The Holy Church of St. Darwin’s Space Brotherhood
We tend to think of science fiction, modern science (scientism), and religion as three distinct subjects, with minimal connection amongst them. When we consider them philosophically, a radically different perspective begins to take shape, where the underlying presuppositions of all three move closer and closer. Considering the weaponization of culture from the vantage point of the establishment under the rubrics of full spectrum dominance, all three are crucial cultural drivers that disseminate a prepackaged worldview to its consumers. Whether its Isaac Asimov fans, Dawkinites or followers of L. Ron Hubbard, all have tremendous power to shape, mold and convert the perspectives of their flocks towards some desired end. It is my thesis the end goal of all three in our age of transition is ultimately to merge into a singular monoculture globo-worldview, that will function as a kind of new religious mythology.
From the earliest days of what we knows as “science fiction” in figures like Jules Verne and H.G. Wells, the notion of “science” as being the means by which man may project his imagination into the future was seen to be a useful tool of statecraft. Particularly with Wells, we can see a figure whose stated goals of Fabian socialism would bleed though many of his more notable works with beaming effulgence. Wells supposedly sought the eradication of the speculative monetary system (the close of Outlines of History), and through his fiction foretold a bright era of technological utopianism where reason would be crowned king. In works like the Time Machine, notions of eugenics play a central role in conditioning the coming aeons of the rise of the vulgar class which would have to be controlled and managed by the technocratic control grid.
In works like War of the Worlds, the alien invasion myth exploded as even many of the academic class bought into the notion of civilizations that inhabited Mars or other solar systems. Hollywood soon jumped on board and after Orson Welles’ famous broadcast, there would issue a nonstop flow of all things alien, UFO and galactic, as new luminaries like Burroughs, Nolan, Heinlein, Herbert, Asimov, Clarke and many more would chip in to produce classics in both print and screen incarnations. From the vantage point of propaganda, the state found the alien mythos to be quite a useful tool, piling on more and more external invasion “threats” as a fascinated mass consumed more and more. By the 70s and 80s, following the supposed Apollo 11 Mission, Close Encounters, the Star War Trilogy and E.T. had crystallized the alien myth in the minds of the public as fact, far more than any scientists claims of panspermia.
It is precisely with panspermia, as I’ve remarked many times, that we see the infusion of the alien mythos into so-called empirical science, yet the absurdity here becomes manifest by definition – no one has observed panspermia, it is simply a theory – and a sci fi theory, at that. Indeed, as a film buff, one thing is undeniably certain, and that is there is no end to the alien story. Yet there’s another “alien” story that is also crammed down our throats and as I hinted, arises roughly contemporary with science fiction, and that is Darwinism. Purporting to be a strictly “natural” explanation of the “origins” of life and species adaptation (“change over time”), the more one delves into the ideological origins of Darwinian theory, the clearer it is seen to be linked with British Freemasonry and ancient mythology – less and less does it appear to be “scientific,” and more and more like a Wells tale. Having been redefined and elastically stretched to encompass everything from floor polish to toenails, literally everything is purported to be “proof” of evolution. Despite no transitionary fossils (and we should be swimming in endless piles of the billions of dead transition creaturely remains), Darwinism is the dominant religious perspective of our day, with all reality coming under its aegis as a product of endless material flux and chaos.

scientific consensus is in – climate change on other planets has most
certainly likely created conditions that give rise to giant, rotten
grapefruits that will most likely invade earth if we do not combat
global warming.
We can see a window into this melding process in examples of UFO cults like the Raelians or Scientology. Both purport to be in perfect harmony with science and critical of the present systems of petty government corruption like Wells whined in Outlines of History. Both project glorious futures of utopian progress through various pseudo-scientific and scientistic means, as man can achieve self-salvation through some rigorous process of bizarre doctrinal adherence. Both maintain a strict regimen of belief for followers to cult figures that best not be challenged, since the cult has the monopoly on truth and the answers to pretty much any issue that might arise, and should they not, have faith, an answer will come from the high priesthood. These sci fi cults thus operate in the exact same fashion as the sci fi cult of Darwinism, where dissent results in being ostracized, fired, mocked and harassed.
Despite democidal statist regimes supposedly basing their principles on Darwinism, reason and science resulting in the murder of millions, the faith in the cult of the sci fi Darwinian state continues on, because, well, there are microwaves and iPhones – and those are proof of evolution. Oh you didn’t know that? What are you, an Ozark Mountain dweller? You didn’t know iPhones prove Darwinism? Of course, technological progress has absolutely no necessary connection to a wild biological theory of origins, but that never ceases to be used as a “proof” of a ridiculous paradigm. One thing cult members lack is critical thinking and objectivity, and if the Darwinian science fiction space opera that is to be our coming religion has anything, it has an army of followers who talk all day about reason, yet don’t have the foggiest idea how reason operates on immaterial, invariant principles that are in the domain of metaphysics.
Once Darwin and the empiricists supposed they had banished metaphysics, the past was assumed to be “explained” on “natural” grounds, and from there, the future needed some hope, some thing for ever-duped man to look into the future to project himself among the stars (after all, we are all “stars” according to Krauss and Crowley), and this is the role the Psy Op scions of science fiction play. To play with reality and rewrite reality as a play of reality is the function of our new saints, St. Darwin and St. Wells, prophets and sages of the new dawn intent on exterminating man, as Holy Father Bertrand Russell lovingly prayed, with the aid of the space brother elites intent on bringing us to Childhood’s End. It’s just science, it’s a fact.
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