Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting
Serious Questions Arise Concerning the True Nature of the Events
Serious Questions Arise Concerning the True Nature of the Events
On Friday, December 14th, 2012, an event of horrific proportions took place at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut: More than two dozen people were reported to have been slain by a lone gunman inside of Sandy Hook Elementary School. Twenty of the victims are reported to have been children. The suspected shooter is said to be 20-year-old Adam Lanza, a shy and reclusive young man whom the media is reporting suffered from obsessive compulsive disorder, personality disorder as well as Asperger's Syndrome (autism). Adam was said to have been armed with as many as five weapons as well as a bullet-proof vest at the time when the murders took place. Reports state that he was also dressed in camouflage/black battle fatigues. Reports have also surfaced from local police in which we are told that after opening fire and killing dozens of people, Adam Lanza then turned one of those guns on himself in an apparent murder/suicide.
In the wake of this event, some very confusing details have surfaced in regards to the mainstream media's reports concerning the true nature of the events which took place inside the school. The purpose of this write-up is merely to ask some very basic questions, as the media reports which have surfaced, when put together, seem to paint a very confusing picture.
This article is in NO WAY meant to confirm nor deny any of the reports coming forward. It is merely meant as a forum for asking some deeper questions. The scope of this tragedy is immeasurable, and we must all mourn deeply for the deaths of these innocent victims.
Please click HERE to watch a video showing the full speech given on Saturday, December 15th, 2012 by Robbie Parker, father of Emilie Parker, a victim in the Sandy Hook Elementary school shootings.
Please click HERE to watch the full Press Conference given by Dr. H. Wayne Carver, chief medical examiner assigned to the Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings.
School Principal speaks to reporters before being killed
'Sandy Hook' referenced in the film 'The Dark Knight Rises'
of the map included in the Promotional Package for the film 'The Dark
Knight Rises', clearly showing the area of 'Sandy Hook'

Complete 'Gotham City' map from the film, clearly showing the area of 'Sandy Hook' in the southwestern portion of the map
Live screen shots from the film 'The Dark Knight Rises'.
Left: Section of the map showing the area of 'Sandy Hook'.
Right: Commissioner Gordon placing his hand directly over the area of 'Sandy Hook'.
Media reports on multiple suspects apprehended at the scene
In a report posted in The Newtown Bee, the town's local newspaper, the following statement is made:
Hook School Principal Dawn Hochsprung told the Bee that a masked man
entered the school with a rifle and started shooting multiple shots-more
than she could count-that went on and on."
statement raises a very serious question: How could the school
principal, who is reported to have been one of those killed inside the
school, have spoken to reporters before being
murdered? All mainstream media outlets report that the killings
happened over a matter of minutes, so how could the principal have
possibly made contact with reporters?
This report was taken down from The Newtown Bee's official website, but a screen of it is shown here:

This report was taken down from The Newtown Bee's official website, but a screen of it is shown here:
DHS and FEMA run joint emergency preparedness drills at the Sandy Hook Fire Department in fall of 2010
a rather coincidental turn of events, it appears that both the DHS
(Department of Homeland Security) and FEMA (Federal Emergency Management
Agency) conducted a joint emergency preparedness exercise on September
22nd of 2010 in the town of Sandy Hook, Connecticut. This was conducted
under the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP).
The operation was conducted out of the Sandy Hook Fire Department, which
is located in the immediate vicinity of the Sandy Hook Elementary
school, just across the road. This begs the question: Is it pure
coincidence that two major federal agencies conducted a joint emergency
preparedness exercise two years and four months prior to a major event
happening at the school?
Official website link to the training course at Sandy Hook HERE
Link to the official DHS HSEEP website HERE
Link to FEMA's Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEG), which are tied into the HSEEP training course HERE
Official website link to the training course at Sandy Hook HERE
Link to the official DHS HSEEP website HERE
Link to FEMA's Exercise Evaluation Guides (EEG), which are tied into the HSEEP training course HERE
Ohio school district posts information concerning the Sandy Hook
tragedy four days prior to the event actually taking place

On December 10th, 2012, a report entitled "Talking with your child about the Sandy Hook Tragedy"
was posted on the website for the Arlington, Ohio School District. The
date on which this article was published is most curious, as the Sandy
Hook tragedy did not occur until four days later, on December 14th of
2012. This raises a very serious question: Why did the Arlington, Ohio
School District release a report giving information to parents about
how to assist their children in coming to terms with this tragedy a full
FOUR DAYS before the event actually took place?
