Saturday, June 8, 2019
EXPOSED: All the Queen’s Agents and Corporations that Control the World
George Carlin - It's a Big Club and You Ain't In It! The American Dream
We may not realize it, but we are still subjects of the British
Monarchy. American history books and classes indoctrinated (propaganda)
us into believing we had won the American Revolution. But we didn’t. We
are still subjects of Queen Elizabeth. The history books were written by the victors and their big
publishing houses. And it was much easier to control the new colonies by
letting them think they had won their independence, while the British
Crown carefully laid their tentacles throughout America, tentacles that
grew longer and stronger with every passing year. We aren’t the America we think we are. That’s the big red pill. Most of us on planet Earth are still under the Queen’s rule. To get started with the real history of who runs planet Earth, we
suggest that you listen to this conversation between Betsy and Thomas.
They will explain the big picture. Then you will be ready to read the
report that follows.
English law prohibits questioning the Monarchy about their personal holdings and business. This is true of most of Europe’s royalty, whether enthroned or
not. The wealth of the Monarchies is held outside of the countries that
made the wealth. The British Crown’s offshore banks hold the greatest
personal wealth in the world estimated at $35 trillion. Perhaps the
British Crown still owns and controls its Commonwealth Nations,
including the American “colonies.” Monarchies are not supposed to be warlord bankers who create conflict
and chaos to turn a profit or destabilize an economy for personal
gain. But they have been for some time now, and history is a string of
immoral wars caused by monarchies, the Vatican and other
religions. Untold millions have died while kings and popes lived on to
grab the wealth through well-established institutions that were created
to control the commoner. The Commonwealth of Nations,
headed by Queen Elizabeth II, is made up of 53 nations, spanning the
globe, accounting for one-fifth of the land mass of the Earth, and a
very high percentage of its strategic resources and population. The
Queen is a Knight of Malta and has vowed allegiance to the Pope through
the largest insider trading club on the planet. The British Crown Agents
are, in fact, also agents of the Vatican’s Knights of Malta.
The Queen is a Knight of Malta
The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM) took control of the
power and wealth of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple
of Solomon from within the Roman system. The SMOM controlled the
banking and military power for the Vatican for hundreds of years through
the first central bank, the Vatican Bank. The Roman Catholic priestly order of the Jesuits (Society of Jesus)
subordinated the SMOM in 1798 aided by Napoleon Bonaparte. This would
eventually lead to the Jesuits installing British control over the
Island Malta and the founding of a Jesuit College manned by British
Jesuits. The Jesuits became somewhat crippled by this suppression in
Catholic controlled Europe, so in order for the Jesuits to secure South
American wealth they used Protestant banking houses and formed an
alliance with the Venetian influences over Britain like the Pallavicini
family who control the Monarchy and Rothschilds. The Jesuits in 1840 put the Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha bloodline
into the position of Monarchy of Great Britain. This house is known
today as the Windsor House which still rules the UK and the Commonwealth
Nations. The same fate would eventually happen to the Vatican itself
after suppressing the Jesuits in 1773. The Jesuit Order took control of
the Papacy by 1814 and had enacted revenge once again for their
persecution. The Order of Malta and the recognized protestant divisions all play a
role commanded by the Jesuit Order. This includes The Most Venerable
Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem controlled by Queen
Elizabeth II. If you look at the last Grandmasters of the Order of Malta
you will notice they came from Britain. Former-Grandmaster Andrew
Willougby Ninian Bertie was a cousin to Queen Elizabeth II originated
within the Grand Priory of England. The British arm of the Order of
Malta controlling St John’s Wood is known as the Grand Priory of
England. This location was once also a Knights Templar headquarters in
Britain. The Order of Malta even owned Londinium (TheCityofLondon).
TheCityofLondon was eventually rented out by the Order of Malta as their
headquarters. The Jesuits took over Londinium in 1825 aided by the
Rothschild family who had become the most powerful economic force in
When you take a look at many of the influential positions
of power today, whether it is in banking, military, pharmaceutical or
intelligence, you will always find Knights of Malta.
“One third of all world wealth is held offshore, and about half of all world trade flows through those tax havens.” – The Tax Justice Network
James S. Henry, former chief economist at McKinsey & Company,
estimates that wealthy individuals have approximately $35 trillion in
private financial wealth tucked away in offshore havens with $6.1
trillion in UK dependent states. As a result of this offshore accounting, it is estimated that 60% of
global trade now consists of internal transactions within multinational
companies. In total, it is estimated that this complex corporate
offshore accounting multinational corporations avoid paying about $240
billion per year in taxes TheCityofLondonUK is now the money laundering capital of the world with UK
firms aiding corrupt officials and criminals from across the globe to
hide trillions of US dollars of ill-gotten gains. British-based banks
have helped hide more than $6 trillion in nefarious payments and
criminal proceeds since 2000. Cayman Islands benefit from the added support of being a territory of the United Kingdom.
The Caymans offer a number of tax-free incentives and little financial
regulation and oversight. Today the country is the world’s fifth largest
financial services center. It plays host to over 10,000 mutual funds,
over 200 banks, over 90,000 companies, and 140 trust companies. It’s the
world’s top home for hedge funds and captive health insurance
companies. Bermudais another piece of UK territory that
has long been known as a tax haven. Bermuda’s tax system puts taxes on
staff payrolls, but not on corporate earnings or investment income. Its
largest customer for offshore transactions is the United States. Guernsey belongs to the British Crown but
makes its own laws on matters such as taxation. The island of 65,000
people has made a big push towards being an offshore finance
destination, and its main street is lined with private banks, law firms,
and accounting firms. Jersey is another small British Crown dependency in
the English Channel. Jersey prints its own banknotes and makes its own
tax laws. A culture of secrecy and non-disclosure in the island has
resulted in Jersey housing an estimated $5 billion dollars of wealth per
square mile. Half of Jersey’s tax avoidance trade comes from the UK.
