked to Reddit. The photograph is very graphic and violent in nature and I chose not to post it here on this blog. Some have questioned the wounds on the body in conjunction with the official story. According to the Huffington Post, “Dr. David Schoenfeld said 26-year-old Tamerlan Tsarnaev was unconscious and had so many penetrating wounds when he arrived at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center early Friday that it isn’t clear which ones killed him, and a medical examiner will have to determine the cause of death.” The FBI prevented the doctor from elaborating anymore on the man’s wounds. It appeared he had wounds from head-to-toe.
According to the Daily Mail, “Tsarnaev’s clothes had been cut off by emergency responders at the scene, so if he had been wearing a vest with explosives, he wasn’t by the time he arrived at the hospital, the doctor said. ‘From head to toe, every region of his body had injuries,’ he said. ‘His legs and arms were intact – he wasn’t blown into a million pieces’ – but he lost a pulse and was in cardiac arrest, meaning his heart and circulation had stopped, so CPR, or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation, was started.”
According to CNN, “A shootout erupted and ultimately one bomber — later identified as Tamerlan Tsarnaev — got out of the car. Police shot him, and his brother ran over him as he drove away, according to the law enforcement source, who spoke on condition of anonymity.”
Another interesting turn of events was when a video surfaced of a naked man being arrested all over social media sites claiming it was suspect #1, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and that he was still alive – or at least the time of arrest. I cannot confirm this video. I do know however that the police deny it and the aunt says it is her nephew. Even with the aunt claiming that it is her nephew, some question it because of the amount of hair on Tsarnaev’s chest is different than the man in the arrest photo. I cannot be sure considering the lighting at night of the arrest picture and the fact that a chest can be shaved. Even more evidence emerges that a caller, who called into a radio show and lives in the same neighborhood also told the nation that suspect #1 was in-fact ran over and by the police who were driving a SUV. Hummmm, just exactly who was driving the SUV? Just asking…
ABC father sm
Then, around 9:22am, according to the Huffington Post time-line, a license plate was tweeted by the Boston Police (MA-316-ES9), which was described as a 1999 Honda CRV (Grey) that the suspect may be driving. CT State police told Boston authorities this vehicle may be involved.
During the locked down manhunt, approximately around 9:30, the uncle of the suspects, Ruslan Tsarni, confirms the names of his nephew brothers. “They do not deserve to exist on this earth,” he tells CBS in Boston. In part 2 of the article, I will cover information about the uncle’s possible ties with the CIA and how it relates to the Tucson 2011/Jared Lee Loughner patsy case.
At around 10:30pm, the father of the alleged suspects tells ABC News,“If they killed him, then all hell would break loose.”
He also states, “If they kill my second child, I will know that it is an inside job, a hit job. The police are to blame,” the father told ABC News. “Someone, some organization is out to get them.” Many researchers across the media spectrum are asking the question whether or not this organization that the father mentions might be the FBI.
Channel 4 News, reports, that the father of the two suspects in the Boston marathon bombing has told them, “the FBI contacted his son by telephone days before he was tracked down and killed.”
The alleged Boston Bombing suspects also have two sisters, not in contact with brothers, that live in West New York, NJ. They are ages 22 and 24. Later in the day, the father urges his younger son to turn himself in. Later in the day, the FBI is said to have visited the suspect’s sister who lives in northern N.J.
At approximately 11:15am, the Chechen President, Razman Kadyrov, releases a statement as he denied any connection between the Tsarnaevs and Chechnya He also said that the U.S. must examine their U.S. Roots. According to BuzzFeed,“In a Russian-language statement on Instagram, the Russian-backed president of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, criticized American authorities for killing one of the two Chechen-born men suspected in the Boston bombing, and blamed the United States — not Chechnya — for shaping the bombers.”
“Any attempt to draw a connection between Chechnya and Tsarnaevs — if they are guilty — is futile. They were raised in the United States, and their attitudes and beliefs were formed there. It is necessary to seek the roots of this evil in America. The whole world must struggle against terrorism — that we know better than anyone else. We hope for the recovery of all the victims, and we mourn with the Americans.”
Notice how the Chechen President blames being raised in America and uses the words “their attitudes and beliefs.” Smells like current agenda that is taking place to rid the First Amendment in America.
11:50: Maret Tsarnaev, the aunt of the alleged bombing suspects is interviewed and claims that the brothers are innocent. She also claims oldest nephew has a wife and daughter. She tells the Toronto Sun, “My brother’s two boys, they are growing up so fast. My first reaction is, ‘Why the hell would they do this?” She also claims the boys were ‘set-up’ and they may have been framed. She is also quoted live in an interview posted on YouTube from PBS, “Convince me,” and “Why doesn’t the FBI give me more?”
Interestingly enough, Connecticut Police Lt. Paul Vance posts an alert for a new car of interest. A 99′ green Honda Sedan with the license plate MA-116GC7. Lt. Paul Vance was the police spokesperson immediately following the Sandy Hook/Newtown school massacre. There are still hundreds of unanswered questions in that case. None of which, I must say are being answered by Lt. Vance.