A link to the official report page on the Arlington School District's website, clearly showing the posting date of December 10th, can be found HERE. Below is a screen shot of the report.
A link to the official report page on the Arlington School District's website, clearly showing the posting date of December 10th, can be found HERE. Below is a screen shot of the report.
'Sandy Hook' referenced in the film 'The Dark Knight Rises'
a rather bizarre turn of events, it appears as though 'Sandy Hook' is
given mention in the Hollywood blockbuster film 'The Dark Knight
Rises'. In December of 2011, a viral marketing campaign was released to
the public. Included as part of this campaign was a promotional
package that included a complete map of the downtown Gotham area. On
this map, one of the 'Strike Zones' being clearly listed is the area of
'Sandy Hook'. 'Sandy Hook' appears to represent the area of the city in
which the Gotham Football Stadium is located which, if one has watched
the film, was the very first area of the city targeted by Bane's forces
(represented on the map as 'Strike Zone 1').
What is even more curious is the fact that during the film, this city
map makes an appearance, but only for a few brief moments. In the film,
the area of the map which can be seen clearly on the screen is the area
of 'Sandy Hook'. Commissioner Gordon, quickly referencing the map in
the film, places his hand directly over the area of 'Sandy Hook'.
Information pertaining to the Promotional Campaign can be found HERE.
Link showing the Gotham City Map (HERE) at 'Gotham City Archives'
Information pertaining to the Promotional Campaign can be found HERE.
Link showing the Gotham City Map (HERE) at 'Gotham City Archives'
Complete 'Gotham City' map from the film, clearly showing the area of 'Sandy Hook' in the southwestern portion of the map
Left: Section of the map showing the area of 'Sandy Hook'.
Right: Commissioner Gordon placing his hand directly over the area of 'Sandy Hook'.
Media reports on multiple suspects apprehended at the scene
The vast majority of mainstream media reports have stated that Adam Lanza acted alone in committing this tragedy.
Initial Press Statement from Governor's office and the State Police HERE
Article in the Examiner HERE
However, an eyewitness live on the scene is interviewed and claims that a second suspect was apprehended and placed into a police car. That footage is HERE. The exchange between the eyewitness and the reporter was as follows:
"I saw him walk a guy earlier with handcuffs, and he walked by us and said he didn't do it.
"I saw him walk a guy earlier with handcuffs, and he walked by us and said he didn't do it.
"It was a grown man?"
"A grown man, yeah. He's sittin' in the front of the police car over there now."
"He didn't have a gun?"
No, I didn't see any gun, just had him handcuffed, and he walked by us and looked into parents eyes and said, "I didn't do it."
"How was he dressed?"
"Camo pants with a dark jacket."
"It was a grown man?"
"A grown man, yeah. He's sittin' in the front of the police car over there now."
"He didn't have a gun?"
No, I didn't see any gun, just had him handcuffed, and he walked by us and looked into parents eyes and said, "I didn't do it."
"How was he dressed?"
"Camo pants with a dark jacket."
Several mainstream sources have also reported that a second suspect was apprehended at the scene.
"A second man wearing camouflage trousers was seen being handcuffed. One witness described him shouting: “I didn’t do it.”
"One nine-year-old boy said: “I was in the gym. We heard lots of bangs and we thought it was the custodian knocking stuff down. Then we heard screaming. Then police came in and said, 'Is he in here?’ Then they ran out and we went to the closet in the gym and hid. Then we ran to the fire house and saw a guy on the floor in handcuffs. We were just happy to be alive.”
Live video footage of the child being interviewed can be seen HERE.
"One nine-year-old boy said: “I was in the gym. We heard lots of bangs and we thought it was the custodian knocking stuff down. Then we heard screaming. Then police came in and said, 'Is he in here?’ Then they ran out and we went to the closet in the gym and hid. Then we ran to the fire house and saw a guy on the floor in handcuffs. We were just happy to be alive.”
Live video footage of the child being interviewed can be seen HERE.
From CBS News HERE
News reports that a potential second suspect was in custody and that
SWAT was investigating the home of the suspect. It was not known if that
alleged second suspect fired any of the shots in the massacre.
A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, “I did not do it.”
A witness tells WFSB-TV that a second man was taken out of the woods in handcuffs wearing a black jacket and camouflage pants and telling parents on the scene, “I did not do it.”
