Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Barack Obama aka; Barry Soetoro In Prison.
- Egyptian Legal Authorities Charge Obama And Hillary Clinton: Criminal Conspiracy With Muslim Brotherhood.
- EGYPT Imprisons Obama Muslim Brotherhood: Takes Action Against Terrorist Conspirators Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton!
- Obama’s NWO Crimes Against Humanity Committed By Kiev Regime: Independent Ukrainian War Crimes Tribunal
- Damnable U.S. Senators Send Egypt Muslim Brotherhood 20 U.S. Taxpayer F-16 Fighter Jets & 200 Abrams Tanks: While They Crucify Our Christians! Senators Must Be Stopped!!!!!!!
- EGYPT Imprisons Obama Muslim Brotherhood: Takes Action Against Terrorist Conspirators Barack Obama & Hillary Clinton!
Uncovered Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Obama in Prison
- Obama Takes A Hit: Egypt Strikes Back Twice As Hard ~ Court Jails 52 Political Muslim Brotherhood Regime Members ~ 11 Get Life Sentences
- BACKFIRE: Ousted Obama Backed Muslim Brotherhood Of Egypt Was To Attack Syria: What The Media Isn’t Telling You About The U.S. Cabal’s Syrian Fomented War!
Investigative journalist Jerome Corsi has obtained a copy of the document held by the Egyptian military, proving the Obama regime sent millions of dollars in bribes to the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Clinton Official Arrested In Egypt As Member Of Obama’s Muslim Brotherhood
- Hungary Kills The Rothschild Banks: Ordered To Vacate Country.
Enter Malik Obama, Obama’s half brother. According to Egyptian television, citing the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt:
The President’s brother…is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.
- Janet Napolitano Hires $12 Million Supporter Of Hamas ~ Mohamed Elibiary
- Muslim Brotherhood Goon ‘Elibiary’ Appointed As Sr. Secretary For U.S. Gestapo Homeland Security Scheme.
According to Egypt Daily News, a document exists showing the eight billion dollar “holocaust” agreement with the Obama administration that was signed by former Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi and his second in command Khairat Al-Shater, both under arrest by the Egyptian military for murder and treason.
Does this document really exist, showing the $8 billion dollar bribe signed by Obama or one of his representatives?
According to Khairat Al-Shater’s son, Saad Al-Shater, prior to being arrested by the Egyptian military, his father was in possession of information linking Obama with the Muslim Brotherhood that he says would put Obama in prison.
As reported by a multitude of Arabic news sources:
In an interview with the Anatolia News Agency, Saad Al-Shater, the son of a Muslim Brotherhood leader, the detained Khairat Al-Shater said that his father had in his hand evidence that will land the head of United States of America, President Obama, in prison.If the Egyptian military releases this document, it would no doubt spell the end of the Obama presidency, bringing [arrest], impeachment, a long prison term, and perhaps even the death penalty.
Government Slaves
- Vladimir Putin Speech: 85% Of The 1917 Soviet Government Was Made Up By Rothschild Jews {Jew Being A Misnomer} Zionist Khazars Being More Accurate.
- Nuclear Physicist Fukushima Fake: A Financial Disaster, But No Nuclear Disaster, Not One Nuclear Death By Human Or Animal.
- MEDIA BLACKOUT: Uncovered Muslim Brotherhood Documents Could Put Obama In Prison and Given the Death Penalty… (
- U.S. Sheriffs Rise Up Against Federal Government: Sheriff Threatens Feds With SWAT Team ~ Grass Roots Take Charge!
- U.S. Bon Jovi and Iran’s Andy Madadian: “US Citizens Stand By Iranian People” (
- Bombshell: Egyptian Media – Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood Member (
- TREASON REPORT: U.S. Met With Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood ~ Granted ‘Direct Access’ To U.S. Taxpayer’s ‘Paper Derivative’ Stimulus Debt.
- Documents Surface Showing Obama Bribed Muslim Brotherhood says Egyptian Military video (
- Whoa- Report from Egypt, Obama Is Muslim Brotherhood Member (
- Obama a Member of Muslim Brotherhood — Egyptian Media (
- Egypt Paper Says They Have Proof Pres. Obama Is A Member Of The Muslim Brotherhood (
- SHOCKING REPORT! Egyptian Media Says Obama is a Muslim Brotherhood Member (
- Obama’s Brother Malik Obama: Target Of Egyptian Government Terrorist Investigation (
- Colorado To Recall Third Obama Soviet Democrat: Evie Hudak (D) Colluded In Seditious Gun Control Legislation.
- ObamaCare Website And The Ukrainian Wheat Farmers: Soviet Gorbachev’s Agenda 21 Within The U.S. Doing The Bidding Of The Rothschild Banking Cabal.
- Prevent NSA’s Spying On You NOW With This Weird Trick
- Repeal Banker’s Obamacare Now: Put Your Signature On The Dotted Line: DO NOT ENROLL ~ 21 States Have Nullified Obamacare.
- Timeline Of Reid & Obama’s Obtuse Shutdown: Blackmailing Of U.S. Retirements & Healthcare Needs.
- IMF Sends Message “Raise The Debt Ceiling” ~ Charlie Manson Sends Patricia Krenwinkel
- Illuminati Ex-President Morsi Of Egypt To Be Prosecuted For Inciting Murders: Sharing The Legacy With Saddam Hussein!
- Obama Is The United States’ Nelson Mandela – God help us!
- Obama Orders Priests Arrested If They Say Mass On Military Bases
- Liberalism and Communism – Same Side of the Same Coin: North Korea_Rothschild’s NWO Paranoia Template.
- Four London Based Cartel Banks In The U.S. Hold A Staggering 95.9% Of The U.S. Counterfeit Money aka; ‘Derivatives': The $600 Trillion Financial WMDs That Are Set To Explode!
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