The “British” U. S. Federal Reserve
Using the first major corporation in England as
their model, the British East India Company, warlord bankers start wars
for profit. Slavery and the looting of mines, gold, diamonds, minerals,
and land is all in a day’s work for an imperialist. England’s
imperialism has worked into the economic and banking practices worldwide
and the Queen’s Crown Agents and Agencies have controlled global
resources for centuries. There is a linear connection between the Rothschilds, the Bank of
England, and the London banking houses which ultimately links the
stockholders of the Federal Reserve Banks to their subsidiary firms in
New York and TheCityofLondonUK. The two principal Rothschild
representatives in New York, J. P. Morgan Co., and Kuhn, Loeb & Co.
were the firms which set up the Jekyll Island Conference at which the Federal Reserve Act
was created and directed the subsequent successful campaign to have the
plan enacted into law by Congress, and who purchased the controlling
amounts of stock in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 1914. These firms had their principal officers appointed to the Federal
Reserve Board of Governors and the Federal Advisory Council in 1914. In
1914, a few families (blood or business related) owning controlling
stock in existing banks caused those banks to purchase controlling
shares in the Federal Reserve regional banks. Examination of the charts
and text in the House Banking Committee Staff Report of August, 1976 and the current stockholders list of the twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks show this same family control.
The Queen Loves War Spoils
Now let’s look at the top shareholders of the top military
contractors for America, who we call the Corporate or Bankster Warlords
to see what connections they might have to the British Crown’s
Vanguard Group, State Street Corp,
Capital Research Global Investors, Templeton Investment Counsel LLC,
Barclays Bank Plc, BlackRock Investment Management (UK) Ltd., Schroder
Investment Management, Capital World Investors, Bank of America
Corporation, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Bank of New York Mellon Corp,
Black Rock Advisors, Black Rock Fund Advisors, Old Republic
International, Wellington Management Company, BlackRock Institutional
Trust Company, N. A., Evercore Trust Company, N. A., FMR, LLC, , Invesco
Ltd., Franklin Resources, Goldman Sachs Group Inc., T. Rowe Price
Group, Inc.
What is worth noting about this list is that you can find some of the
usual suspects: Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgans, Warburgs, and the
rest of the Bankster Warlords behind some of these names. To make things even more complex, so that we can never figure out who
is in charge, every one of these corporations owns major shares in
every other corporation. They are intertwined like a grape vine. If
we look closer we find that every one of these corporations conducts
international business and is invested in international military
ventures. This type of “corporate warfare” is transnational. It
is beyond being international or global. These companies work outside
of the control of America as a nation and have stronger ties to Britain
than to America. They work against Americans with their transnational
economic warfare and make money from both sides of any conflict. Essentially, these British and international corporations are war criminals just like Henry Schroder, the Brit who funded both Hitler and England. This type of banking warfare is common throughout British history.
The Crown’s Money-Making War Machine
Essentially, all the conspiracies about the Queen of England have
some merit after following the money back to the warlord bankers who set
up the U.S. Federal Reserve. But unlike most conspiracy theories
suggest, the Federal Reserve regional banks are not the true culprits.
The true culprits are the original investors in the corporations, listed
above, who serve the military through all types of wars – physical
conflicts, cyberwarfare, and economic terrorism. It is the interwoven fabric of the investments of the
war-supporting corporations that have created a system that is inbred
and tied to Britain…and then to Rome. Simply through the
association of the royal families of the world who are members of the
Knights of Malta you have an economic intelligence community that is
comprehensive insider trading at a transnational level. The monarchies
must protect their financial interests and pass wealth onto their family
members. That is why so many of the richest families intermarry – to
keep it “all in the family.” The richest and most powerful people in the world belong to the
Knights of Malta, the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of
Jerusalem, the Order of the Garter, the Teutonic Knights and other
orders that vow allegiance to the British Crown and subsequently to the
Vatican. If we wish to broaden the perspective, one can add that the
Society of Jesus, the Jesuits, are involved at all levels and have
worked tirelessly as the soldiers of the Pope to create the ultimate
“insider spy network” for the Vatican Bank.
British Private Intelligence Agencies
The UK has many private intelligence agencies who are devoted to the
collection, analysis, and exploitation of information for a profit.
Christopher Steele, the author of the Carter Page Dossier was a former
British spy, which shows you the unethical nature of “British spying.”
Sixty3, Orbis Business International, Cambridge Analytica, and many
other British private intelligence agencies sell propaganda as
intelligence. Often these corporations have private contracts with the
U. S. military and government and maintain top secret security
clearances with the United States. Britain has not shown itself to be
“honest spies” as is evidenced in the Iraq “weapons of mass destruction”
lies and the current British disinformation coming out of Syria. Some US $56 billion or 70% of the US $80 billion national
intelligence budget of the United States was in 2016 earmarked for the
private sector. Functions previously performed by the Central
Intelligence Agency (CIA), National Security Agency (NSA), and
other intelligence agencies are now outsourced to private British
intelligence corporations. Some prominent British intelligence agencies
who maintain military and government contracts with America are:
When the Jesuits were suppressed by the Pope in 1773, they used their
covert power over England to have the Rothschild family become
guardians over the Jesuit South American stolen wealth instead of
depositing it in the Vatican Bank. This action started a banking war
between the Vatican and the Jesuits who used the Rothschild family as
the anti-Vatican Bank. The Rothschild’s eventually became the guardians of the Jesuit treasury in TheCityofLondon.