A local news reporter live on the scene also made the statement that he witnessed a man in handcuffs being taken into custody.
Live News Report for News 8 WTNH HERE
And this from Business Insider HERE
Also this from ABC News HERE
So here we have a child inside the school, a local news reporter on the scene, and an unidentified witness all confirming having seen a second suspect in handcuffs.
Perhaps the most revealing angle of this concerns live aerial footage captured of police officers running in pursuit of a suspect through the woods just outside of Sandy Hook Elementary School. In the footage, you will see a group of officers gathered around in a circle in the woods surrounding what appears to be an apprehended suspect. If this is the case, then it appears as though there may be as many as THREE individuals involved in this affair: The suspect apprehended in the parking lot, the suspect apprehended in the woods, and Adam Lanza, whom we are told shot and killed himself inside the school. The video footage can be viewed HERE and HERE. *Note: It is recommended that you mute the sound when watching this video, as there is a rather irksome 'beeping' sound that accompanies the footage (perhaps something to do with the fact that it was recorded live from a helicopter).
The most important question that must be asked here is this: Who are these additional suspects, and why, after being taken from the scene in handcuffs, are we told nothing more about them?
Police Scanners capture live feed of multiple suspects apprehended
even more revealing than the helicopter video footage is live police
scanner audio captured and uploaded onto the internet. In this audio,
the following conversation can be heard taking place between multiple
Officer 1 (dispatch):
"I have reports that the teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gym, which would be rear."
Officer 2 (in pursuit):
"Ya we got 'em."
"They're comin' at me (inaudible). Comin' up the driveway, left side!"
"(Inaudible) I got 'em proned out."
**Note: 'Proned out' refers to an apprehended suspect laying face down on the ground
The live feed is available HERE. The audio in question begins at :48 and ends at 1:34.
"I have reports that the teacher saw two shadows running past the building, past the gym, which would be rear."
Officer 2 (in pursuit):
"Ya we got 'em."
"They're comin' at me (inaudible). Comin' up the driveway, left side!"
"(Inaudible) I got 'em proned out."
**Note: 'Proned out' refers to an apprehended suspect laying face down on the ground
The live feed is available HERE. The audio in question begins at :48 and ends at 1:34.
live police scanner feed proves, unequivocally, that multiple suspects
were apprehended ON SITE. Seeing as how the officer refers to 'THEY',
meaning more than one, it means that we have multiple suspects
apprehended. When one considers that there was also a suspect (or
suspects) apprehended in the woods, it begs the question: Exactly how
many additional possible shooters and/or accomplices were involved in this affair?
Additional suspect spotted in the woods confirmed to be an "off-duty tactical squad police officer"
Van with additional suspects pursued; possibly connected to the shootings
report published on December 27th, 2012 in the Newtown Bee confirms
that the man seen in the woods brandishing a weapon was in fact an "off-duty tactical police officer from another town". According
to additional reports as well as the aforementioned helicopter footage,
there were multiple suspects apprehended on the scene, including
a man being chased up into the woods. Why, one might ask, was an
armed, off-duty tactical officer from another town found wandering
through the woods just outside of Sandy Hook Elementary School in the
immediate aftermath of the shootings?
This report can be viewed online by clicking HERE. A screen shot of the second part of this article is posted below (the final line of the report is the one which confirms the suspect's identity).

This report can be viewed online by clicking HERE. A screen shot of the second part of this article is posted below (the final line of the report is the one which confirms the suspect's identity).
Van with additional suspects pursued; possibly connected to the shootings
Reports surfaced that a purple/maroon van was being pursued by authorities, possibly in connection with the shootings.
This from the Mount Pleasant Daily Voice HERE
Reports surface that Nancy Lanza was not an employee of the schoolThis from the Mount Pleasant Daily Voice HERE
report said police surrounded a purple van at 33 Crosby St. in Danbury
that may be connected to Newtown school shooting."
