
Friday, January 4, 2013

Why Aren’t the Occupy Wall Street Kids Angry About the Obamas Getting A $35 Million Beachfront Mansion in Hawaii?        

Why Aren’t the Occupy Wall Street Kids Angry About the Obamas Getting A $35 Million Beachfront Mansion in Hawaii?

[ Why doesn't Occupy Wall Street have a problem with Barack and Michelle Obama moving into this palatial estate next year...a home purchase that is being made for the Obamas by the wealthiest banking families in the country?  Isn't OWS supposed to hate bankers and all they represent, or something? ] 
Part 1 of this investigative report — HERE
Part 2 — HERE
Part 3 — HERE
A good question that every Tea Party group and conservative should be asking the Occupy Wall Street crowd at the DNC this week:  how do you feel about Barack Obama and his wife Michelle leaving the White House in January and moving to a $35 million estate on the beach in Kailua, Hawaii that Obama’s largest donors and socialite friends are fundraising right now to purchase for him in thanks for whatever favors he’ll be doing them between now and his last day in office?
Isn’t this kind of the thing that Occupy Wall Street is against, or something?
I have not yet gotten my hands on the list of names that Penny Pritzker’s working to raise the cash for the Obama’s post-presidential home, but the financial troubles the Democrats have had with their Charlotte Convention are in large part because all the money that would have normally gone to something like this, or to the Obama re-election campaign, is instead being directed to the “Prevent the Obamas’ Homelessness in 2013 Fund” or to the Obama Presidential Library (being built in Honolulu) capital campaign; these two are more or less the same project at this point, because the funds for the new Obama Hawaiian estate are needed immediately while the Library can wait a few years for construction.  No doubt Pritzker is channeling any donations she collects into a trust that can be used for either the mansion’s purchase or the Presidential Library when it gets under way later in 2013.
Seems kind of hypocritical for the OWS kids to scream about Mitt Romney living in a mansion (costing a fraction of the $35 million being spent on the Obama’s future estate) that he bought with money he actually earned…when the Obamas will soon be living in an estate that billionaire banker Penny Pritzker (who also inherited most of her money from the Hyatt Hotels family empire) helps buy for them. No home Romney has ever owned was worth $35 million or situated in the most exclusive and elite neighborhood of probably the most expensive place to live in the country.
It’s quite a sham to see the OWS crowd saying a bad word about Republicans at all if they don’t simultaneously scream to the rooftops over the sweetheart deal the Obamas are getting — with quid pro quo being that, before he leaves office, Obama just has to see to it that these wealthy benefactors get just about anything they want while he’s still sitting behind the Resolute Desk:  pardons, pork sent to projects that benefit these people wherever they live, highways built near land they own, promises to not prosecute things that they’ve done that Eric Holder will happily lose the files on, etc.
Essentially, the last days of the Obama presidency are now available in a fire sale for anyone who contributes enough to the purchase of “Michelle’s Dream Home” via Penny Pritzker and the other mega-rich Chicagoans who are behind all this.
Somebody should really call Occupy Wall Street out for not giving Democrats an earful over the Obamas’ post-presidential home and its $35 million price tag.
Any ideas on how we can make that happen? 
How can we ensure that the OWS kids hear about the Obamas’ forthcoming luxury estate purchase?
This could make the Charlotte Convention all kinds of interesting to ask the Occupiers their opinion on Democrats’ behavior regarding plans for the Obama post-presidency. 
© 2012, Kevin DuJan. All rights reserved.
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Kevin DuJan

Gay conservative political analyst, essayist, author and radio and TV commentator on politics, pop culture, LGBTQ issues, and current events. To email Kevin directly with a comment or complaint about this or any article, do so at:

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