
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Why every U.S. city is like a Brazilian nightclub inferno with no exits for the masses printable article

Originally published January 29 2013

Why every U.S. city is like a Brazilian nightclub inferno with no exits for the masses

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) As most of the connected world knows by now, 230 people died recently in a Brazilian nightclub "as fire ravaged the building." Why didn't those 230 people get out of the burning building? Because all the exits were blocked except one, of course. And bouncers wouldn't let people leave because they couldn't determine whether the patrons had yet paid for their drinks.

So 230 people tragically died, yet again, in yet another fire of a nightclub, just like all the previous fires of previous nightclubs that have killed countless others over the past several decades. Why doesn't humanity learn?

Here's another question: Why is all this relevant to you?

Because people like myself, Alex Jones, Gerald Celente and a few others are precisely the kind of people who would have warned everyone to get the heck out of the nightclub BEFORE the fire broke out.

We would have been called "fear mongering pessimists," of course, for pointing out things like, "Hey, there's only one exit for this entire building." People who point out reality are now called "pessimists," and the act of warning people about reality is called "fear mongering." If your neighbor's house is burning down and you tell him about it, you are condemned for "being negative."

Life is so much easier, we're told, if we all just drink, party, dance, socialize and don't pay any attention to the real situation around you. That's trendy! That's the kind of happy happy here-look-at-my-funny-cat-photos kind of crap that will go viral on Facebook.

Why you should listen to the critical thinkers who point out problems

Although people like myself are often called pessimists, we're actually society's early warning systems.

When most people stroll into a restaurant, they only care about what's on the menu. I care far more about who is in the restaurant and where the exits are located. That's the difference between a victim and a survivor. Victims foolishly rely on somebody else to protect them and they put their safety in someone else's hands. Survivors take responsibility for their own safety and welfare. They think critically about their surroundings, and they take steps to minimize risk.

How do you minimize risk? All crowds are inherently dangerous, for starters. Crowds are insane and have no compassion for individuals. Crowds out in an open space like a public park pose very little danger, but crowds inside buildings or even sports stadiums have murdered countless thousands of innocent victims.

Nightclubs are inherently dangerous as well. For starters, they won't let you bring weapons into most nightclubs, rendering you completely defenseless. See, if some of those people in Brazil had been allowed to carry handguns, they could have shot the idiotic bouncers and fought open an evacuation route for all the other people who then could have been saved. And yes, if some bar bouncer is trying to prevent me and 200 other people from exiting a burning building, he will absolutely be dealt with using whatever force is necessary, especially if there are other innocent lives at stake which might be saved by doing so.

But all that is beside the point. The real point here is that every major U.S. city is a lot like a Brazilian nightclub that's about to go up in flames. Here's why...

How U.S. cities are like "Brazilian nightclubs" with the exits blocked

If you're an American living in a city right now, you are metaphorically living inside a crowded nightclub with the exits blocked. Most U.S. cities are impossible for the vast majority of the population to evacuate. Roads are too few and population numbers are too high (too dense).

In Brazil, people died because they couldn't leave, so they were forced to keep inhaling the smoke which eventually caused their deaths. In U.S. cities like Los Angeles, New York City and Miami, a sufficiently large "collapse" event will cause similar mass death because people can't escape, and many will die from the violence, starvation, dehydration and disease that results from a crisis event.

As a simple thought experiment, suppose a terrorist organization plants a bomb at the base of the massive water pumps that push water up and over the Tehachapi Mountains and deliver it to the city of Los Angeles. One bomb is all it would take to cause an instant water shortage across the region. How do you supply emergency water to the nearly four million people in that city? You call FEMA, and then they come screw everything up like they always do. People will drop dead waiting for FEMA to save them.

The federal government is largely incompetent and unable to deliver much of anything except tyranny. I remember that during the central Texas fires two years ago, the feds showed up and actually ordered local firefighters to stop putting out fires and go home. Usually, the feds make every problem worse than it was to begin with.

Within 24 hours of water being cut off in Los Angeles, you'll have fights, stabbings and shootings over water sold at retail stores. Within 96 hours, you'll have riots in the streets. A few days later, people will simply start dropping dead from dehydration. Those who manage to escape will face hundreds of miles of desert -- an almost impenetrable geographic barrier unless you have water, fuel and firearms.

Even worse, what happens if a solar flare takes out the power grid transformers across the nation? Now you've got a nationwide "grid down" scenario that instantly turns EVERY major city into a Brazilian nightclub inferno. People can't evacuate. Gas stations can't pump gas, and nobody stores enough gas to leave the cities. So the cars stall out on the highway, creating miles and miles of road blocks that effectively trap even more people inside the city.

Smart people who live in cities have planned their escape routes. Naive people who live in cities simply can't imagine anything going wrong. The tap water always works, they imagine. The electricity is always on. The highways are navigable, 911 answers its phones, and so on. They cannot imagine a city with no food, no water, no electricity, no police and no 911. This is all way outside their delusional realm of existence.

And so they live their lives inside literal death traps. They watch the news coverage of the Brazilian nightclub inferno, and they think, "How could those people be so stupid?" But they fail to look in the mirror.

If you are living in a high population density city anywhere in the world, you are living inside a death trap.

If you're not prepared to survive, you're no better off than the Brazilian nightclub victims

Preppers are survivors. And it's not about hoarding a bunch of canned food, it's about a mindset of caution. We look critically at the world around us and take steps to reduce risks to our safety and our lives.

Only a very small minority of the total population has a prepper mindset. Over 90 percent of the people living in the world today are clueless when it comes to prepping; oblivious to the actual threats that exist to their lives and safety.

Sure, they can be easily manipulated into focusing fear on one thing -- such as guns -- but back at their home or apartment, they will have ZERO backup water supplies, no water purification equipment, no bug out bag, no escape route, no stored fuel, no means for self defense, and not even the sense to know how to navigate with a map and compass. (It's all GPS these days.)

I urge you to become the kind of person who has the sense to get away from the "death trap" cities and become a prepper. Learn how to live in the country, and better yet move to the country NOW while you still have that opportunity.

The lower the population density, the safer you'll be in a grid-down scenario, a financial collapse, social unrest, civil war, solar flares or other threats to survival.

I also strongly recommend you read James Wesley Rawles' to learn more about practical preparedness skills. Check out his books on at this link:

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