And this from CBS News HERE
In the aftermath of the shootings, the parents of the victims were not given access to their childrens' bodies. Rather, the bodies are said to have been taken from the scene and autopsied at a facility a number of miles away. In a report published in mainstream publication Independent World News (viewable HERE),
Lt. Paul Vance, the lead law enforcement officer in this case, made the following statement on CBS News (viewable HERE):
What this means if that the victims' families were never allowed access to their childrens' bodies. The bodies are said to have been identified by police on the scene and then 'notification' was sent to the families. Additional reports on the release of the bodies to the families has not been published.
believe there may be a second gunman and are looking for a red or
maroon van with its back window blown out, 1010 WINS’ Al Jones
question must then be asked: Did the authorities apprehend the
suspects in this van, and if so, are they in any way connected with this
lastly, the following conversation was posted to the Connecticut Radio
Discussion Forum in real-time as the events were unfolding. The
individuals on this network monitor emergency radio scanners, and it was
from this network where the aforementioned police scanner audio was
pulled (Link HERE)
van with 2 suspects wearing ski masks one dressed in a nun's outfit,
possibly related to this incident, being sought. Last seen in Danbury.
Per CSP, FBI personell on scene."
"Has there been any chatter on the purple van?"
Edit: "Danbury PD just reported the van near a bagel shop, passenger threw something in the garbage."
Per CSP, FBI personell on scene."
"Has there been any chatter on the purple van?"
Edit: "Danbury PD just reported the van near a bagel shop, passenger threw something in the garbage."
Parents of victims not shown bodies
In the aftermath of the shootings, the parents of the victims were not given access to their childrens' bodies. Rather, the bodies are said to have been taken from the scene and autopsied at a facility a number of miles away. In a report published in mainstream publication Independent World News (viewable HERE),
parents of the children killed in America's second deadliest mass
shooting identified their loved ones from photographs because
authorities tried to spare them further agony."
"Dr H Wayne Carver, Connecticut's chief medical examiner, said the decision to use photos of facial features was made to make it "easier on the families".
"Describing the injuries as "probably the worst" he has seen in more than 30 years, Dr Carver said, "we did not bring the bodies and families into contact", when identifying the victims."
"Dr H Wayne Carver, Connecticut's chief medical examiner, said the decision to use photos of facial features was made to make it "easier on the families".
"Describing the injuries as "probably the worst" he has seen in more than 30 years, Dr Carver said, "we did not bring the bodies and families into contact", when identifying the victims."
Lt. Paul Vance, the lead law enforcement officer in this case, made the following statement on CBS News (viewable HERE):
bodies of all of the deceased victims of the Sandy Hook elementary
school shooting were positively identified by early Saturday morning,
according to Connecticut State Police spokesman Lt. Paul Vance.
Vance shared new details regarding the ongoing investigation Saturday on "CBS This Morning: Saturday," confirming that the families of the victims have been notified, and that the victims' bodies were removed from the school overnight.
"Our objective certainly was to positively identify the victims to try to give the families some closure," he explained. "Our detectives worked well through the night. By early this morning, we were able to positively identify all of the victims and make some formal notification to all of the families of the victims."
Vance added that the removal of the bodies "has been accomplished. That was done overnight, " he said. "We worked very closely with the medical examiner who was on the scene to expedite the process and were able to accomplish that."
Vance shared new details regarding the ongoing investigation Saturday on "CBS This Morning: Saturday," confirming that the families of the victims have been notified, and that the victims' bodies were removed from the school overnight.
"Our objective certainly was to positively identify the victims to try to give the families some closure," he explained. "Our detectives worked well through the night. By early this morning, we were able to positively identify all of the victims and make some formal notification to all of the families of the victims."
Vance added that the removal of the bodies "has been accomplished. That was done overnight, " he said. "We worked very closely with the medical examiner who was on the scene to expedite the process and were able to accomplish that."
What this means if that the victims' families were never allowed access to their childrens' bodies. The bodies are said to have been identified by police on the scene and then 'notification' was sent to the families. Additional reports on the release of the bodies to the families has not been published.
On Saturday morning, December 15th, Dr. Janet Robinson, Superintendent of the Newtown Public Schools, was interviewed on the Today Show. During this interview, Dr. Robinson is questioned about Nancy Lanza, the mother of Adam Lanza. She makes the following statement:
have no Nancy Lanza in our database. She may have been a substitute
teacher but in terms of being a full-time employee, she is not...they
asked me to look in the database to see if she was a teacher."
Report HERE
Also this from Yahoo News HERE
And this from the Wall Street Journal HERE
However, this information contradicts earlier reports which state that,
gunman walked into his mother Nancy Lanza’s classroom at around 9.30am
and opened fire. It was unclear whether she died in the classroom, or
earlier at her nearby home."
