Every Christian Should Boycott the NFL
I love
the game of football. However, I love the founding principles of my
country more. This article describes the reasons why America should
withdraw its support, not for football, but for the NFL
as a whole. With each passing month the National Football League (NFL)
continues to add to its reasons for Christians and constitutionally
devoted citizens to boycott the NFL.
Here is the evolving and growing list of reasons to boycott the NFL.
The NFL Is Inserting the Mark of the Beast Into Its Players
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13
This morning, the Great Deception has announced its discovery of the fact that “The NFL has just made the stunning announcement that beginning in the 2014 football season, all players will receive RFID tracking chips that will be integrated into their shoulder pads. Their every movement will be tracked, cataloged and analyzed in massive computer systems, with the stats being spat back out in real-time”.
This will certainly open the door to having millions of sports fans accept being micro chipped in the future because it will be a very “trendy” thing to do.
The NFL Price Gouges Every Vendor and Fan They Service
The NFL owners demand that citizens of
various communities put up hundreds of millions of dollars to build
monolithic stadiums at taxpayer’s expense. Amazingly, the NFL does not pay tax on its revenues!
Unbelievable: The NFL Is Tax Exempt
Did you know that the NFL made $9 billion
dollars last year? Did you know that the NFL is a tax-exempt corporation
and paid no tax on their $9 billion dollars of profit in the 2012-2013
season? What is wrong with this picture? Adding insult to injury, the
NFL extorts money from every city that hosts the Super Bowl.
Hide Your Wallet When the Super Bowl Comes to Town
In the most recent string of NFL violations of the public trust, the NFL is attempting to use local government to control pricing of hotel rooms in and around the University of Phoenix Stadium where the 2015 Super Bowl
is being played. Fortunately the people of the nearby area in Glendale,
AZ., and their Mayor, Jerry Weiers, have told the NFL to go pound sand.
Can you believe that the NFL thinks that they have the right to price
fix local merchants and the prices that they would charge? Mark it down,
on Super Bowl Sunday, the NFL becomes the economic dictators of the host city!
Every time the Super Bowl is played in a city, the residents’ wallets get a little lighter with the corporate welfare demanded by the league for the pleasure of helping the NFL make more money.
The last time I attended an NFL game, a 10
ounce beer cost $10! A dollar an ounce for warm stadium beer! And we
thought the Rockefellers were being greedy over the price of oil!
Don’t Try to Smuggle Your Constitution Inside of An NFL Stadium: The NFL or the TSA, What’s the Difference?
The NFL An Accomplice to Tyranny
In Operation Mountain Guardian, we should remember, that this is the same NFL that allowed FEMA to bring school children to the Denver Broncos Sports Authority
Field after they were illegally removed from their elementary schools
without parental notification or permission. To date, there has been no
apology or explanation given. The same thing took place at the New York
Giants Stadium as well.
Why would anyone support such an organization?
The NFL Backs Gun Confiscation
Who will ever forget the Bob Costas rant at an NFL game last year when he called for gun confiscation.
The people who overpay for the game tickets are not paying to hear the
NFL tell everyone that they should give up their guns. Does anyone think
it is an accident that the NFL is cooperating to allow their venues to
be used as detention centers in times of national emergency?
It Is Time To Boycott the NFL
How does one go about boycotting the NFL? Pretty much the same way that one would boycott anything.
1. Not that it will do any good, but write to your Congressman demanding that the tax exemption for the NFL is revoked.
2. Press your State Legislators to pass laws forbidding the use of taxpayer money to support corporate welfare for the NFL. The billionaire owners can build their own stadiums.
3. Write to all advertisers of NFL televised games and tell them that you will not buy their products as long as they advertise at NFL games.
4. Obviously, everyone should refuse to buy a ticket to an NFL game.
5. Do not buy NFL merchandise
I played high school football and coached at
the high school level before moving on to coach college basketball. I
love football. It is a brutal game played by tough men. I learned a lot
about life and discipline from my football coaches. If you are like me,
you do not have to get your football fix from the NFL. Go to a high
school game where the competition is genuine and the love of the game is
why the athletes play.
The only reason that American forces attacked
Guadalcanal in the dark days of 1942 during WWII, was because America
needed a victory, any victory. Boycotting the NFL can serve the same
The forces of the NWO are so omnipresent, so
powerful that the general public is unable to gain any traction against
this tyranny. However, this is a battle we can win. Nobody can force you
to go to a NFL football game. Nobody can force you to purchase NFL
products. This is what we should have done after the TSA
began to sexually assault Americans, refuse to fly. If the American
public stood down in the face of tyranny, the airlines and the NFL would
go broke and their screams would have been heard all the way to the
halls of Congress.
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