Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Glass Jaw: Zone Cold Dead

The Glass Jaw: Zone Cold Dead


There will be another mass shooting. It is inevitable.
The media will report that the shooting was carried out by two or three gunman. After the smoke clears and there are at least two men handcuffed and in custody there will be one gunman that will lay cold dead amongst the others. He will have ties to the military industrial complex. The other two suspects will be forgotten about and the dead man will claim the title of “disturbed thirty or forty something lone gunman” who opened fire and committed a senseless crime.
The crisis actors will be interviewed on television while the real victims and witnesses grieve and the internet will speculate on whether or not the blood or even the event is real.
The gunman will be misidentified as he will have a fake ID. His death certificate will be a misprint and the American people will be confused as to what has happened. The president will condemn the senseless act. We will then get on with our lives and then move on.
So goes the sordid histories of lone nuts that make the nightly news and eventually become forgotten until the next distraction is met in a place of business, school yard or some other place of open infrastructure.
The plotters of such shootings look for fishbowl locations where they can shoot their way into history and become the object of speculation.
The senseless shootings that we hear about – and the way in which the media responds – is getting a bit predictable.
In fact, the predictability of such events is becoming so common that even statistics that are pro-gun are looking more and more archaic. The bottom line is that we are avoiding the discussion that all of these active shooters are primers for an even greater event, an event that will eventually silence all arguments about the need for an armed citizenry.
Unfortunately, the arguments will eventually sway towards a mob-like government, the government that we are now a part of.
Don’t get me wrong, I am pro-Second Amendment and I do believe we have a right to bear arms, but the simple truth is now raising its head.
The Obama Administration has been the only administration that has been overseeing what can be considered a “dead zone”, where statistically there seems to be an epidemic of lone nut shooters that appear to be part of an even greater conspiracy which is jeopardizing the safety of most Americans – especially in times of crisis.
I know that in the past I have borrowed the sick and twisted axiom from John McCain, declaring that the battlefield is in America. But according to the latest studies, this country, under the Obama Administration, has never been in more danger with regards to mass shooting conspiracies where innocent people die as a result of ‘Manchurian Candidate‘ killers who become patsies in an even greater conspiracy.
According to a study provided by the Atlantic Magazine, there will be at least 14 more mass shootings before Obama leaves office – that is if they keep up with the pace that has been common and the timing in which they have happened.
It is also equally coincidental that the shootings that have happened have claimed more lives than those of the Boston Marathon bombings and yet the media called that attack a terrorist event before the suspects were even identified and their intent established.
That is why it is important to step out of the media barrage of emotional baggage and anti-gun rants to understand that there needs to be an investigation into the possibility that what is happening in this country is similar to organized crime.
We must also acknowledge that while these crimes continue, there seems to be this overwhelming avoidance of pointing the finger at who really is responsible.
We all know that suspects can be manufactured and scapegoats are always aerated by tactical police forces and later analyzed by psychologists as being disturbed, but we have been told that we have a security apparatus in place that prevents or deters such events and yet under Obama, the statistics show that whatever he says he is doing to keep us safe is not working.
His only decision is to disarm America and we all know that, in a war or in a crisis, it is a good strategy to disarm your enemies.
America falsely believes that the easy scapegoat is the so-called terrorists, the mentally ill or perhaps even violent T.V. or video games, but the reality is that most of these horrible events are coming from within the political and military complex and are somehow slipping by the national security infrastructure that we have been told is there to protect us from such events.
In fact, if you look at the track record, since all of these so-called safeguards have been employed we have seen an increase in these “tragic” and “senseless” events and thus we have become trapped in an unsafe environment.
Regardless of what you are hearing, it is becoming more apparent that these shootings are less random and are actively being planned in order to traumatize us into thinking that the state can only protect us with their militarized police forces and that our own guns and self-defense skills can’t neutralize an active shooter.
The media has not been able to explain why Aaron Alexis was allowed to be doing his evil handiwork for 30 minutes without being apprehended, let alone getting through a secured facility. All arguments in favor of the government’s surveillance overreach do not add up and the statistics point to more events and the increase of their death tolls.
The statistics are also showing a trend where gunmen enter into what are known as gun free zones to commit their crimes. Gun advocates are well-known for this tidbit of information and while it does make for a compelling argument, the advent of crisis and guns can lead to an even bigger melee and in a general overview, an even greater crisis may even damage the argument with exceptions to the rule.
The truth that faces us is mocking the old arguments and the truth is an annoying matter when it comes to who has the guns and who doesn’t. We all know why Obama wants to disarm us and that’s because those with the firepower make all the rules when it comes to national crisis.
If we reach into the predictive programming bin, we can see that the media has given us television shows like “Revolution,” “The Walking Dead” and “Under the Dome” to draw from. People act like savages when faced with survival imperatives.
We have also seen on the big screen “World War Z” and “Elysium” where, during an all-out crisis where resources are scarce, we find the worst that mankind has to offer – namely rioting, looting, starvation and ultra-violence.
