Friday, November 15, 2013

Operation Paperclip Part II: Absorbing the Nazi Intelligence Apparatus

In Operation Paperclip Part I, I briefly discussed how the OSS participated in smuggling 1,500 Nazis into the country, many of them war criminals. This post will expand upon the depths of depravity of the beginnings of the CIA.

A common interpretation of the politics of World War II is that America and Nazi Germany were deeply ideologically opposed, with the former country fighting to preserve 'freedom' in Europe while the latter bent on domination and Lebensraum, the 'Law of Nature' of all healthy and vigorous peoples of supposedly superior races to displace their inferiors, similar to America's Manifest Destiny a century earlier.

Though the American brand of freedom in the 20th century can essentially be described as 'freedom from leftists'. Operation Gladio would show the depth of commitment to preventing the rise of liberalism in Europe immediately after the war, with secret armies coordinated by the CIA and NATO resorting to false flag terrorism to keep the populace reliant on rigid authoritarian governments and to marginalize leftist organizations. The hatred of Communism and similar ideologies ran deeper in these two nations than any other, and in this regard, America and the remaining Nazis were natural allies against the Soviet Union immediately after the war.

This is why the OSS was so eager to keep Nazi intelligence structures intact, especially those in the Eastern bloc, in particular with Reinhard Gehlen and his organization.

I was not clear enough in Part 1 that in addition to scientists, doctors, engineers, and men of industry, a large amount of the 1,500 Nazis that were imported to America were a part of the Nazi Intelligence Apparatus, particularly those involved in the Eastern Front. Before WWII even ended, the Cold War had begun between the Soviets and the West, and those in the OSS such as Allen Dulles decided that the advanced Nazi intelligence infrastructure was of paramount importance.

The idea that Washington was uninformed about the extent of the war crimes of Reinhard Gehlen and his organization is an impossibility. Allen Dulles is considered by many to have been the top US spy throughout history. During World War Two he was the Director of the OSS Switzerland division with the responsibility of monitoring German activities. And Gehlen was no secret spy, he was a key Nazi leader. His activities as director of the Nazi Intelligence Eastern Front included coordinating with fascist satellite organizations such as Romania's Iron Guard, responsible for some of the most vicious anti-semitism of the entire Holocaust, and the UstaĊĦe of Yugoslavia. Despite this, Allen Dulles and his associates let Reinhard essentially leave his operation intact. It has been confirmed that at least 100 officers of Reinhards organization were former Sicherheitsdienst or Gestapo officers. (The link regarding the 100 officers hosts the primary documents released under the Nazi War Crimes Information Act)
Primary documents show that the OSS was eager to absorb Gehlen and his Eastern Front organization. 

Consider this: At the time the Office of Strategic Services was a small organization while the Nazi intelligence apparatus was a huge war monster.  Who absorbed who?
The merger of the OSS and the Gehlen organization can be interpreted in no other way than a firm decision by Washington to make the CIA in a practical and ideological sense, a Nazi organization. Programs that emerged shortly after the CIA was stabilized, such as MK Ultra and Operation Mockingbird, serve to confirm this.

Germany may have lost the war, but the Nazis survived its fall. At the time of its creation, the CIA had as its core field operators a group of mass murderers who were instrumental in the worst crimes against humanity the world has ever witnessed. 

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