Kingsman: The Secret Service – Ultimate Conspiracy Film?
By: Jay
Spoiler Alert
My date and I witnessed an interesting display this evening at the cinema – a bevy of ads for the new Hollywood blockbusters that contained one peculiar revelation that would relate to the feature film. An “Intel Inside” ad for the latest market processor appeared – it seemed normal enough, yet I recalled something ominous: “Intel inside” is whispered to be a kind of inside joke, as there have been reports the software contains backdoor technology for NSA spying. This notion is now standard fare post-Snowden, yet the connection to the film’s plot would prove revealing. And no, I am not saying there was some deep conspiracy in the fact that the commercial preceded the film. Rather, virtually all ads, just like film and music, are now common vehicles for predictive programming, as readers here are well aware.
Thus, when Kingsman came on, I was surprised that such a seemingly silly film would be one of the most revealing of late, comparable to Captain America: Winter Soldier, in terms of revealing the real plan of the technocratic cryptocracy. Kingsman centers around a young British thug named Eggsy recruited into a secret service comparable to MI6 (yet more secret) by Galahad (Colin Firth) that functions something like Mission Impossible, busy saving the “free world” from international villains. Full of numerous references to classic spy novels, the film is satirical with its lighthearted approach to itself making it bearable. I was reminded of the insightful (yet box-office failure) 1998 film, The Avengers, where the plot once again revolved around global villains using atmospheric weapons to control the globe. With Kingsman, it’s much more sophisticated (juxtaposed with humor).
Eggsy is the low-class recruit amongst a group of Cambridge and Oxford elite who must pass a series of trials to don the name of a classic Arthurian Round Table member, suggesting a clear association. Masonic Templar orders are an integral part of the global cryptocracy, and immediately Anders Breivik comes to mind, purporting to be a European Templar fighting the rise of Islam. The Arthurian mythology of the grail and the legends of divine right are therefore an integral aspect of the esoteric side of the establishment, especially in the United Kingdom, making the title King’s men clear. With the center of world Masonry located at the Grand Lodge in England, these associations are not accidental. These early indicators are intended to cue viewers into the esoteric working that is going to be presented. According to the documents of the 1312 Council of Vienne, one of the ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic Church, we read the following accusations against the Templar Order:
The new knight recruits are led to believe they must sacrifice humans for the greater good and that killing for the state is an honorable duty. While this is a classic tribal mentality, and in days past, the instinct to defend the tribe is rational. However, in our day, we live under a global shadow government tyranny that utilizes scientific propaganda to manipulate patriotism for evil ends. The psychological warfare of the Atlanticist establishment is anything but patriotic, and Kingsman will reveal this dark secret in striking detail, with the film’s villain being a strange combination of Spike Lee meets Blofeld in the character of tech magnate Richmond Valentine (played by Samuel L. Jackson) who has a plot to utilize cellular networks in combination with RF frequencies to cause mass mind control. Valentine utilizes ELF and VLF frequencies and Tesla technology to manipulate brain waves resulting in erratic, manic and homicidal behavior through cellphones.
Amazingly, this is a real plan that I have highlighted many times. Col. Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, and military psy op commander co-authored a famous 2003 paper on psychological warfare titled: “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory,” in which the footnotes at the end describe just the nefarious scenario Cohen warned of and are best cited in their entirety. Aquino and Valley write:
Having planned this frequency attack on a global scale through a satellite system, Valentine invites the planets elites to safety in an underground base where, due to his radical environmental green agenda, he will destroy the “virus of humanity” so that “Gaia” can be healed. This is precisely the actual global plan I have outlined from elite environmental fanatics, from Maurice Strong to the Club of Rome to the Georgia Guidestones. In addition, reference is made to the Noah’s Ark theme that we have seen in numerous films indicating the intention of the Malthusian establishment to massively depopulate the planet while being secreted away to underground “doomsday” bases, enduring whatever the chosen bioweapon happens to be. In fact, it is Bill Gates, a Valentine-type character, who has a share in the doomsday seed vault, who gives speeches openly about depopulating through covert means.
