Sunday, September 22, 2013

“The Zebra Killer And Gun Control”

Someone came by searching for “zebra killer and gun control.”
There were two killing sprees that strongly influenced both California and national gun control laws. The first was the “Zodiac” killings in the San Francisco area, the second was the series of 25 murders called the Zebra Killings
Most Americans under fifty do not remember the Zodiac and Zebra murders, and many of those who do fail to understand just how much grief those serial murders gave those of us trying to defend the Second Amendment.
The Zodiac killings officially began in 1968, between passage of the Gun Control Act of 1968 and the enforcement date of December 16, 1968. However, TruTV pegs the first victim thought to be the Zodiac Killer’s handiwork as Cheri Jo Bates, who was brutally slashed to death on October 30, 1966.
U.S. Homicide Rates, 1885 to 2010
The entertainment industry used the Zodiac killings as ammunition to help pass California’s first statewide gun control laws, and to help keep the gun registration and gun ban debate alive in Congress.
The second, the so-called “Zebra Murders” also took place in the San Francisco area. Since the gruesome details of that series of murders has been adequately covered elsewhere, I will let you click here for the particulars.
The Zebra killers last murder victim was Nelson “Nick” T. Shields IV, the son of wealthy Du Pont executive Nelson “Pete” Shields III. The elder Shields was reportedly a friend of Cheri Jo Bates family, and he reacted strongly and negatively to the murder of his son.
Instead of posting a reward or doing something else useful toward smoking out the killers, Shields reacted as some do. He contracted a bad case of the “A gun killed my child so guns must die” disease.
Shields resigned from gun and gunpowder maker DuPont, and spent the rest of his life trying to kill guns. Shields became one of the most dangerous enemies of the Second Amendment, taking several almost moribund gun control groups and forming them into Handgun Control, Inc.. Shields remained in charge of HCI until he was forced out by the much less effective lobbyist, Sarah Brady.
Shields effect on crime and homicide rates can be readily seen in the graphic, where the rise in the homicide rate between 1974 and the early 1990′s is primarily due to restrictive gun laws Shield’s lobbying put into place.
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