With the recent revelations by NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden,
it’s no secret that we live on a planet characterized by mass
surveillance and virtually zero privacy. We live in a world where we are
constantly bombarded with the idea that we face threats, that a high
level of national security is needed in order to keep us safe. Think
about it, the United States pumps a large majority of their money into
the Department of Defence. A state of fear, war and terror is needed to
keep those funds flowing in that direction. Many people are starting to
wake up and realize a lot of the so called threats we face and have been
facing are largely manufactured and fabricated in order to justify a
specific agenda, agendas that deal with the black budget world.
“It is ironic that the U.S.
would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass
destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are
occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be
fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to
those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a
democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars
have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in
chief no nothing about” - Paul Hellyer, Former Canadian Defence Minister (source)
It doesn’t stop there, remember when
credit and debit cards changed into one with a chip? That could be you
in a few years as multiple corporations are pushing to microchip the
human race. In fact, microchip implants in humans are already on the
market. For example, an American company called Applied Digital
Solutions (ADS) has developed one approximately the size of a grain of
rice, and has already had it approved by the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration for distribution and implementation. (1)
Below is a video of DARPA director and Google Executive Regina Dugan promoting the idea of microchipping humans.
Ask yourself, what if this becomes a
requirement for authentication and identification? To withdraw money or
go to the grocery store? Would you do it?
These microchips would be implanted
under the skin, and allow the wearer’s movements to be tracked and store
personal information about them. This kind of reminds us of George
Orwell’s “Big Brother” police state doesn’t it?
According to a report drawn up by a team
of academics for (then) Britain’s Information Commissioner Richard
Thomas in 2006, within the next couple of years our almost every
movement, purchase and communication could be monitored by a complex
network of interlinking surveillance technologies (if it isn’t already).
This isn’t about safety and national
security, it’s about controlling the human population even more so than
it is today. We live in the illusion of freedom where our potential as a
human race to create something better is not wanted. We spend our
entire lives working and acquiring little pieces of paper to gather the
necessities we need, and in doing so we become blind to what is really
happening on, to, and around our planet.
Money should never come in the way of
necessity, and we have the potential to create a world where everybody’s
needs are provided for. From that place of freedom, just imagine what
we can do. We have the potential, and we have the power to do it, we
just have to open our eyes and realize it’s possible. Those who monitor
us so closely don’t really want to see us thrive, and it seems that they
don’t really care about us.
The power does not lie with them, it
lies with us. At any time we can choose to wake up and change the way we
do things here on the planet. Not many people are resonating with the
state of our world today and more people are starting to realize that we
can do something about it.
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