Charleston Shooting: Evidence of Stagecraft ~ slowly, ever sooo slowly ...the peeps r waking up ! wakey ,wakey eggs & bakey ?
Jay’s Analysis has covered mass shootings in the past, having highlighted key patterns that always emerge in events given major media attention. These are important to analyze because shootings, disappearances, kidnappings occur fairly regularly, yet curiously only certain “stories” are chosen for exclusive media focus for weeks on end. Why might that be? Why is Dylan “Storm Roof” chosen as the media spectacle at the Charleston, SC shooting at the AME Church on June 17th, yet a black man shooting churchgoers is not, nor this black man shooting whites for racial reasons? As Dave McGowan has observed, in the 70s and 80s the great fear was the omnipresent serial killer, supposedly always an intelligent, middle-aged white male, and since Kent State or Columbine, the transition has been made to the young, white mass shooter (or Cho-Seung Hui). (Charleston is also the location of the dubious black church burnings of the 90s).
In regard to our last so-called mass shooting, Elliot Rodgers supposedly killed numerous college age girls and, predictably, posted his “manifesto.” I wrote concerning what appears to be a mass media Psy Op, and with Roof all the same signs are seen. This time around, however, the racial component has been added for good measure, fueling the Soros-funded strategy of 2015 as the summer of racial rage. I wrote last year:
1. The killer/suspect is associated with the establishment in some relatively high level way. Loughner was a fan of, and had attended Giffords’ events. Breivik was associated with bizarre “Knights Templar” and masonic groups, Holmes was involved in advanced mind control programs, and Lanza’s father did have a connection to the Libor rigging scandal.
Now, with Elliot Rodger, there is a connection to high level
Hollywood. In any major media psy op of this nature the actor in the
scenario is someone chosen from among the establishment’s own ranks or
outer circles, often with some familial connection to military
2. The event is ready-made to run on the
mainstream media, on the spot, with the narrative already loaded into
the teleprompters. Indeed, within hours, we have heard that the shooter
visited men’s rights sites and was trying to work on his “game.” Since
he had apparently failed at this, and at Hollywood, it logically
follows that men and sexuality are the root of the evil. It’s never
Hollywood and the culture of death itself or Prozac that are
responsible, or course. Those are non-factors for the establishment
media, though almost all the mass killers are on SSRI drugs.
3. The shooter’s “details” emerge, with a cartoonish, voluminous “Manifesto” that appears out of nowhere “online.”
Laughably, the mainstream propaganda machine parrots endlessly how the
innernetz is untrustworthy and cannot be used for gathering alternative
news analysis, but when it comes to shooter/terrorist “Manifestos”
shady internet sources are never wrong! They just appear – poof! Right
after the event, prepackaged and politicized to demonize the target
group the psy op was intended to attack. In this case, it was gun
owners and masculinity. In all the previous cases, even though it was
not true, the media immediately accused “gun owners,” “video games,”
“men/masculinity” (identified and caricatured as misogyny),
“conservatives,” “veterans,” “racism,” etc. Essentially, anyone who is
not a gay Marxist or feminist is pure evil.
4. Ready-made gun control legislation was in the works to be immediately trotted out the following day. In this case, Senator Keen revives gun control legislation following the Elliot Rodger shooting. Surprise! – one of the victim’s fathers is ready father immediately pins the blame on guns!
The Hollywood cult of conformity foams at the mouth to implement the
utopian myth of total technocracy, oblivious to reality and nature, as
if the inland empire of illusion will be able to mind control
the entire populace into accepting the new world order. Never mind that
a socialist technocracy will be an utter nightmare, the Leftist Cult of
Mindlessness, run by corporate fascists above them, and international
banks above them, never cease to give up their dreams of rewriting all
of reality as if it were one of their screenplays.
5. The shooters are always conspicuously
killed, suicided or nowhere to be found (aside from Breivik). There’s
no talking to Holmes, Dorner, Cho, Rodgers, Lanza, etc., because they
always shoot themselves or are shot. Holmes is still around, but you’ll
not hear from him, as he was drugged out of his mind. Following a host
of nonsensical, conflicting accounts of what transpired, we can always
rest assured the killer will not be able to comment. Conflicting
accounts of what guns were used, how many people were killed, and how it
was pulled off, will be ignored and forgotten. The only thing that
will remain in the mainstream media repeat cycle will be the killer’s
fetishes and the need for gun control and removing all penises from the
earth. It’s all the more ironic and synchronicitous, since I just wrote about Hollwood brainwashing a few days ago.
6. The mainstream media will revel in the
bizarre use of twilight language, filled with double meanings, innuendos
and clues that fly over the heads of the zombie public. In this case,
there is a play on the title “Hunger Games killer,” given that he was
hungry for sex and couldn’t attain it in the market, and lacked “Game,”
as lifted from the men’s rights and pickup artist sites. His hunger was
such that since he lacked game, he had to kill guys, even though his
ridiculous, cartoonish “Manifesto” said he would kill blondes. In the
twilight language, the killer will be likened to some film or pop
culture figure they either did or did not (in reality) have a
fascination with. Columbine boys were like Neo in the Matrix, Holmes
was Batman/Joker, Lanza was in some video game, and Elliot Rodgers is now associated with Christian Bale from American Psycho. Why, it’s almost as if they are…actors following a script.