Just like the ad for “Intel inside” that preceded my viewing of the film that reminded me of the backdoor Trojan horse technology in the processors themselves, so the coming transhumanist agenda that is selling bodily manipulation and microchipping is a Trojan horse. The Malthusian establishment is in no way concerned with blessing the herd with authentic genetic enhancement and bio-tech, but is intent on mass genocide. From the perspective of the cryptocracy, it is the dupes who fall for this scam that deserve to be destroyed for their naivety. A genocidal elite whose philosophy is centered on environmental Malthusianism and Mother Earth as Gaia will not give you a microchip because they love you. Sadly, the majority of the masses will fall for this scam, as the cryptocracy openly reveals their plans, which are most often hidden in plain sight.
See also my article: Skynet is Real: Alchemists, Exemplarism and Techgnosis
Kingsman: The Secret Service trailer:
Spoiler Alert
My date and I witnessed an interesting display this evening at the cinema – a bevy of ads for the new Hollywood blockbusters that contained one peculiar revelation that would relate to the feature film. An “Intel Inside” ad for the latest market processor appeared – it seemed normal enough, yet I recalled something ominous: “Intel inside” is whispered to be a kind of inside joke, as there have been reports the software contains backdoor technology for NSA spying. This notion is now standard fare post-Snowden, yet the connection to the film’s plot would prove revealing. And no, I am not saying there was some deep conspiracy in the fact that the commercial preceded the film. Rather, virtually all ads, just like film and music, are now common vehicles for predictive programming, as readers here are well aware.
Thus, when Kingsman came on, I was surprised that such a seemingly silly film would be one of the most revealing of late, comparable to Captain America: Winter Soldier, in terms of revealing the real plan of the technocratic cryptocracy. Kingsman centers around a young British thug named Eggsy recruited into a secret service comparable to MI6 (yet more secret) by Galahad (Colin Firth) that functions something like Mission Impossible, busy saving the “free world” from international villains. Full of numerous references to classic spy novels, the film is satirical with its lighthearted approach to itself making it bearable. I was reminded of the insightful (yet box-office failure) 1998 film, The Avengers, where the plot once again revolved around global villains using atmospheric weapons to control the globe. With Kingsman, it’s much more sophisticated (juxtaposed with humor).
Eggsy is the low-class recruit amongst a group of Cambridge and Oxford elite who must pass a series of trials to don the name of a classic Arthurian Round Table member, suggesting a clear association. Masonic Templar orders are an integral part of the global cryptocracy, and immediately Anders Breivik comes to mind, purporting to be a European Templar fighting the rise of Islam. The Arthurian mythology of the grail and the legends of divine right are therefore an integral aspect of the esoteric side of the establishment, especially in the United Kingdom, making the title King’s men clear. With the center of world Masonry located at the Grand Lodge in England, these associations are not accidental. These early indicators are intended to cue viewers into the esoteric working that is going to be presented. According to the documents of the 1312 Council of Vienne, one of the ecumenical councils of the Roman Catholic Church, we read the following accusations against the Templar Order:
“The scandal against the Templars
themselves and their order in reference to the crimes already mentioned
increased. There was even one of the knights, a man of noble blood and
of no small reputation in the order, who testified secretly under oath
in our presence, that at his reception the knight who received him
suggested that he deny Christ, which he did, in the presence of certain
other knights of the Temple, he furthermore spat on the cross held out
to him by this knight who received him. He also said that he had seen
the grand master, who is still alive, receive a certain knight in a
chapter of the order held overseas. The reception took place in the same
way, namely with the denial of Christ and the spitting on the cross,
with quite two hundred brothers of the order being present. The witness
also affirmed that he heard it said that this was the customary manner
of receiving new members: at the suggestion of the person receiving the
profession or his delegate, the person making profession denied Jesus
Christ, and in abuse of Christ crucified spat upon the cross held out to
him, and the two committed other unlawful acts contrary to christian
morality, as the witness himself then confessed in our presence.”