The Rothschild’s used The Worshipful Company of Mercers to create the
Bank of England which now held the Jesuit wealth stolen from South
America. The Bank of England’s efforts were focused on taking over
TheCityofLondonUK from Vatican control. The Knights of Malta have never been favorites of the Jesuit Order. This
hatred of the Knights of Malta increased even further in 1768 when the
Knights removed the Jesuits from the Island of Malta. The Jesuits sought
their revenge one year later in 1798 using Napoleon.
The Jesuits subordinated the Knights of Malta in the same
year and that was the true start of the take-over of TheCityofLondonUK
which was still ruled covertly by the Knights of Malta.
If you look at St. John’s Wood where the Order of Malta are based,
you will see it is the old haunt of the Knights Templar in England since
the time that TheCityofLondonUK became a sovereign Nation. If you look
at one of the four of the most powerful Order of Malta headquarters in
Rome, you will see that the Aventine Hill is another old Templar haunt
which was their original World Headquarters. The control of the Bank of England through The Worshipful Company of
Mercers is what controls the global economy. The U.S. economy is fully
controlled by the Mercers and Bank of England and has been since 1868.
TheCityofLondonUK controls the U.S. Economy through the Royal Institute
for International Affairs which subsequently controls the Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR). The CFR has set U. S. foreign policy since its
inception. TheCityofLondonUK controls the which subsequently controls the
Federal Reserve of New York, World Bank and the International Monetary
Fund. TheCityofLondonUK controls the U.S. Treasury monetary policy which commands all three of those globalist organizations through the Exchange Stabilization Fund.
Queen Lizzy’s Imperial Control of America
The British Crown and the British East India Company have never left
America, and in fact, the Crown Agents still do their business to this
very day. They have a death grip on the U. S. economy. From data
management, to corporate banking, to the rip-off of American resources
of gas, uranium, gold, and every other valuable asset in the United
States, American wealth feeds directly into Britain, the Bank of
England, TheCityofLondonUK, and ultimately to the British Monarchy –
Queen Elizabeth II herself. The American corporate mechanism for the continued enrichment of the
British Crown is the same one used for the corporate sell-out of the
American Republic: corporate lobbyists controlling Congress, corporate
pay-to-play through the executive branch (Department of State, etc.),
and the Senior Executive Service (SES) to maintain the bureaucratic
status quo that sells out to global corporatism at every turn with
no-bid contracts and cronyism that clearly shows that we are subjects of
the British Monarchy. The Senior Executive Service hides in plain sight, but operates in a
manner that aligns with the imperialistic intents of Serco and the
numerous other corporations like British Petroleum, Shell, ICAP, British
American Tobacco, SABMiller, American Standard Life, Rio Tinto, and
Ixstrata among many others.
The History of Crown Agents
A Crown Agency was an administrative body of the British Empire, distinct from the Civil Service Commission of
Britain or the government administration of the national entity in
which it operated. These enterprises were overseen from 1833 to 1974 by
the Office of the Crown Agents in London, thereafter named the Crown
Agents for Overseas Governments and Administration. Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administrations Ltd became a private Limited company providing development services in 1996. Crown Agencies nominally reported directly to (and were wholly owned
by) the Crown, but in practice, reported to the Crown Agency Office in
London, thus independent of the Colonial Office. This office became, in
the late 19th century, the sole official British commercial and
financial agent of all British protectorates and Crown colonies. The
Colonial Office enforced a policy of sole usage of crown agencies for
all purchases of goods for government use, creating a virtual monopoly
over government retail supply within the colonies of the British Empire. The Crown Agencies also became financial institutions, supplying
capital, routes for investment, and pensions to all public works and
government in British dependent colonies. Is it even reasonable to
believe that after the American Revolution, American companies did not
continue to do business with these crown companies for resources, goods
and services? Life went on. Crown Agencies trace their founding to the time of the British
Empire and in 1833 the British government, hived off from the Colonial
Office as a financing, stores, transport, and development office. Historians
have argued that crown agencies, whose organizations operated across
the British Empire in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, were the
de facto administrators of British colonies. Crown Agencies
wielded governmental powers through a maze of British territories,
protectorates, dependencies, Mandates, and Crown Colonies which made up
the British Empire of the late 19th century. After this, their mandate
was reduced to “dependent” colonies (most of British Africa, India, and
the West Indies), but they were given near monopoly rights over finance
and supply of non-local manufactures for any public or government use.
With the dissolution of the British Empire, many of these agencies
reverted to control by their respective governments, became parts of the
British government, or became non-governmental organizations (NGOs). The British government incorporated the Crown Agency as a government mandated corporation tied to the Minister of Overseas Development,
called the Crown Agents for Overseas Governments and Administration. In
1997, the Crown Agency was privatized. As a private limited company,
the CAOGA has
a number of contracts to provide governmental or para-governmental
services throughout the world. Even though these organizations were
“privatized” on paper, the power generally did not shift, it merely
transformed into shareholder holdings and boards of directors. The term
“Golden Share” developed to describe special rights given to the Queen
in a stock company that gave her special preferential rights over voting
and profit distribution—and thus ultimate control—like she had before. While privatization allowed more shareholders, the Queen generally
continued to control votes and profit distribution in wild disproportion
to her single 10 pence voting share (Golden Share) in the mining mega
company Rio Tinto PLC, for example. In addition, whenever one sees that
British royalty populate a company’s board of directors, remember that
these are people who pledged an oath of allegiance to the Queen first,
company second. The legal category of crown agencies still exists in some nations of
the former British Empire. In most places, these have been replaced by
government agencies, state-controlled companies, and (in parts of the
Commonwealth) Crown Corporations. Canada and New Zealand maintain the
category of government managed or owned entities called Crown Agencies.
