
Monday, March 25, 2013


Posted by George Freund on March 25, 2013 at 11:05 AM

Just in case you haven't heard a rare deadly biohazard has disappeared from the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) in Galveston. It wasn't really very much. It was one of five viles of the virus Guanarito. The University says it was most likely destroyed in a cleanup. 
That is all well and good, but Guanarito virus can be about 23% lethal in reported cases. It is also known as Venezuelan hemorrhagic fever (VHF). That adds a little spice to the equation since the death of former President of Venezuela Hugo Chavez recently. VHF is part of a set of viruses known as Machupo, Guanarito, Junin and Sabia viruses, cause Bolivian, Venezuelan, Argentine and Brazilian hemorrhagic fever, respectively, with mortality rates of about 30 percent.
They are classified as NIAID Category A Priority Pathogens and must be handled in Biosafety Level 4 containment facilities. They are deemed a potential terrorist threat. However, they are hemorrhagic diseases.
Symptoms of VHF include fever, fatigue, dizziness, muscle aches, loss of strength and exhaustion, according to the CDC. In severe cases, the condition can cause bleeding under the skin, in internal organs or from a person’s eyes, ears or mouth.


Patients rarely die as a result of blood loss, but VHF can cause shock, nervous system malfunction, coma, seizures and in some cases, kidney failure. Beyond supportive therapy (therapy designed to reinforce or sustain a patient’s psychological well being) there is “no other treatment or established cure for VHFs,” the US health agency said.
“The medical branch says the virus, native to Venezuela, is transmitted only through contact with Venezuelan rats. It is not believed to be able to survive in US rodents or to be transmitted person-to-person,” the AP said.
Of course that will become widely known. What is NOT widely known is your CONSPIRACY HOST reported the possibility of a serious viral threat emerging a couple of weeks ago when he read the Douglas Adams Google doodle. There were two pre-dominate themes. One was nuclear. The other was viral. 

Pathogen loosed upon an unsuspecting world
Pathogen spread by rodents as a primary vector
The codes are part of the twilight language. They cannot lie. They can only be ignored because they are not understood, and this presenter is the ONLY ONE who can read them. You see these viruses are endemic to specific countries in Latin America. You don't need a coup or a mercenary army. You only need the cure. Surrender your country and you'll be given one. Lose a vial and we'll see what happens, but we said it would happen here at Conspiracy Cafe before anyone else ever heard of Guanarito virus.

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