
Friday, January 4, 2013

Celebrate “Empty Chair Day” in Barack & Michelle Obama’s $35 Million Kailua, Hawaii Mansion (being purchased for them by Penny Pritzker and wealthy Chicagoans)          

Celebrate “Empty Chair Day” in Barack & Michelle Obama’s $35 Million Kailua, Hawaii Mansion (being purchased for them by Penny Pritzker and wealthy Chicagoans)

[ Michelle Obama's mother, Marian Robinson, has been bragging about getting to live in Hawaii next, in a $35 million beachfront mansion after leaving the White House in January 2013.  "It was fun while it lasted", Miss Marion is quoted by Chicagoans as saying, "but wait until you see the place they're buying for Michelle and Barack!" ] 
Part 1 of this report — HERE
Part 2 of this report — HERE
Today has been declared “National Empty Chair Day”, in honor of Clint Eastwood’s speech on the closing night of the Republican National Convention where he dragged a chair onto the stage and held a Vaudevillian conversation with an invisible “President Obama”, inquiring about all the Hope and Change we were promised back in 2008 and all the other things the Obama administration has disappointed with in the last four years. Taking a picture of an empty chair and posting it on the Internet is now being called “Eastwooding”.  It’s proving to be a craze that could very well sweep the nation, so get in on the ground floor.
I couldn’t help running a photo of the private screening room inside the $35 million Kailua, Hawaii estate that Penny Pritzker and other extremely wealthy Chicagoans are currently in the process of acquiring for Barack and Michelle Obama to move into when they leave the White House in January of 2013.
Sure are a lot of empty chairs in there!
And the lighting’s great for picture-taking.  
There’s also plenty of room for the Obamas, their daughters, their Secret Service agents (which they’ll have on staff for nine years after leaving Washington), and Michelle’s mother, Marian Robinson (“the First Grandmother) to enjoy once they’re no longer the First Family and Barack is just a “resident of the United States” without the White House to call home any longer.  Somehow, I doubt these people will be watching any documentaries by Dinesh D’Souza while munching on their popcorn (with extra butter and cheddar cheese, because who are you kidding if you think Michelle eats as “healthy” as she tells YOU to eat in her ongoing “Crusade Against Other People’s Obesity” Let’s Move Campaign).
Miss Marian (as she’s called in Chicago’s black community, employing a common honorific for older women who are well-liked and/or eccentrics) has been bragging for about two months now that she’s never going to have to come back to a Chicago winter and is instead going to live the rest of her days in Hawaii, where her daughter’s insisting on a fabulous and exotic mansion being purchased for the Obamas by the wealthy Chicagoans who want favors from the soon-to-be-ex-President in the last days of his administration.
Penny Pritzker, heiress to the Hyatt Hotels fortune, escaped several financial investigations related to her involvement in a banking scandal because she’s been Barack Obama’s “money woman” since his 2008 fundraising campaign.  Just as he quashed investigations of Black Panthers involved in voter intimidation in the 2008 election, it seems Attorney General Eric Holder tabled any exploration of possible wrongdoing by Obama’s “money woman” in the banking mess.  Nothing to see here, move along!
Pritzker has not lifted a finger to help with the 2012 campaign financing because she’s in charge of leaning on large donors to fund both the Obamas’ post-presidential home and the Obama Presidential Library.  If you’ve wondered why Pritzker’s been absent from the Obama campaign team and why his fundraising has been so anemic, it’s because the wealthiest donors do not believe he’s going to win a second term and are instead giving their campaign contributions to Mitt Romney so they can have some clout and favor with the incoming White House.
The people who are responding favorably to Pritzker’s pleas to contribute to the “Preventing Obama Homelessness Fund” (or whatever they’re calling it) are those who would like to receive pardons or other preferential treatment in the period of time between November 2012 and when Obama vacates the Oval Office in January 2013.
This is a time-honored way that Democrats have raised money for their post-presidency, with all sorts of generous and unrestricted financial gifts awarded to them AFTER they’ve left the White House but pledged to people like Pritzker while the current lame duck president stares at a calendar and counts the days remaining to turn a mega-profit off his place in history.  You’ll remember that Bill Clinton pardoned several felons on his last day in office and relatives of those criminals drew many zeros on checks to both the Clinton Presidential Library fund and also to a very private account that assisted the Clintons with the purchase of their Chappaqua, New York residence for his post-presidency.
Some people out there are confused about Ronald Reagan’s post-presidential home…which is separate from the ranch he and Nancy owned in Santa Barbara (land that is now some sort of camp); the Reagans’ friends helped them buy the home in Simi Valley, California where they lived after the White House (and the presidential library and museum was built adjacent to this, where Reagan’s tomb is also located).   Gerald Ford had help buying his home in Vail, Colorado near the village of Beaver Creek for his retirement and George W. Bush and his wife Laura had help from friends in the purchase of their home in suburban Dallas.  This is how the post-presidency kicks off: with very wealthy people contributing one last time to a President before he leaves office, since there’ll never be another presidential campaign to fund (or quid to pro quo as a result).
Today’s Labor Day and I’m headed to a barbecue in Chicago’s Bronzeville neighborhood hosted by a woman who knows Miss Marian Robinson well and is very well connected to the professional black community in this city.  No doubt, we’ll be talking quite a bit about who would benefit the most from donating generously to Penny Pritzker’s “Preventing Obama Homelessness Fund” or to the presidential library project. It should be a fun and interesting day.  I’ve baked some of Ann Romney’s M&Ms chocolate chip cookies to take with me (the ones she entered into the First Ladies BakeOff this year).  I hope everyone loves them, because they certainly wouldn’t have wanted the dry, bitter-tasting, burnt offerings that Michelle submitted to the contest.
I’m hearing quite a bit about what the Obamas want in the library and the tone they wish to set for the first of his presidential memorials…so tune in tomorrow for more of that, as well as in in-depth look at how an Obama Presidential Library will most likely present his place in history as compared to these monuments to other recent presidents.
For parts One and Two of this investigative report, click HERE and HERE.  Click on THIS LINK for Part Four of the series.
Whether you’re in Hawaii or Chicago or wherever, don’t forget to snap a pic of an empty chair and upload it to the Internet so you can be part of the special “National Empty Chair Day”…just like Obama’s soon-to-be-purchased Hawaiian Mansion is already participating!
© 2012, Kevin DuJan. All rights reserved.

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