Crown Agents International
Crown Agents International (CAI) is an international development
company that works with governments, aid agencies, NGOs and companies in
nearly 100 countries. Through consultancy, supply chain management and
financial services, they help countries grow their economies, strengthen
their health systems and improve financial management. CAI is headquartered in Sutton, Surrey but has an established network
of international offices, project offices or representatives in 40
countries. CAI is one of the world’s leading experts in public procurement and
supply chain management and they provide financial services to
facilitate development, focusing on international payments and cash
management, trade finance and investment management for donors, NGOs and
financial institutions.
Crown Agents USA Inc.
The following descriptions of the corporation, Crown Agents USA Inc., are taken from their website, found at: http://www.crownagents.com/about-us/our-clients/us-government. Our story begins in the 1700s, when colonial administrations employed
agents to recruit people and procure and ship supplies to the colonies.
Some agents had been authorized to manage British Treasury grants and
they had become known (unofficially) as crown agents. On April 1, 1833, the British government appointed the first Joint
Agents General for Crown Colonies, George Baillie and Edward
Barnard. Although appointed by the British Treasury‚ the Joint Agents
General were accountable only to the governors of the 13 crown colonies
that they served. They managed grants, raised capital, recruited
personnel and shipped supplies for their clients. Since our incorporation in the United States, we have provided
technical assistance services and support to U.S. Government agencies,
including the United States Agency for International Development
(USAID), Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), Department of State
(DOS), Department of Defense (DOD), and the United States Trade and
Development Agency (USTDA). We are an international development company that partners with
governments, aid agencies, NGOs and companies in nearly 100 countries.
We help countries grow their economies, strengthen their health systems
and improve financial management. We have permanent offices in 22
countries and presence in another 18 through our project offices and
representatives. We are a limited company owned by a non-profit-making foundation. The Crown Agents Foundation is our sole shareholder and oversees our ethos and activities. The Crown Agents Board is
responsible for the company’s corporate governance. We were founded in
1833 and operated as a British statutory corporation for many years
before being privatized in 1997.”
Contracts with USAID
As an implementing partner of USAID, Crown Agents USA Inc. provides
expertise in the areas of procurement, public financial management,
logistics, health systems strengthening, private sector development,
monitoring and evaluation, and agriculture. Here is a list of contracts
that Crown Agents USA Inc. has with America that American’s themselves
could easily accomplish:
United States Agency for International Development (USAID) contracts:
Tanzania: Procurement Agent Services and Oversight Advisory Services, 2008-2014
. Department of State (DoS) contracts:
Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Impact Evaluation for Small Business Development Centers, 2012-2015
Middle East, Africa, and Asia: Impact Assessment for the Global Innovation through Science and Technology Initiative, 2012-2013
Sustainable Buildings Initiative, 2012-2013
Evaluation of the International Narcotics and Law Enforcement
Affairs Transnational Crime and Rule of Law Programs in the Russian
Federation, 2012-2013
Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs M&E of Bureau Programs,
Projects, and Activities Agricultural Biotechnology Outreach Funds,
Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement, Bureau of Political Military Affairs Program Evaluation, Balkans, 2012-2013
Office of Environmental Quality and Transboundary Issues Mercury Program Evaluation, 2013-2014
Evaluation of the Nexus Dialogue on Water Infrastructure Solutions, 2014-2015
El Salvador and Mexico: Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs Impact Evaluation for Small Business Development Centers, 2012-2015
. Department of Defense (DoD) & United States Trade and Development Agency (USTDA) contracts:
Global: DOD’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Integration Contract II IDIQ, Subcontractor to Raytheon, 2011-2016
Botswana: USTDA Procurement Advisory Services to the Ministry of Minerals, Energy and Water Resources, 2015
British Control of American Uranium Enrichment
Another British corporation that has taken over the uranium
enrichment market in America is the URENCO Group that has gone to great
extremes to hide the fact that Britain, Holland and Germany own and run
the largest uranium plant in America. The URENCO Group is a nuclear fuel
company operating several uranium enrichment plants in Germany, the
Netherlands, United States, and United Kingdom. It supplies nuclear
power stations in about 15 countries, and has a 29% share of the global
market for enrichment services in 2011. URENCO uses centrifuge enrichment technology in New Mexico subsidized by U. S. tax payers. In July 2012, it was reported that a sale of the government interests of URENCO was being sought. URENCO, headquartered in Stoke Poges in Buckinghamshire and registered in the UK, is one third owned by the UK government, one third by the Dutch government, the rest by two major German utilities, E.ON and RWE (one sixth each). URENCO also owns a 50% interest in Enrichment Technology Company (ETC), a company jointly owned with Areva.
ETC provides enrichment-plant design services and gas-centrifuge
technology for enrichment plants through its subsidiaries in the UK
(Capenhurst), Germany (Gronau and Jülich), the Netherlands (Almelo),
France (Tricastin) and the U.S. (Eunice, New Mexico).