With Roof, all the ridiculous staged elements are beginning to surface. Shawn Helton of 21stCentury Wire has detailed the anomalies and inconsistencies that have emerged to date:
There are critics who
question the ‘official narrative’ of the Charleston shooting, due to its
seemingly ready-made storyline, in addition other details revealed
since the dramatic incident took place.
On June 18th, in a Boston Globe news release,
we learned that the allegedly racially motivated shooter Roof, had
dozens of ‘black friends’ listed on his apparent Facebook profile, a
profile that has since been deleted:
“His Facebook page has since been
removed. But before it was taken down, I combed through the list of 81
“friends” to see if anyone could tell me anything about him. I couldn’t
help but notice that Roof had a penchant for befriending black people.”
The report speculates that Roof was merely a twisted voyeur, collecting Facebook friends out of hate. However, it’s important to note, that if Roof is the same person who wrote the manifesto discussed above, its extremely doubtful he would have befriended people of a different race based on the nature of the text.
The report speculates that Roof was merely a twisted voyeur, collecting Facebook friends out of hate. However, it’s important to note, that if Roof is the same person who wrote the manifesto discussed above, its extremely doubtful he would have befriended people of a different race based on the nature of the text.
Was the Charleston shooting about race, guns or something else?
While the world was fully focused on the events unfolding in Charleston, the US House
of Representatives pushed through the ‘fast-track’ Trade Promotion
Authority, enabling large-scale trade deals such as the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) to move ahead with little to no obstruction from US leaders.
Roof is said to be from Eastover, South
Carolina, and is said to have planned the attack over the last 6 months.
Eastover recently ran a multi-agency drill with the South Carolina Army National Guard, which simulated casualties during a training exercise at McCrady Training Center, on June 30th, 2014.
We’ve seen evidence of active shooting drills or exercises prior to other alleged attacks and shootings – is this a coincidence or pattern?
We should also consider
that SSRIs have often been linked to events like Sandy Hook, the Aurora
theater shooting, the Tuscon shooting, as well as other high-profile
shooting events… ”
Sandy Hook Fraud: Robbie Parker (Actor!)
Charleston Shooting Hoax Crisis Actors "We Feel Nothing But Love" Exposed (Redsilverj)
Is this evidence of a crisis actor? It is certainly possible, when we keep in mind gun control is the other important factor in these events, as the problem-reaction-solution formula inevitably leads to calls by government for restricting and banning firearms. In fact, New York City was recently caught staging a fake “public service announcement” utilizing a fake gun shop, using actors buying “Lanza” and “James Holmes” guns. “Guns with History” is completely fake. Shooter’s Log comments:
“In an exclusive, the Shooter’s Log has learned that actors were used to portray customers in a fake gun shop “public service announcement” produced by States United Against Gun Violence earlier this year.
The New York City Mayor’s Office of Media
has confirmed these facts in its response to a Freedom of Information
Law (FOIL) request submitted in March.
“States United To Prevent Gun Violence
opens a ‘gun store’ in NYC as a hidden camera social experiment to
debunk safety myths,” the CeaseFire USA project claimed in its description of the video. The “social experiment,” like the “gun shop” itself, was pre-arranged, permits approved by the city indicate.
“Actors are interviewed on camera in a fake gun store,” the permits’ scene descriptions reveal.”
While I am not definitively stating I know all aspects of this event
were staged, like Sandy Hook and the Boston Bombing, it is important to
consider this possibility as we learn more about Sandy Hook, mass Psy
Ops and the use of crisis actors becomes more widely known. I would
like to highlight ISIS videos (see this archive for ISIS exposes at JaysAnalysis) as
a potent reminder that intelligence controlled mass media has no
problem scripting mass events, as well as mentioning yet again the fake
war broadcast by Charles Jaco for CNN in Gulf War I.cnn fake news cast
As I have written ad nauseam the last few years, the strategy of tension we have seen in other nations as a function of U.S. foreign policy based around color revolutions and strategies of tension are the same Psy Ops run here in the homeland. The same think tanks and foundations that dream up the “revolutions” for minorities are behind the same unrest domestically. I wrote:
“Destabilization of regions is a classic
tactic of political intrigue, yet most people think the color
revolutions and “Arab Springs” are real. Not only are they not real
(although there are real discontents among the populace), the “springs”
are revolutions that are engineered, with the recent trend including the
implementation of social media in fostering fake revolutions. These
revolutions are engineered by front groups for the purpose of
controlling Eurasia. This was the geo-political stratagem of the West
which was announced years ago, and Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke of the
necessity of controlling Eurasia to control the world for the American
Empire. Destabilization is the neo-conservative approach to this area, however, and if we recall last year, Henry
Kissinger noted that we would see a series of acts of destabilizations
in the Middle Eastern nations that were, in a large part, given impetus by color revolutions.”
Many are discovering the patterns of the “shooters,” but setting
aside the question of how real or staged each event is, which is itself a
high level Psy Op to gauge online reactions through algorithmic
tracking, the higher level pattern is that of the strategy of domestic
tension (order out of chaos) in hyping a race war and coming to the
rescue with more centralized, technocratic police state control.
From Ferguson to Baltimore, from Lanza to Roof, the inimical mass media
psychological warfare program is a unified one, constructed around
racial and gender division with calls for the medical establishment to
psychologically diagnose and monitor individuals as a means to restrict
and ban guns based around loose, redefined categories of “mental
illness” to disarm on a mass scale.
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