If you want to see a real person, if you want to peel away at the real American and how they truly are, all you have to do is take away their television, internet, drugs, beer, cigarettes and entertainments. From there, give them the bare minimum of shelter, food and water. Take that same American and hose him down with water, keep him wet, tired and hungry.
Then hand him a gun.
Here is where all arguments about gun free zones, laws and confiscation fall apart and soon areas of crisis become killing fields.
We all can talk a good game of doom and predict and speculate how we will all pull together in times of crisis; however, the reality makes all of the romanticized platitudes sound lame and hollow.
The “dead zone” probability is a frightening discussion because of what may face us in the future. We have been warned about economic collapse, food shortages, pandemics, earthquakes, extra-terrestrial threats and civil war. When these topics are brought up as factors in emergency home preparedness, it is minimized by ignorant neo-skeptics as just some silly fodder or propaganda to sell needless preparedness kits.
Well, the idea of preparedness is a logical and vital thing to think about now because, statistically, things are falling apart and so are all of the same old arguments that we hear on a daily basis on most talk shows that aim at political agendas instead of the human sustainability agenda.
Human sustainability far outweighs the political sphere of influence and yet the political discussions go on in incessantly in a country that seems to fixate its tiresome national dialogue about our lack of leadership, our need for more national security and the right to defend one’s own family and property.
The Second Amendment argument should not even be argued. There should be no infringement on the right to bear arms and yet it’s now an issue up for debate, all because of a number of “senseless acts.” Do we not see these shooting incidents as expedient for gun control agendas being proposed by the few and not by the majority that know that safety of property and family is a priority in times of crisis?
The most devastating truth facing us in the event of national crisis is that urban areas are the most unsafe places on the planet and the convenience that we cherish will become our undoing as the aftermath of a crisis inevitably leads to civil unrest and the armed populace that is constitutional becomes the armed horde that can be your enemy in the face of all resource depletion.
In tabletop exercise outlines provided by Homeland Security and the Federal Emergency Management Agency, we learn that the plan for the United States in a major crisis is not for anyone’s benefit but for the continuity of government.
Police and military units are training to deal specifically with urban uprisings and civil unrest in the wake of disaster because emergency services planners understand that America’s metropolitan death zones will be completely devoid of law & order.
These agencies are already planning on the American people to turn into gun toting outlaws if there happens to be a government decapitation, meaning that if a crisis is so dire that the government can’t function, the country will be divided into regions and governed like military territories.
There have been several survival blogs that have painted several doom scenarios where Americans do not fair too well, and it looks as if anywhere east of the Mississippi will fare the worst in a national crisis.
According to statistics provided by Mac Salvo of, there have been 2,244 people killed in so-called “senseless “ gun shootings since the Sandy Hook tragedy and it is a given that in a crisis those numbers would skyrocket because of the ratcheted fear and other factors.
mappingthedeadHe has determined that while many Americans are prepared to “bug out” during a crisis the best thing would be to “bug in.” Bugging in, however would require that every household in America is stocked with weapons, water, drugs and food and that all Americans should consider purchasing survival foods and weapons and have them placed in a safe and secure area in case of the inevitable.
The immediate concern is that there have been all sorts of hints at the possibility that there is an internet disaster looming ahead where the power grid may see a shutdown which would bring our lives to a screaming halt.
We have critical infrastructure that is technology based and by all accounts vulnerable. That is why “an electrical grid joint drill simulation is being planned in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Thousands of utility workers, FBI agents, anti-terrorism experts, governmental agencies, and more than 150 private businesses are involved in the November power grid drill.” This drill is scheduled to run on or around November 13th, 2013 and end on the 14th.
This has raised some concern over whether or not there will be blackouts or brown outs during simulated exercise. Of course, the government assures us that it will only be a simulation and that we will not see massive power outages.
However, it needs to be realized that during most so-called drills, a simulation can become a disaster in real time and, statistically speaking, all of the platitudes of ‘everything will go as planned‘ is more or less a trap and that it is better to land on the side of caution with any so-called simulated exercise.
The United States government is calling our power grid our “glass jaw”, meaning that: “If an adversary lands a knockout blow, experts fear, it could black out vast areas of the continent for weeks; interrupt supplies of water, gasoline, diesel fuel and fresh food; shut down communications; and create disruptions of a scale that was only hinted at by Hurricane Sandy and the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.
It is an imperative that as your government prepares for some inevitable doom scenario that you should take responsibility for developing a networking system that is outside the awful codependency of government.
The Obama Administration has demonstrated with all of its political doublespeak that all of the national security infrastructure that he defends and lies about has done nothing to insure the safety of the American people.
It is also important to note that no campaigns for disarming Americans will make us any safer in scenarios of national crisis.
All of the lame arguments we are having now for political reasons will amount to nothing but affluent in a future that seems to be zone cold dead.

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