Somehow, the British owned URENCO company has the uranium market
cornered in America. Located in southeastern New Mexico, the URENCO USA
facility began operations on June 11, 2010. URENCO USA is the first
enrichment facility to be built in the United States in 30 years and the
first ever using centrifuge enrichment technology. URENCO uses the U. S. National Enrichment Facility (NEF) as its plant
for the enrichment of uranium in Eunice, New Mexico. The NEF is
operated by Louisiana Energy Services (LES), which is in turn owned by
the URENCO Group,
just to make sure it looks like an American company. Notice the
elaborate ownership of this facility hides who actually owns and
benefits from this facility. Foreign nations directly benefit through
the profits after U. S. tax payers pay two/thirds of the cost of
building it. Since the Dedication Ceremony in October 2008, the company has grown
to 236 employees with an annual payroll of USD $23 million. At full
capacity, NEF can provide 50% of the current enriched uranium demand for civilian nuclear power plants in the U.S. The
NEF began operations in June 2010. The original proposed budget was USD
$1.5 billion, but this increased to USD $3 billion for an enlarged
facility capable of 5.9 million SWU at full capacity. URENCO USA’s New Mexico Enrichment Facility
URENCO Corruption
In the 1970s, Dr. Abdul Qadeer Khan who
worked for a subcontractor of URENCO in Almelo, brought stolen drawings
of the centrifuges operated by URENCO to Pakistan. In the early 1974,
Dr. Khan joined the uranium enrichment program and, within a short span
of time, established a highly advanced uranium enrichment facility
near Islamabad. In May 1985, the United Nations Council for Namibia decided to take
legal action against URENCO for breaching UNCN Decree No. 1, which
prohibited any exploitation of Namibia’s natural resources
under apartheid South Africa, because URENCO had been importing uranium
ore from the Rössing mine in Namibia. According to Greenpeace, URENCO has a standing contract with Russia
for the disposal of radioactive waste. In reality, these contracts do
not relate to the disposal of waste, but to the sale of depleted uranium
tails, which are re-enriched to natural uranium equivalent. As the
enricher, Russia would be the owner of any radioactive waste that
results from this process. In March 2009, there were protests about the
largest-ever load of depleted uranium hexafluoride being transported
from Germany to the Siberian town Seversk.
British Petroleum’s U.S. Retail
BP might as well stand for “British Pirates” if you look at the
record of a company that flourishes in America, the home of the largest
oil companies in the world, and pollutes and destroys environment in a
country they don’t live in. BP has a poor safety record and it looks
like they just don’t care about America’s ecosystem. These British
Pirates, along with Shell, have fleeced America in every way concerning
oil, from drilling to gas stations. From New York to San Francisco,
British Petroleum has a network of retail stations that provide
Americans with fuels, lubricants and other products essential to modern
transportation. The company’s nationwide retail presence includes over
7,100 BP and ARCO branded gas stations, along with close to 1,000
convenience stores. In 2016, BP delivered 7.3 billion gallons of BP-branded fuel to its
U.S. customers. BP’s upstream operating segment includes production from
Prudhoe Bay area in Alaska and four production platforms in deep-water
Gulf of Mexico, where BP is the leading leaseholder. In 2016, BP
produced 676,000 barrels of oil per day, making the company one of
America’s largest oil and natural gas producers. How is it possible in America that U. S. governmental agencies allow
the British invasion of our land, waters, and streets. There is no
reason that U. S. oil rights should go to a foreign country for their
profit. American oil should be processed and sold by American companies
not added to the portfolio of the Queen of England.
BP Crimes
BP PLC is the company responsible for the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil
spill. BP paid a record $20.8 billion to the US government to cover
damages caused by the disaster. It is considered the largest settlement
with a single entity in American history. Apart from this settlement, BP
has spent a reported $28 billion on cleanup and compensation for their
criminal negligence. The Deepwater Horizon disaster is considered by many to be the worst
oil spill in US history. The spill occurred when an offshore oil rig
exploded in the Gulf of Mexico, dumping 4.9 million barrels of oil into
the surrounding waters. The explosion killed 11 people
and devastated marine wildlife in the area. BP was found to be in gross negligence for not testing the only
safety measure they had available for deep-water drilling accidents. BP
continued to lie about their unpreparedness and criminal cover-up. The
massive oil slick still exists and has yet to be properly managed or
cleaned up. America will never fully recover from this disaster. BP
(British Pirates) carelessness for gross profits cost America more than
money can recover.
Shell Oil Company
Shell Oil Company is the United States-based wholly owned subsidiary
of Royal Dutch Shell, a multinational oil company of Anglo-Dutch
origins, which is amongst the largest oil companies in the world. Shell
Oil is wholly owned by British interests. Approximately 22,000 Shell
employees are based in the U.S. The U.S. headquarters are in Houston,
Texas. Shell Oil Company, including its consolidated companies and its
share in equity companies, is one of America’s largest oil and natural
gas producers, natural gas marketers, gasoline marketers and
petrochemical manufacturers. Shell is the market leader through approximately 25,000 Shell-branded gas stations in the U.S. which
also serve as Shell’s most visible public presence. At its gas stations
Shell provides diesel fuel, gasoline and LPG. Shell Oil Company was a
50/50 partner with the Saudi Arabian government-owned oil company Saudi
Aramco in Motiva Enterprises, a refining and marketing joint venture
which owns and operates three oil refineries on the Gulf Coast of the
United States. Shell products include oils, fuels, and car services as well as
exploration, production, and refining of petroleum products. The Shell
Oil Refinery in Martinez, California, the first Shell refinery in the
United States, supplies Shell and Texaco stations in the West and
Midwest. After Texaco merged with Chevron in 2001, Shell purchased Texaco’s
shares in the joint ventures. In 2002, Shell began converting these
Texaco stations to the Shell brand, a process that was to be completed
by June 2004 and was called “the largest retail re-branding initiative
in American business history.”
Shell’s Crimes
Shell Puget Sound Refinery, Anacortes, Washington, was fined $291,000
from 2006 to 2010 for violations of the Clean Air Act making it the
second most-fined violator in the Pacific Northwest. As of 2011, it was
listed as “high priority violator” since 2008. In 2008, a lawsuit was filed against Shell Oil Company for Clean Air
Act violation. Shell Deer Park facility, 20 miles east of Houston, was
the nation’s eighth-largest oil refinery and one of the world’s largest
petrochemical producers. The facility was also the second largest source
of air pollution in Harris County, which ranked among the lowest in the
nation in several measures of air quality. Between 1978 and 1995, Shell Oil produced polybutylene pipes, which
corrode when exposed to chlorine. A class action lawsuit was filed in
1995 against Shell Oil when the polybutylene pipes caused flooding in
many households in the U.S. and Canada. The settlement required Shell
Oil to pay for the re-installation of piping for millions of houses for
claims filed through May 2009.
