Obama Administration says America's legal gun owners are a threat, but ISIS is no threat at all ~ hehe & folks U's fucking "voted" fer this fucking KOOK not once ,BUT twice LOL ...yea ! fucking twice !! ya 'know' the lesser of 2 EVILS hehe ...only could an edu~ass~yer~ka~tion American 'schooled' dumb fuck not C the ..irony ...ya "know" ALLLLLLLLLLLLL the fucking armed 2 the teeth American cit's ... that "planed" 9/11 ...shot fucking JFK,RFK,MLK,Malcom X ,fuck some of U.S. were EVEN in on Lincoln 2 ??? yea ,yup yep.. good ole Amereecan cit's fuck if u's 'listen' 2 "our" poles,mee~dia whore's ,corp big~wigs ...ELITE cock~suckers .... "we" (American cit's) killled the Sav~your ....umhum if "we" could just geet rid of thum armed Americans ...peace in ' our ' ...times jeez h fuckin christ ..we's got the 'best' ass pipes $$$ ..can buy ..u pick the level of gov. it full of em ... frank what's says u ... Waiter: Telephone call, commissioner.
Commissioner Anabell Brumford: Thank you.
[picks up phone]
Commissioner Anabell Brumford: Hello?... He did what?... How many animals escaped?... Oh, my God...
Lt. Frank Drebin: Good evening, commissioner. You're looking lovely tonight.
Commissioner Anabell Brumford: Do you realize that because of you this city is being overrun by baboons?
Lt. Frank Drebin: Well, isn't that the fault of the voters?
[Frank walks away, leaving Commissioner Brumford with an astonished face] 
...fuck me :0
by J. D. Heyes
(NaturalNews) American gun owners can spot a gun-grabber a mile away, and they have known for several years now that their president is one of them. Time and again, Barack Obama has attempted to goad the country and Congress into backing stricter gun control laws that would do little to reduce mass shootings that are statistically rare to begin with,[PDF] according to a government study.
But statistics and facts and the truth about guns don't matter to an ideologue like Obama; as Guns.news, a Natural News indy partner site, reported recently, Obama is likely to spend his final year in office pressing for more gun control laws that will weaken the Second Amendment and actually make Americans more vulnerable to criminals.
To Obama, American gun owners are a threat and menace to society – he must obviously think so, otherwise he wouldn't continually prioritize the pursuit of more and more gun laws when the existing laws on the books are more than enough to restrict and govern Americans and others who voluntarily choose to obey them. No new law or even gun bans would do anything to stop bad people from obtaining a firearm and doing bad things with it.
But you know who Obama doesn't really believe is a threat to the U.S.? Members of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, or ISIS. If he did, he wouldn't support or implement a policy that welcomes them into the United States disguised as "refugees."
In stumping for support of his policy – he has announced that, despite the ISIS-backed terrorist attack in Paris Nov. 13, in which 129 people were killed and hundreds more wounded, he was committed to accepting some 10,000 Syrian refugees into the country.
Importing terror while trying to disarm America
"We have very robust vetting procedures for those refugees. It involves our intelligence community, our national counterterrorism center, extensive interviews, vetting them against all the available information," Deputy National Security Advisor to the President Ben Rhodes told Fox News recently. That's not really true, since there is no reason to have Syrian citizens in U.S. government databases, making them all but impossible to vet.But there is also this. Syria – and Syrians – are enemies of our lone trustworthy ally in the Middle East, Israel, having fought three wars against the Jewish state (1948, 1967 and 1973), which means that the Syrian government has always been hostile towards Israel's principle benefactor, the United States. What sense does it make to import an ethnic group that was raised to hate you – because of your alliance with an archenemy and because of your "infidel" way of life?
How many are 'poisonous'?
The Obama Administration doesn't want you to know such things, however. What's more, the White House only wants you to consider that these refugees are really just harmless people fleeing a war-torn country, and that they deserve a chance at a better life in America.There are a number of things wrong with these assertions, aside from those already mentioned. One is that radical Syrian refugees have already been involved in terrorist attacks, both within the "caliphate" of ISIS and aboard. One who was involved in the Paris attacks had a passport from Greece.
Another is that, domestically, Obama plans to infiltrate Syrian refugees into the heart of the country, and he's already moving some into Louisiana, where one Syrian male has already gone missing. What happens when some of these new arrivals become radicalized? What happens if they already are radicalized? ISIS promised to use the refugee "crisis" as a Trojan Horse of sorts, to infiltrate its operatives into Western countries.
There are several popular memes on social media that attempt to portray, in clever but realistic terms, the fallacy of Obama's Syrian refugee policy. One features a bowl of grapes and asks, "If I served you 10 and told you that two of them were poisonous, would you eat any?" The connotation, of course, is that while most Syrians may be harmless, a few may not be – and how many American lives are we willing to sacrifice to find out?
Obama is apparently ready to run the experiment and – if he gets his way – he'll conduct it with a lesser-armed American citizenry.
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