~hehe your people,our people had great HOPES 4 the future ... & IT wasn't working 15 hr days... be~ing IN DEPT, paying tax's .... fucking was IT ? "some~body" fucking ROBBED ...us HUH ! we were gonna do shit !
A Russian internet user discovered a slidefilm from the 1960s depicting what the Soviet people imagined 2017 would look like. https://sputniknews.com/art_living/201701051049295619-ussr-future-science/
This is how people in the Soviet Union fifty years ago perceived their future.
vk.com / Sergey Pozdnyakov
The cover
"In 2017". Credits: V. Strukova, V, Shevchenko; artwork by L. Smekhov. A production by the "Diafilm" studio, 1960.

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isn't fascinated by the future? What will it be like? Who wouldn't like
to see into the next century? By reading sci-fi books, studying
scientists' estimations and bold engineering projects, we can imagine
what the future could look like."

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let us peek into the future. Let us travel 50-60 years forward. Perhaps
on the eve of the 100th anniversary of the October Revolution
schoolchildren, very much like you, will be watching a cinerama about
their country's recent past and present during a geography lesson. A
film showing how Soviet people are changing the environment for peace
and happiness in the world."

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are these schoolchildren in an auditorium in 2017. A special cinematic
effect - a 'time magnifier' - lets them watch how the country's new
outlook was created."

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"The children saw bridge vaults stretching toward each other over bottomless mountain gorges..."

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"...how precise atomic explosions cut unwanted hills, burrowed channels..."

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the rivers Ob and Yenisei turned around and flowed toward the Caspian
sea. This sea, which had been drying up just a while ago, was now taking
in new full-flowing rivers."

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children heard the announcer's voice: 'And here is the dam across the
Bering Strait. Can you see nuclear trains crossing it? The dam is
blocking the way of the cold stream from the Arctic Ocean, and the
climate in the Far East has improved.'"

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the earth surface melted, so to speak, and one could see what was
happening in the earth's womb. Deep inside the volcanoes, underground
mole-boats made of special heat-resistant steel were digging mines to
eternal sources of energy."

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the earth itself disappeared. In space, photonic rockets, interstellar
ships flew toward the closest, yet so distant planetary system of Alpha
Centauri almost at the speed of light."

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the show ended, Nikolai Borisovich, the geography teacher, reminded the
class that tomorrow they would be going on a trip to an underground
city of Uglegrad (Coal City) situated North of the Arctic Circle."

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next morning, Igor woke up from a light flick on the nose. That was how
his wall clock used to wake him up. His father, one of the operators at
the Cental Institute of Weather Control, invented the clock for a

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the boy saw a soft plastic hand that had just woke him up, folding back
into the clock case. 'Today I'll see Uglegrad with my own eyes!' Igor
thought enthusiastically."

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mother wasn't in the kitchen, but she had left a note with a task for a
smart cooking machine. 'My favorite kind of breakfast!' the boy

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carefully turned the machine on and slid the note into a slot. While
the machine performed the task, invisible rays scanned the contours of
the letters on the note, automatic scoops weighed the ingredients,
special knives swiftly cut vegetables."

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"Suddenly, he heard the mother's clear voice from the father's study."

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mother was looking [at him] from the screen of the TV-videophone. She
was standing on a liner's deck. Here was a kindergarten where her
younger children were at the moment. "Did you manage to cook your
breakfast?" his mother asked, smiling."

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you... in the Black Sea?!' Igor asked, surprised. 'I'm on a work trip
inspecting the Black Sea floating kindergartens, I thought I'd pay a
visit to my kids... Call your father and tell him that I'll be back only

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an hour later, Igor was far away from the capital. The Arctic met the
newcomers with a furious blizzard. Local workers encircled the

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"A hatch opened before the visitors, and a wide escalator carried them down."

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that, everyone drove around the streets of Uglegrad. A delicate linden
fragrance was in the air. Looking at the people sunbathing on the beach
under a quartz star, it was hard to believe that a blizzard was roaring
above them."

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on the outskirts of the city, huge steel multi-purpose machines were
digging into the rocks. Engineer-in-chief Vladislav Ivanovich told the
children a lot of interesting things."

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under the ground, we have never ending spring,' he was saying with
pride. 'But the freaky weather above us is disrupting the product
shipping schedule.'"

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the flying weather control station that is under construction now deal
with the Arctic weather?' Nikolai Borisovich asked. The children were
waiting for engineer-in-chief's reply with interest."

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the flying station’s influence only produces temporary effects. And the
only way to ensure a continuous flow of cargo is to build an intercity
subway spanning the entire Arctic."

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is Zemlevik's new design – a high-speed drilling machine. Powered by
recently-discovered meson energy, it’ll work three times as fast as its

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the flying weather control station will play a very important role. A
man in a control room will be pushing buttons while the machine will be
heading to destroy hurricanes and quell storms."

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soon students learned the full extent of the flying station’s
capabilities. While Vladislav Ivanovich was talking to them in his
office at the Central Weather Institute in Moscow, the country’s chief
weatherman and weather operator on duty, Igor’s father, was discussing
emergency reports coming from the Pacific.

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just came in that the last remaining imperialists who were hiding on a
remote island tested a banned meson weapon. The resulting explosion of
untold magnitude wiped out the entire island and caused a disturbance in
the atmosphere," the head weatherman said.

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that’s why our smart forecasting machine predicted a Force 12 storm in
the Black Sea despite the fact that yesterday the forecast was
favorable!" Yevgeny Sergeyevich exclaimed.

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explosion in the South Pacific caused terrible hurricanes and storms.
We must move quickly to save the people! Is our flying station ready?”
the head weathermen inquired.

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horrifying thought flashed through Yevgeny Sergeyevich’s mind. Ships…
Floating daycare centers. And his wife, Nina and Vitya are there. The
hurricane gets closer to them with each passing minute, but the station
still cannot be controlled remotely.

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request permission for a manned mission," the head weatherman decided.
"We’ll be flying the station ourselves. Sure, that will put our lives at
risk, but we must save those children, sailors and their ships."

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Permission was granted. And now giant watery columns reaching far into the sky are flashing behind the flying station’s windows.

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of the Black Sea coast briefly appeared on a TV screen aboard the
station. A giant tornado was ripping roofs off buildings and uprooting
ancient trees.

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head weathermen lowered black glass shields on all of the station’s
windows. Lab technicians were manning the console. The fire outside was
painful to look at even through the black glass, as the station was
emitting mesons of untold energy. The emissions were battling against
the tornado.

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the meson lightning was finally switched off and the black glass
shields were raised, the tornado was gone. The flying weather control
station saved hundreds of lives.

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explosion in the South Pacific that posed a deadly threat to the Black
Sea coast was also felt in the capital. A grey impenetrable slime was
creeping along the depressing sky.

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the capital was preparing for a celebration. The streets felt lively as
Muscovites were eagerly reading the latest newspaper about the new
breakthroughs in weather control made possible by Soviet science.

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suddenly the clouds broke apart and columns of golden light fell upon
buildings and parks. The bright corridor in the sky was growing wider.

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flying weather control station was slowly gliding over the city. The
jubilant capital was preparing for the 100th anniversary of the Great
October (Socialist Revolution). This momentous occasion coincided with a
great victory of Soviet science over nature.

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Igor’s father emerged from the station, his son found himself unable to
escape his father’s unusually firm hug for some time.
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