British American Tobacco
British American Tobacco plc (BAT) is a British multinational tobacco
company headquartered in London. It is the largest publicly traded
tobacco company in the world. BAT has a primary listing on the London
Stock Exchange. BAT has a market-leading position in over 50 countries
and operations in around 180 countries. Its four largest-selling brands
are its native brand Dunhill and US brands Lucky Strike, Kent and Pall
Mall, others the company markets include Benson &
Hedges and Rothmans. The company was formed in 1902, when the United Kingdom’s Imperial
Tobacco Company and the United States’ American Tobacco Company agreed
to form a joint venture, the British-American Tobacco Company Ltd. In
1911, the American Tobacco Company sold its share of the company.
Imperial Tobacco gradually reduced its shareholding, but it was not
until 1980 that it divested its remaining interests in the company. In July 2004 the U.S. business of British American Tobacco (Brown
& Williamson) was combined with that of R. J. Reynolds Tobacco
Company (R. J. Reynolds), under the R. J. Reynolds name. R. J. Reynolds
and Brown & Williamson were the second and third-ranking U.S.
tobacco companies prior to the combination. When they combined, R. J.
Reynolds became a subsidiary of Reynolds American, with BAT holding a
42% share. In 2017, BAT bought the remaining 57.8 percent of U.S. cigarette
maker Reynolds American in a $49.4 billion takeover that would create
the world’s biggest listed tobacco company with brands including
Newport, Lucky Strike and Pall Mall. Over six million people worldwide die to tobacco death each year. The
British don’t seem to mind that this industry kills more people per
year than all the wars combined. There have been no class action suit
against BAT in the UK.
ICAP – the World’s Largest Interdealer Broker
ICAP was the world’s largest interdealer
broker for over-the-counter (OTC) trading. In 2016, ICAP sold its global
broker business to the British brokerage firmTullett Prebon, which retained the “ICAP” brand, and ICAP rebranded the remaining, non-brokerage part of the business as NEX Group. ICAP had daily transaction volume of more than $2.3 trillion at 50
locations in 32 countries, and offered both voice-driven
and electronic brokerage systems plus post-trade services. It provided
wholesale brokerage on a range of interest rates, credit
derivatives, commodities, foreign exchange, emerging
markets, equities and equity derivatives. More than 40 percent of its
trading occurred on its two electronic trading platforms, BrokerTec and EBS, which merged to become EBS BrokerTec. ICAP offers a range of OTC (over-the-counter) financial products and
services in energy, foreign exchange, interest
rates, credit and equity markets and indices. For each of these asset
classes, ICAP’s electronic capability gives customers the choice to
enter prices and execute trades electronically, directly via one of
ICAP’s electronic trading systems, or to engage with brokers to identify
and help negotiate trades. According to its 2013 Annual Report. Its
electronic broking volume for 2013 reached $728.3 billion.
TP ICAP plc is a global firm of professional intermediaries that
operates in the world’s financial, energy and commodities markets. It is
listed on the London Stock Exchange and is a constituent of the FTSE 250 Index. In November 2015, the company agreed to terms with ICAP (now known as NEX Group)
to acquire their global hybrid voice broking and information
business. Using the name of the acquired business the company changed
its name from Tullett Prebon plc to TP ICAP plc on 30 December 2016.
ICAP Crimes
On September 25, 2013, ICAP was fined a total of $87 million,
including a $65 million settlement with the Commodity Futures Trading
Commission (CFTC) and a $22 million settlement with Britain’s Financial
Conduct Authority as part of an investigation into the manipulation of
the LIBOR benchmark interest rate. The ICAP fine was in addition to settlements paid by British lenders Barclays and the Royal Bank of Scotland, as well as UBS, of Switzerland, of a combined $2.5 billion related to the LIBOR scandal. ICAP was the first interdealer broker fined for rigging the Libor. In June 2014 ICAP received an antitrust complaint from the EU’s
antitrust arm alleging it facilitated a cartel to manipulate yen Libor.
The complaint alleged that “ICAP acted as a facilitator to breaches of
EU competition law by certain banks in relation to yen Libor for
isolated periods between 2007 and 2010.”
The UK and Silicon Valley
The UK is the leading European destination for Silicon Valley
investors, with British tech companies raising more venture capital from
Bay area VCs than any other European country. According to the
investment data released by London & Partners, over the last five years UK tech companies have received more venture capital investment from West Coast investors than France, Germany and Ireland combined. Silicon Valley investors continue to pump large sums of money into UK
tech companies despite Brexit, with 2017 already seeing a record $1.13
billion raised since the beginning of the year. The findings have been
released to mark the start of Silicon Valley Comes to the UK, a
week-long series of events bringing together leading figures from the
Bay area and UK tech scenes. Further analysis of the investment data reveals that London tech
companies received the majority of venture capital investment from the
Bay area, accounting for over 90% ($1.04bn) of the total amount raised
by UK tech companies this year. Over the last five years, London tech
firms have also raised considerably more capital ($2.5bn) than their
European counterparts. London’s thriving VC market has been boosted by the number of unicorn
companies based in the capital, with separate research from investment
firm GP Bullhound revealing that London is home to more unicorns than
any other European city. Fresh analysis of its 2017 Titans of Tech
report found that London accounts for almost one third of all unicorns
in Europe. With 17 out of the 53 unicorns founded in London.