The proceedings go on to ascribe sodomy and occult and
gnostic practices to the Templars with the disbanding of the order
forcing them to go “underground.” From this legend came the
associations with modern speculative masonry and occult orders, all of
which love to claim some vague connection to Templarism. Crowley’s own Order of the Eastern Templars, the O.T.O., claims descent from this ideology, as well. With Kingsman
we can rest assured connecting these dots is precisely what is
intended, since Hollywood is cinematic Gnosticism. The recruits of the
Kingsmen are therefore “knights” of the esoteric round table of the
cryptocracy, centered in London, and as the propaganda generally goes,
all the dastardly acts of the global villains are actually the modus operandi of the “heroic” establishment. I’ve highlighted this many times, but Kingsman has a bit of a twist on this narrative, as we will see.The new knight recruits are led to believe they must sacrifice humans for the greater good and that killing for the state is an honorable duty. While this is a classic tribal mentality, and in days past, the instinct to defend the tribe is rational. However, in our day, we live under a global shadow government tyranny that utilizes scientific propaganda to manipulate patriotism for evil ends. The psychological warfare of the Atlanticist establishment is anything but patriotic, and Kingsman will reveal this dark secret in striking detail, with the film’s villain being a strange combination of Spike Lee meets Blofeld in the character of tech magnate Richmond Valentine (played by Samuel L. Jackson) who has a plot to utilize cellular networks in combination with RF frequencies to cause mass mind control. Valentine utilizes ELF and VLF frequencies and Tesla technology to manipulate brain waves resulting in erratic, manic and homicidal behavior through cellphones.
Amazingly, this is a real plan that I have highlighted many times. Col. Michael Aquino, founder of the Temple of Set, and military psy op commander co-authored a famous 2003 paper on psychological warfare titled: “From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory,” in which the footnotes at the end describe just the nefarious scenario Cohen warned of and are best cited in their entirety. Aquino and Valley write:
“19 Atmospheric electromagnetic (EM)
activity: The Human body communicates internally by EM and
electrochemical impulses. The EM field displayed in Kirlian photographs,
the effectiveness of acupuncture, and the body’s physical responses to
various types of EM radiation (X-rays, infrared radiation, visible
light spectra, etc.) are all examples of human sensitivity to EM forces and fields. Atmospheric EM activity is
regularly altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort the Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly. Per Dr. LJ. Ravitz:
regularly altered by such phenomena as sunspot eruptions and gravitational stresses which distort the Earth’s magnetic field. Under varying external EM conditions, humans are more or less disposed to the consideration of new ideas. MindWar should be timed accordingly. Per Dr. LJ. Ravitz:
Electromagnetic field constructs add fuel to the assumption unifying living matter harmoniously
with the operations of nature, the expression of an electromagnetic
field no less than non-living systems; and that as points on spectrums,
these two entities may at last take their positions in the organization
of the universe in a way both explicable and rational … A tenable
theory has been provided for emergence of the nervous system, developing
not from functional demands, but instead deriving as a result of
dynamic forces imposed on cell groups by the total field pattern. Living
matter on has a definition of state based on relativity field physics,
through which it has been possible to detect a measurable property of
total state functions. (Ravitz, State- Function, Including Hypnotic
States” in Journal of American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry and
Medicine, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1970.)
20 Ionization of the air:
An abundance of negative condensation nuclei (“air ions”) in ingested
air enhances alertness and exhilaration, while an excess of positive
ions enhances drowsiness and depression. Calculation of the
ionic balance of a target audience’s atmospheric environment will be
correspondingly useful. Again this is a naturally-occurring condition –
caused by such varying agents as solar ultraviolet light, lightning, and rapidly-moving water – rather than one which most be artificially created.
(Detonation of nuclear weapons, however, will alter atmospheric
ionization levels.) Cf. Soyke, Fred and Edmonds, Alan, The Ion Effect.
New York: E.P. Dutton, 1977.
21 Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) waves:
ELF waves up to 100 Hz are once more naturally occurring, but they can
also be produced artificially (such as for the Navy’s Project Sanguine
for submarine communication). ELF-waves are not normally noticed
by the unaided senses, yet their resonant effect upon the human body
has been connected to both physiological disorders and emotional
distortion. Infrasoundvibration (up to 20 Hz) can
subliminally influence brain activity to align itself to delta, theta,
alpha, or beta wave patterns, inclining an audience toward everything
from alertness to passivity. Infrasound could be used tactically, as
ELF-waves endure for great distances; and it could be used in
conjunction with media broadcasts as well. See Playfair, Guy L. and Hill, Scott, The Cycles of Heaven. New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1978, pages 130-140.”
