Sandy Hook: Disturbing Anomalies in Noah Pozner Coroner’s Report
By James F. TracyH/t Prof. Jim Fetzer
A closer look at Connecticut Chief Medical Examiner H. Wayne Carver II’s autopsy report for one Noah Samuel Pozner suggests at least three unusual discrepancies. This is especially the case when compared to the coroner’s remarks at a press conference in the immediate wake of the 2012 Newtown school massacre. Pozner was one of the 26 murder victims in the 2012 Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre event.
First, according to the document Carver pronounced Noah Pozner dead at 11:00AM–about one hour and 20 minutes after Adam Lanza shot Pozner and committed suicide inside Sandy Hook school on December 14, 2012. This is according to Carver’s January 29, 2013 signed coroner’s report of the Pozner boy’s body (below).

Carver’s testimony that Pozner survived for eighty minutes after being repeatedly shot by Lanza stands in stark contrast with his remarks at a December 15, 2012 press conference. When asked if the children suffered before dying, Carver responded, “If so, not for very long.” Yet by Carver’s own admission Pozner suffered for quite some time. Who attended to Pozner in his distress? Who pronounced Pozner and his classmates dead? According to the document it was Carver. Yet he was not yet on the scene at 11:00AM, and many first responders were likewise denied access to the crime scene.
Second, in comparison to the document, Carter’s off-the-cuff public statements to journalists concerning where the autopsies of the victims’ bodies took place simply don’t add up. The official version of what took place–that is, the story promoted in the New York Times and Wikipedia–explains that “fourteen of the children were dead at the scene; one injured child was taken to a hospital for treatment, but was later declared dead.” The coroner’s report states that Pozner’s autopsy took place at approximately 8:27AM on December 15 “at the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner.”
Yet in Carver’s bizarre performance at the December 15 press conference in Newtown the medical examiner explains in no uncertain terms that an elaborate facility was brought in and assembled where the autopsies presumably took place.
At the conclusion of the fifteen-minute meeting with reporters a visibly apprehensive Carver repeatedly contradicts himself. Connecticut’s top coroner first suggests that the postmortem examinations transpired at an elaborate mobile facility furnished by federal authorities. Here are Carver’s exact words:
It wasn’t a tent. It was this magnificent–thing.
And, uh, ah-ah-ah-and it’s sectional, and it sticks together with
velcro, and they stake it to the ground, and electricity and lights and
heat appear [sic].
Why else, other than to aid in the complex and likely chaotic
postmortem of an unusually violent bloodletting was this sophisticated
facility brought in and erected? This is undeniably what reporters and
the public are led to conclude from the remarks of a public official
with considerable stature.Having established this part of the account, a confused Carver then backtracks, stating that the bodies were transported in unmarked vehicles 42 miles away to his office in Farmington where the autopsies were to be conducted. The latter scenario would fit with his written report, yet stand in stark contrast with what he has led his audience to presume.
Third, following the most tragic school shooting in US history, Connecticut’s chief medical examiner is concerned about allaying the concerns of undertakers who have nothing to do with the major criminal investigation Carver figures centrally in. “Our goal–our goal was to get the kids out and available to the funeral directors first,” the chief coroner remarks to reporters at 11:45 in the clip below. “Uh, just for, well … y’know obvious reasons.”
Nevertheless on page one of Carver’s January 29, 2013 report–less than 24 hours after the event has concluded–the Pozners’ funeral director is dictating certain postmorten procedure on behalf of the grieving family. (“Internal examination is not performed in keeping with the wishes of the family as expressed to the undersigned through a representative of the funeral home.”)
Along these lines, in the news conference below Carver elsewhere states that his office routinely calls the mortuaries. Almost in the same breath he removes mortuaries from the equation entirely, stating that the funeral homes call his busy office directly. “The mortuaries have all been called. Uh, uh, and, uh … [T]he usual drill is the funeral homes call us, and as soon as the paperwork’s done we call them back.”
If this hold true, Carver’s January 29, 2013 report would have kept the undertakers waiting for over six weeks. Yet Carver tells reporters below that such paperwork was completed at 1:30PM on December 15. Perhaps given the circumstances Carver is making reference to preliminary processing. Still, as with so many other elements related to the Sandy Hook massacre, the Pozner document’s inconsistencies raises more questions than they put to rest.
This specific portion of the exchange (beginning at 13:31) is transcribed below.
Sandy Hook School shootings- Dr. H. Wayne Carver, Chief Medical Examiner- Full Press Conference
Unidentified Reporter #1 (off camera): Could you just–real quick, you said, did they set up a tent in the parking lot?
Carver: It wasn’t a tent. It was this magnificent–thing.
And, uh, ah-ah-ah-and it’s sectional, and it sticks together with
velcro, and they stake it to the ground, and electricity and lights and
heat appear [sic]. And it’s from the Department of Emergency Management,
and I think it came from the army, but I’m not sure. I think it’s these
things that they use [sic], uh, in-in-in, uh, to set up field hospitals
very quickly–mobile hospitals.
Unidentified Reporter #2 (off camera): And have all the children’s bodies been returned to the parents and mortuaries, or–
Carver: I don’t know. The mortuaries have all been called. Uh, uh, and, uh …
Unidentified Reporter #2 (off camera): But they’re ready to be released–these bodies?
Carver: The paperwork has been done. As of
one thirty the paperwork is done. And if the–the usual drill is the
funeral homes call us, and as soon as the paperwork’s done we call them
back. That process was completed for the children at one thirty today.
Unidentified Reporter #3 (off camera): You [transported] the bodies where?
Carver: To Farmington–our office in Farmington.
Unidentified Reporter #3 (off camera): Your office in Farmington. And how did you transport them?
Carver: We have our transport vehicles.
Unidentified Reporter #3 (off camera): Would you say how many vehicles?
Carver: We have three vehicles, and uh, and uh, a lot of guys that drive ’em
Unidentified Reporter #3 (off camera): Are they vans or–
Carver: Uh, they’re-they’re–actually … one
of the highlights of my administration is that we make them as
nondescript and unmarked as possible [laughs nervously] to foil you
guys. No, we–they started out at six. [Here again Carver appears
confused or is responding to an inaudible question. “They started out at
six” either refers to the number of drivers or the time of morning on
December 15 the bodies were transported to Farmington.]
Add these glaring contradictions between Carver’s own official
documents and his strange performance to the already very lengthy list
of unusual circumstances and unanswered questions surrounding the Sandy
Hook school massacre–an event that continues to strongly resemble a
massive contrived event or coverup.Absent major media complicity and millions in payouts from the Obama administration to Newtown and Connecticut state officials such an incident cannot long sustain itself in the public mind. In the context of increasingly militarized police, astroturf cries for gun control, and mandatory mental health protocols purportedly to save citizens from themselves, Sandy Hook is but one substantial rationale for broader social engineering already well underway in the US and other developed countries throughout the world.
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