Rio Tinto and Resource Fleecing
Rio Tinto Energy America (RTEA) was a wholly owned American subsidiary of the England and Australia-based mining giant, the Rio Tinto Group,
headquartered in Gillette, Wyoming, United States. The company,
previously known as Kennecott Energy after another of Rio Tinto’s
American subsidiaries, was formed in 1993 when Rio Tinto purchased NERCO and placed that company’s Spring Creek coal mine and Antelope coal mine under the RTEA umbrella. Subsequent acquisitions included the Cordero Mining Company, the Colowyo Coal Company, and the Jacobs Ranch coal
mine. RTEA operated four mines in Wyoming and Montana, supplying fuel
for the generation of approximately 6% of the United States’ electricity
consumption. The RTEA mines were spun off to Cloud Peak Energy in 2010.
The heart of Rio Tinto Borates’ business is the open-pit mine in
Boron, California, one of two world-class borate deposits on the planet.
Company founders began mining borates in 1872. What began as an
underground mine was transformed into an open pit mine in 1957.
The Resolution Copper project is a proposed copper mine that can
supply the world with the copper it needs to support ongoing
technological and environmental innovation. The project will generate
sustainable benefits for Arizona, creating several thousand direct and
indirect jobs and is expected to have an economic value of several
billion dollars over the estimated life of the mine.
Rio Tinto Kennecott is a fully integrated mining operation located
just outside Salt Lake City, Utah, US. Kennecott is a wholly owned
subsidiary of Rio Tinto. For more than 110 years, Kennecott has been
mining and processing minerals from the rich orebody of the Bingham
Canyon Mine. In 1989, Rio Tinto acquired the Bingham Canyon Mine and
other facilities in the Salt Lake Valley.
Rio Tinto Crimes
The top U.S. securities regulator rejected arguments by Rio Tinto Plc
and two former top executives that its civil lawsuit claiming they
concealed the plunging value of coal assets owned by the big
Anglo-Australian mining company should be dismissed. In letters filed
with the U.S. District Court in Manhattan, the Securities and Exchange
Commission said its complaint adequately alleged that fraud occurred,
and that Rio Tinto, former Chief Executive Thomas Albanese and former
Chief Financial Officer Guy Elliott intended to deceive investors. The SEC accused Rio Tinto of ignoring the need to write down most of
the value of Mozambique coal assets it had bought for $3.7 billion in
April 2011, while it was raising roughly $5.5 billion from U.S.
investors. Rio Tinto wrote off most of the value in January 2013, and
sold the assets in late 2014 for just $50 million. It said that had Rio
Tinto properly written down the assets, its net earnings for the first
half of 2012 would have been reduced by more than 50 percent.
Canadian CGI Group Inc.
The total price tag for ObamaCare’s main enrollment portal cost American’s more than $2 billion, according to an analysis by Bloomberg Government. The
new total includes efforts to construct and then fix HealthCare.gov
after serious technical problems threatened to shutter the site last
fall. Who was the pathetic corporation that gouged Americans? A Canadian
company called CGI – Consultants to Government and Industries. Don’t
forget, the British Crown owns large stakes in most Canadian national
businesses due to being part of the British Commonwealth. The Queen
always has her first choice of stocks in any Commonwealth Country –
especially Canada. Americans were not happy with the exorbitant costs charged by CGI,
nor the fact that a Canadian company ripped-off U. S. tax-payers and
created an ineffective portal that a high school student could have done
a better job creating. Congressman Issa had this to say about the
debacle: “Two billion dollars is an awful lot to pay for a website with
lingering security issues that transfers the costs of healthcare from
customers to taxpayers,” said House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell
Issa (R-Calif.) in a statement. “If this were private enterprise, the CEO would have been fired and
company shareholders would be suing,” he added. “But in this
Administration, there’s no high-level accountability and the focus
remains fixated on signing up as many Americans as possible regardless
of the cost, the security risks, or the impact on the quality of
healthcare for all Americans.” CGI Group Inc. (Consultants to Government and Industries), more commonly known as CGI, is a Canadian global information
technology consulting, systems integration, outsourcing, and solutions
company headquartered in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. CGI purchased American Management Systems (AMS) for $858 million in 2004, which grew CGI’s presence in the United States. CGI Federal’s 2010 acquisition of Stanley, Inc. for
$1.07 billion almost doubled CGI’s presence in the United States, and
expanded CGI into defense and intelligence contracts. In 2012, CGI
acquired Logica for
$2.7 billion Canadian, making CGI the fifth-largest independent business
processes and IT services provider in the world, and the biggest tech
firm in Canada. In 2016 CGI ranked No. 955 on the Forbes Forbes Global 2000. At the
time CGI had assets worth CAD $20.9 billion, annual sales of $10.7
billion, and a market value of $9.6 billion. As of 2017, CGI is based in
forty countries with around 400 offices, and employs approximately
70,000 people. As much as 29% of CGI’s business comes from the United
Serco – British Control Our Sensitive Data
Queen Elizabeth II, owns and controls U. S. data management,
corporate banking, resources of gas, uranium, gold, and many strategic
resources and systems in the United States. This system of control is
called SERCO, and it is essentially a Crown Agent. Serco is not only an enemy of the United States, but an enemy of
countries and people around the world. For example, did you know that
the U. S. Patent Office is controlled by Serco? That’s right, a BRITISH
based company controls the creative efforts of American entrepreneurs
and creators. Serco was the company awarded the Obamacare data
management system that cost America’s over $2 billion. That’s right. SES employees in charge of selecting contracts for this
lucrative data management system couldn’t find any U.S. based companies
to do the work. Instead they cherry-picked their buddies at British
owned and controlled Serco to deliver Obamacare management. Here are a few highlights of what Serco does already in our
government. To our friends in other parts of the world, don’t be
surprised when you see similar structures in your own country run by the
British Monarch through Serco:
Serco manages all patents for the U. S. Patent and Trademark Office.
Brits have the first shot at stealing American’s intellectual property
rights. This is shocking but true.
