Deception Down Under
Before Columbine, Virginia Tech, Aurora and Sandy Hook, there was Australia’s Port Arthur Massacre //
Since 1998 MacGregor has conducted extensive research on the Port Arthur incident and other Australian ‘lone-nut’ shootings. MacGregor argues that such events are directly related to international UN-directed gun control measures.
MacGregor began delving into the Port Arthur massacre at the behest of Wendy Scurr, a nurse and eyewitness at the event who attended to the wounded. “Here I am, sitting at my desk at night, transcribing the whole of the police transcript. We had some witness statements.” Through Freedom of Information requests he and others revisiting the case obtained more. “We also were able to get some that had been hidden, like the witness statement of Sargent Michael Charles Dyson, and we could prove that that was written months after and it was completely bogus.”
As MacGregor and Tracy discuss, Australian political leaders were dismayed that Tazmania and South Australia were reluctant to throw their support behind proposed gun control laws. “There will never be uniform gun laws in Australia until we see a massacre in Tazmania,” New South Whales premier Barry Unsworth declared several years before the Port Arthur event.
There’d just been two massacres in Melbourne, Victoria … After those two incidents the Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke then called a special meeting of the police ministers. There was also another meeting presided over by] Hawke of state premiers. There were two states, South Australia and Tazmania, that were not prepared to concede their interest in firearms to the federal government. It was at that stage that Barry Unsworth made his quote. That occurred in December 1987. Barry Unsworth went to an election poll in March 1988 and suffered the biggest defeat that any political party suffered in New South Whales. He was absolutely routed.MacGregor sees several similarities in the prelude to the Port Arthur massacre and recent events in the US such as Sandy Hook, yet his analysis has led him to conclude that Sandy Hook was in fact a drill.
Because of this the gun control agenda was then moved from a political issue to a health issue. And I think you’ll find in America they’ve learned from Australia, and they’ll list it as a health issue and not a political issue.
When I first started looking at the various reports coming out, there was an excellent from “Idaho Picker.”A couple of policemen were chasing somebody else up through the scrub. It was taken from a helicopter, and he was arrested and carted off and placed in the front seat of a police car. My knowledge of policing in America [suggests] the criminal never goes in the front. He’s always placed in the backseat of the vehicle … You never, never place a criminal in the front seat of a police vehicle … A local newspaper said a couple of days later that the person arrested was an off duty policeman. But he wasn’t off duty. He couldn’t have been off duty.As MacGregor observes, “You read everything and what you realize is that it was an actual police exercise that took place at a vacant school, and definitely not the Sandy Hook Elementary School. Once you start having a look at everything proper [and] you assess everything that was going on, you realize that the whole Sandy Hook massacre was simply a police exercise.”
“The other really interesting thing that was actually taken of the real Sandy Hook Elementary [School]. It had been [closed] due to asbestos. The school was dilapidated and it was nothing like the so-called Sandy Hook massacre.”
"Real Politik" with Dr. James Tracy - Interview 23: Dr. Andrew S. MacGregor 10-29-2014
Another tip-off that Sandy Hook was a contrived event involved the poor on-camera performance of Connecticut Coroner H. Wayne Carver Jr. “He was being interviewed, with police in the background, being asked certain questions, and he hummed and he hawed and he deferred. In the background you’ve got all of the policemen, all in uniform, some of them looking very stern as they looked on.”
Then MacGregor recognized how “a couple of them are winking and smirking. I said, ‘What the hell’s going on?’ I had never, never known policemen to smirk when they’ve just had twenty kids killed. It’s horrific if it had been factual to have policemen smirking.
“The reason they’re smirking,” MacGregor continues, “is because Dr. Carver hasn’t learned how to lie. He can’t lie that well. So the questions he’s finds too difficult he passed on; the police can answer. He made certain comments, such as most of the kinds being shot three to eleven times … You don’t kill children or people by shooting them with a semi-automatic three-to-eleven times. [What he's describing] is a fully automatic.”
MacGregor’s research indicates that the Port Arthur massacre was largely a botched job in terms of coordinating the actual shooter. This is suggested by the numerous Western intelligence agents mistakenly killed during the event. “There was a major scuff up at the Port Arthur massacre. The gunman was supposed to get on a ferry there that took people out to the Isle of the Dead–this cemetery that’s stuck out in the middle of Long Bay. He was then to retreat by the ferry to Seascape cottage and set the ferry on fire to burn the evidence. The waters at Port Arthur are very cold and rather deep, and any survivors that jumped out and got into the water would have died of hypothermia.”
There was also a “trauma seminar” taking place at the Royal Hobart Hospital, attended by over two dozen trauma specialists from throughout Australia. “They were specifically waiting for all of the survivors to be brought in. There were one or two busloads of American tourists–about 70 odd American tourists, old age pensioners, people enjoying the latter part of [their lives]–they were set up to be the target of this massacre, and the massacre had to take place at 1:30[PM].” Yet a fortnight prior to the Port Arthur massacre the schedule for the ferry from Port Arthur to the Isle of the Dead shifted from summer to winter.
Marin Bryant, the alleged shooter in the event, was in fact lured to the scene after having been told that he would be playing a role in a terrorist drill, MacGregor points out. Indeed, rather than a fair adjudicated court proceeding Bryant was unfairly tried in the court of Australian and world public opinion by Rupert Murdoch-controlled news media. “He never had a trial. It was only a sentencing report. They never even gave him a trial. He’s still never be released from jail, except for in a wooden box.”
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