--from the UK Telegraph HERE
Also this from ABC News:
"According to ABC News, the shooter's mother, Nancy Lanza, worked at the school as a teacher's aide."
Report HERE
And this from CBC World News:
least one parent said that his mother, Nancy Lanza, was a substitute
teacher at the school, but her name did not appear on a staff list, The
AP reported."
Report HERE
Media reports that five guns were used in the assault and that 100 rounds were fired
mother who was in a meeting with the principal and half a dozen other
people at about 9.30am described having heard a “pop pop pop” in the
hallway. The witness described cowering under a table and said that 100
rounds or more might have been fired. Two bodies were seen in the
hallway in a pool of blood and children had to run past."
--from the UK Telegraph HERE
And this from CNN HERE
The Today Show went on to report that 'State and Federal Officials' had released a statement confirming that a total of FIVE weapons were recovered at the scene: Four handguns and an assault rifle. The handguns were said to have been recovered inside the school, whereas the assault rifle is said to have been recovered inside Adam Lanza's car.
Report HERE
NBC News released a report stating stating that both 'State and Federal Officials' confirm having found four handguns inside the school, but that the assault rifle was found in the shooter's car. That report, along with video footage of law enforcement authorities removing the 'long weapon' from the trunk of the shooter's car, can be viewed HERE.
This, however, contradicts reports given by the chief medical examiner, who stated that,
"All the victims at the school were shot with a rifle."
--from ABC News HERE
And from CBS HERE
Associated Press reported that more guns were found inside of the
school and that state and federal authorities were tracing them."
Additional reports surfaced that Adam Lanza was wearing a bullet-proof vest.
--from ABC News HERE
And other media outlets report that Adam Lanza was dressed in full camouflage.
"The first law enforcement source says the school shooter was dressed in "black battle fatigues and a military vest."
"The suspect reportedly went into the elementary school at 9:40 a.m. EST dressed in camouflage and armed with two guns. He then opened fire with a .223-caliber rifle, according to Newtown law enforcement."
*The second of these two statements is particularly revealing, as again, many of the media outlets are stating that Adam Lanza left the assault rifle in his car.
"The suspect reportedly went into the elementary school at 9:40 a.m. EST dressed in camouflage and armed with two guns. He then opened fire with a .223-caliber rifle, according to Newtown law enforcement."
*The second of these two statements is particularly revealing, as again, many of the media outlets are stating that Adam Lanza left the assault rifle in his car.
--from CNN HERE and also HERE
And lastly: The same CNN report states the following:
entering the classroom, the shooter reportedly confronted the school’s
female principal. The two were having a verbal altercation when the
principal turned on the PA system to alert the school about what was
going on, according to an unconfirmed ABC News report."
this means is that Adam, carrying as many as five weapons, including a
high-powered assault rifle, and dressed in black battle fatigues as well
as a bullet-proof vest, confronted the principal before opening fire.
After having an argument, Adam apparently walked away and the principal
went over the PA system to announce what was happening. At what point
then did Adam murder the principal? All of this raises a legitimate concern: Four handguns, a high-powered assault rifle, a bullet-proof vest, and camouflage/black battle fatigues are an astounding amount of gear for a 20-year-old young man with autism to have in his possession. Media reports have surfaced which state that all of this gear was registered under his mother's name. Once again, according to reports, Nancy Lanza may or may not have been a teacher at the school. If so, then the question must be asked: Why is a purported elementary school teacher in possession of such an enormous arsenal of assault gear, including a semi-automatic military rifle?
Photo showing three of the five firearms purported to have been used by Adam Lanza
--from the N.Y. Daily News HERE
As this story continues to develop, more details will be forthcoming. We must all keep a vigilant eye on this story, most especially on the angle concerning the additional suspects apprehended on the scene. In the meantime, please take a moment of silence for all of those poor souls who have died as a result of this massacre: The teachers, the children, and Adam Lanza himself. Yes, that's right, Adam Lanza: A 20-year-old young man with Asperger's Syndrome and obsessive compulsive/personality disorder, a shy and reclusive loner, withdrawn from the world and called a 'nerd' and a 'goth' by certain people in the community. We must ask ourselves: How in the world is it possible for a man so young, (and, according to most reports, quite intelligent), to attain so many 'labels' in only the first twenty years of his life, and then somehow suddenly fly off the deep end and go on a shooting spree with thousands of dollars worth of assault gear, killing more than two dozen innocent women and children, as well as himself, in the process?
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