Serco controls the most sensitive data management systems in all
branches of the military, federal government, and state and local
Serco controls air traffic management, airlines security, airport
management and all aspects of ticketing, visa data management, and
timetable management.
Serco is called, “the largest company no one has ever heard of.”
Serco’s efficiency rating in England, Canada, and Australia is below
65% and many lawsuits have been filed against the company for egregious
fraud and mismanagement.
Serco was paid $1.2 billion to management the data of Obamacare —
British company handling American’s private medical information.
Serco goes by many names, so always look under the
hood in their corporate documents to find its trail back to Queen
Lizzie. In America, it operates as Serco Inc. and claims on its website
that it “is a leading provider of professional, technology, and
management services for the federal government.” Headquartered in
Reston, Virginia, Serco Inc. has approximately 10,000 employees, annual
revenue of $2.5 billion, and is ranked in the top 35 of the largest
federal prime contractors. Piercing the corporate veil, we find that Serco Inc. is a
wholly-owned subsidiary of Serco Group plc, a $7 billion international
business that works with government and public services around the
world. Many researchers say that Serco runs the United Kingdom (UK), the
United States, Canada, and Australia. Serco has over 60,000 people in 35
countries across the world. To our international readers, it is highly
doubtful that they are not operating in your country. Serco is a leading provider of public services of all types. Serco
operates internationally across five sectors and four geographies:
defense, justice, immigration, transportation, health and human
services. Its services are delivered in UK, Europe, North America, Asia
Pacific, and the Middle East. Serco delivers records management and processing support services for
many U. S. government agencies. Major programs include processing and
classifying of patent applications for the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office; records management and process of applications and petitions at
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ Service Centers; processing
visa applications at the U.S. Department of State’s National Visa Center
and Kentucky Consular Center; and, records management services at the
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ National Benefits Center,
among many others. Ninety percent of Serco’s business is with the federal government
with 10,000 workers across 45 states. Serco’s experience is in paper
pushing, records management, processing applications, processing visas,
handling patents with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. There are
more than 60 million records that Serco handles for the Department of
Homeland Security. Serco Inc. is indeed part of Serco Group, an international
contracting firm headquartered near London and partly owned by the UK
government itself. Serco Inc. is the North America division of Serco
Group, plc. In North America, Serco Inc. serves federal, state and local governments, along with the Canadian government and commercial customers, and over 14,000 in North Americas. Digest that for a moment: U.S. federal records, personal medical
records, patents, and visas are held by a company owned and directed by
the British Monarch. Its “soldiers on the ground” are employees of SES.
These SES employees guarantee that Serco gets the contracts and then
manages and oversees their continued involvement. Th UK is suing Serco for the alleged theft of $80 billion dollars. UK
officials have been investigating Serco and found that the company is
only effective 65% of the time. Serco has been found out to be corrupt
from top to bottom. Many mistakes of data management have also happened
in the United States that have caused terrible disasters and multiple
deaths. Serco manages services for the military and government that are
incredibly sensitive and should be trusted to no one else but the United
States of America. See our article on Serco for more details about this inefficient and corrupt British corporation:
We are not a sovereign nation with our arrangement with the British
government and UK based corporations. It seems that we are still
subjects of the British Monarchy in many ways. The American corporate mechanism for the continued enrichment of the
British Crown is the same one used for the corporate sell-out of the
American Republic – corporate lobbyists controlling Congress, corporate
pay-to-play through the executive branch (such as Hillary’s Department
of State), and the Senior Executive Service (SES) to maintain the
bureaucratic status quo, selling out to global corporatism at every turn
with no bid contracts and cronyism. The Senior Executive Service and Serco are the people and
organizational systems that the British Monarchy uses to control America
through economic cronyism that bolsters the continued economic slavery
of Americans to foreign powers. The Senior Executive Service aligns with the imperialistic intents of
Serco and the numerous other corporations that we have described in
this intelligence report (BP, Shell, ICAP, British American Tobacco, Rio
Tinto, etc). It is time to send the Red Coats running home to Queen Lizzie and
finally end the American Revolution against British tyranny. It is time
to notice that the UK is not our friend and we should not be sharing
intelligence in the Five Eyes Community (UK, Canada, Australia, New
Zealand, USA). We need to bring our wealth back home to America and stop using tax
payer dollars to fund Crown Agents in whatever form they take. American
freedom and independence does not need the dead weight of archaic
monarchies that believe they should always get their “golden share”
before the commoners get their crumbs. We must throw off the shackles that have tied the British Crown to
American economic affairs. We do not need to pay taxes to the Crown any
longer. We simply must choose American companies to do American work and
stop the Senior Executive Service from giving higher priority to Crown
Agents and British corporate interests.
. . [1]Crown Agents USA Inc. Washington DC. (Accessed Apr. 17, 2018). Federal Vendor Contracting Profile via GovTribe. USAID. [2]Crown Agents USA Inc. Wasington DC. (Sep. 30, 2012).
Contract No. AIDOAAI1200038, $23.7m, thru Sep. 29, 2020 (7 years),
GovTribe. USAID. [3]Crown Agents USA Inc. Washington DC. (Dec. 24, 2014).
Contract No. AIDOAAI1200038-AID391TO1500001, $6m, thru Feb. 22, 2018 (3
(EFF). Vendor Contacts: Anne C. Sattgast, Joe G Lentini. Via GovTribe.
USAID. [4]Crown Agents USA Inc. Washington DC. (May 19, 2014).
Contract No. AIDOAAI1200038-AIDOAATO1400007, $19m, thru Sep. 29, 2018
FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT (PFM) IDIQ. Vendor Contacts: Anne C. Sattgast, Joe G
Lentini. Via GovTribe. USAID.
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