Wednesday, November 13, 2013

La Obamacare Cosa Nostra Navigators: “Hit Jobs on Taxpayers Resemble… Money Laundering Operations by Al Capone”

Mike Devine
November 12th, 2013
Joe For America

obamacare cosa nostra
Editor’s Note: The following report has been contributed by Joe for America and was originally published by Mike Devine at Devine’s Right. If you haven’t guessed by now, the entire Obamacare initiative, from top to bottom, is a complete and utter fraud. As you’ll see in the video below, federal health care navigators, whose job is to instruct people on the ins and outs of the new health care exchanges, are engaging in gross negligence and fraud. And, while everybody at the operation centers is laughing about how income need not be reported so that applicants’ health care costs can be free, millions of working Americans across the country are the ones who are paying to subsidize it. The video details just a handful of these violations. Imagine how rampant the fraud is when we’re talking about a population of 320 million people, all of whom are now required by law to acquire health care under the new mandate. This entire system is nothing more than a sham, and if you have a job then you’re the one that’s paying for it. 
These people are gangsters… the whole lot of them… the mafia that’s operated in the United States for decades are a bunch of choir boys compared to Obama’s street soldiers… the La Obamacare Cosa Nostra, as Mike Devine calls it, has the law on its side and the force of a militarized government as their street soldiers. They’re shaking down millions of Americans, and you either pay the vig or you sleep with the fishes.

Obamacare Navigators caught on film laundering taxpayer premium-subsidies

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Obamacare Navigators Counsel Applicants to "Lie"

By Mike Devine
Most organized crime mobs check outsiders for bugs, but apparently not La Obamacare Cosa Nostra.
Project Veritas sent a Secret Squirrel undercover to Texas National Urban League offices turned Obamacare “Navigators” and, ala Breitbart, found government-run non-ACORNS breaking bad:
Ironically, the only concession Republicans attained after the Obamacare-inspired government shutdown was to reverse the law’s namesake Chief Executive’s latest rule by fiat waiving income verification for customers seeking taxpayer subsidies for exchange-bought health insurance policies. As you can see with your own eyes, truth is not a priority in Project Fundamentally Transform America.
The Rule of Law has been replaced by crony capitalism and a spoils society that farms out hit jobs on taxpayers that resemble instructions in money laundering operations by Al Capone. If only IRS agents were so accommodating with “customers” concerning forgotten income.
It could be worse. The GOP might have gotten President Barack Obama to sign a CR or debt limit increase that repealed Obamacare, which would all but have ensured that it would have been fully imposed on all Americans at gunpoint before Christmas lest they be massacred by St. Valentine’s Day.
The only issue remaining will be who wins the IRE Award for exposing the most egregious act of government-run fraud. Project Veritas for its report on the Navigators or an award akin to the Time Magazine’s 2006 Person of the Year to “You”, since all of us saw President Obama in broad daylight promise us all that we could keep doctors and health insurance policies we liked.
Mike DeVine‘s @ Joe For
“One man with courage makes a majority.” – Andrew Jackson

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