CNN Reports, “Richard H. Donohue Jr., 33, a three-year veteran of the transit system police force, was shot and wounded in the incident and taken to a hospital, a transit police spokesman said Friday. The officer’s condition was not immediately known. Another 15 police officers were treated for minor injuries sustained during the explosions and shootout, Jennifer Kovalich, a spokeswoman for St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center, said.”
Around 7:30pm, shots around Watertown were heard. At approximately 9:00pm, the second suspect was apprehended after he was found through thermal imaging hiding inside a boat located at the residence of 67 Franklin Street in Watertown. He was arrested at the scene with severe throat injuries. According to the Daily Mail, “They say it appears from the wound that he might have stuck a gun in his mouth, and fired and actually just went out the back of his neck without killing him.” Huh? Another ending that was supposed to be a result of a self-inflicted gun shot wound? Oh brother people! Someone out there must wonder if they crushed his throat so he could never be able to speak again. Just a thought. It seems these police state employees we have on our hands here in America will stop at nothing to get the so-called bad guys. Now, the story has changed again and according to Lew Rockwell’s Blog, the suspect did not have a gun-fight with police because he was not even armed… Huh? Can someone please borrow me more duct-tape so I can piece my head back together?Has anyone considered that these brothers do not appear to be radical Russian Islamists in appearance? I do not mean to offend anyone but I thought those radicals Islamist Militants have beards with no mustaches? At least, the bead anyway. The brothers appear to be western civilized and clean shaving? Are they not?
Were drones used over Boston? The drone war has taken off since the bombings and then the Boston Police Chief now wants drones over Boston and at next years marathon. Can we begin to wonder if some BETA testing was taking place?
Retrieved: Daily Mail
suspect arrested daily mail
Retrieved: Daily Mail
According to the City’s police chief, Ed Davis,
“the men were planning more attacks across the city and were already building the bombs to do this.” He continued to say that he believed that they were going to attack individuals and the information was “based on the evidence at the scene and the cache of weapons the brothers had at their disposal.” Really?
“Handguns, a rifle and at least six bombs, three of which detonated were found at the scene on Friday after officers had their first showdown with the Boston bombing brothers in Watertown, Massachusetts.” Really?
There is talk now in the media that Dzhokhar Tsarnaev may be charged with using a weapon of mass destruction to kill people. There is no death penalty in Massachusetts.
police tweet justice has won
As the final touch to the make sure the ending of the story was seen and heard across the nation, the Boston Police tweeted , “Terror is over. And Justice has won.” This statement should be frightening as it is pure proof of a merging super-hero syndrome, where police chiefs are willing to trade life for life and the police departments are willing to take justice in their own hands. Mr. Boston Police Department, justice has not won… Justice will be served when the jury decides his fate. Justice is served when the evidence is presented and the man is found innocent or guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. Justice is when habeas corpus is followed and not indefinite detention. The terror is over? Did you really say that? How do you know that to be fact? How do you sleep at night? It is not your job to take justice in your department’s own hands. Shame on you. Have you been hanging out with Sheriff Dupnik?
According to numerous reports, at first, the suspect#2 was not to receive his Miranda rights even though he was given naturalized citizenship on 9/11/2012. Yes that is right people, 9/11…, well that is what the Washington Post and CNN reported and then magically, it’s gone. Wikipedia is still listing this information and citing the references. Remember, Jared Lee Loughner was allegedly born the day before 9/11, Christina-Taylor Green was born on 9/11, the perpetrators always seem to be obsessed with 9/11, and on and on and on. We obviously must never forget…??????

Miranda rights were finally given to Dzhokhar during a court hearing (No. 13-MJ02016-MBB) on April 22, 2013 by magistrate judge, Honorable Marianne B. Bowler. In addition, the suspect was assigned a court appointed attorney, William Fink ESQ from Boston. The prosecuting attorney is William D. Weinreb. An interesting fact in the court document is that Dzhokhar is noted to ’nod’ his head in most of the hearing (meaning a non-verbal communication) but then one question he is said to have answered, “no.” Is this confirmation that the suspect now able to answer after having his throat crushed? If so, why does he not answer verbally on the other questions? Another hearing is set for May 30th: 10:00am. He is in the custody of the Marshals.
criminal complaint
suspect answers
However, the older brothers citizenship was apparently on hold as they were worried about domestic violence. According to the NY Times, “Department of Homeland Security officials decided in recent months not to grant an application for American citizenship by Tamerlan Tsarnaev, one of two brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombings, after a routine background check revealed that he had been interviewed in 2011 by the F.B.I., federal officials said on Saturday.”
He is innocent until proven guilty. It is a shame to see the so-called investigative journalists and reporters label him as the “Boston Bomber” because I haven’t seen any complete evidence of this yet. Where is the Sheriff? Was he stripped of his powers like so many others along the East coast?

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