Similarly, Zbigniew Brzezinski wrote decades earlier in 1970:
“In addition… future developments may well
include automated or manned space warships, deep-sea installations,
chemical and biological weapons, death rays, and still other forms of
warfare–even the weather may be tampered with….In addition, it may be
possible–and tempting–to exploit for strategic-political purposes the
fruits of research on the brain and on human behavior. Gordon J. F.
MacDonald, a geophysicist specializing in problems of warfare, has
written that timed artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to
a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high power levels
over certain regions of the earth…. In this way, one could develop a
system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large
populations in selected regions over an extended period…. No matter how
deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate
behavior for national advantages to some, the technology permitting such
use will very probably develop within the next few decades….techniques
for conducting secret warfare.” (footnote page 57, Between Two Ages)
“As one specialist noted, ‘By the year
2018, technology will make available to the leaders of the major
nations, a variety of techniques for conducting secret warfare, of which
only a bare minimum of the security forces need be appraised. One
nation may attack a competitor covertly by bacteriological means,
thoroughly weakening the population (though with a minimum of
fatalities) before taking over with its own armed forces.
Alternatively, techniques of weather modification could be employed to
produce prolonged periods of drought or storm….(Gordon J. F. MacDonald,
“Space,” in Toward the year 2018, p.34). ” (Ibid.)
It is not random chance this was included in the Kingsman
script, and the plot gets even nuttier. Intent on testing his VLF
manipulation technology, Valentine chooses a backwoods Kentucky “racist”
church, having led Galahad (Firth) there. The frequency manipulation
results in Galahad assassinating all the church members in a bloody
festival of gore that hints at a mass ritual murder. While Galahad did
not intend to do this, the frequency manipulation resulted in his
assassin programming triggering, framing him for mass murder (this is
also why there are many scenes with monarch butterfly symbology).
Indeed, Crowley himself called for his Templars to put an end to
Christianity, replacing it with a new aeon of “Crowleyanity.”Having planned this frequency attack on a global scale through a satellite system, Valentine invites the planets elites to safety in an underground base where, due to his radical environmental green agenda, he will destroy the “virus of humanity” so that “Gaia” can be healed. This is precisely the actual global plan I have outlined from elite environmental fanatics, from Maurice Strong to the Club of Rome to the Georgia Guidestones. In addition, reference is made to the Noah’s Ark theme that we have seen in numerous films indicating the intention of the Malthusian establishment to massively depopulate the planet while being secreted away to underground “doomsday” bases, enduring whatever the chosen bioweapon happens to be. In fact, it is Bill Gates, a Valentine-type character, who has a share in the doomsday seed vault, who gives speeches openly about depopulating through covert means.
Bill Gates Admits Vaccines Are Used for Human Depopulation
Transhumanism also comes to the fore, with Valentine’s right hand assassin being a hot babe with prosthetic blade legs. Valentine’s chosen means of converting believers to his great work is an implantable biometric chip that contains a bioweapon that can be remotely activated. Gradually working his way through the planets elites, he manages to convert almost the entire establishment to his green Gaia agenda, having imprisoned any nobility that refused his agenda. Even the head of the Kingsman, Arthur (played by Michael Caine) are revealed to be in on Valentine’s plan, having been microchipped. This indicates that even the well-intentioned intelligence agents are unwittingly serving this dark plan which ultimately results in their own destruction. As I have explained, the plan to integrate directed energy and frequency weapons with implantable microchips is a real plan, revealed by the Air Force back in the 90s. This is why we are being prepped with a bevy of news and media propaganda for the acceptance of transhumanism through prosthetics leading to implantable microchips.Just like the ad for “Intel inside” that preceded my viewing of the film that reminded me of the backdoor Trojan horse technology in the processors themselves, so the coming transhumanist agenda that is selling bodily manipulation and microchipping is a Trojan horse. The Malthusian establishment is in no way concerned with blessing the herd with authentic genetic enhancement and bio-tech, but is intent on mass genocide. From the perspective of the cryptocracy, it is the dupes who fall for this scam that deserve to be destroyed for their naivety. A genocidal elite whose philosophy is centered on environmental Malthusianism and Mother Earth as Gaia will not give you a microchip because they love you. Sadly, the majority of the masses will fall for this scam, as the cryptocracy openly reveals their plans, which are most often hidden in plain sight.
See also my article: Skynet is Real: Alchemists, Exemplarism and Techgnosis
Kingsman: The Secret Service trailer:
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