Tuesday, September 24, 2013


more & more People R catching on to their "playbook"   & ..faster !    pretty much NOW the only "tin foils"  watch "main stream"  outlets  lol             


Posted by George Freund on September 23, 2013 at 10:20 PM

I'm finding it hard to believe that we aren't being exposed to a total shill operation with regard to the Nairobi terror attack on the Westgate Mall. The pictures looked staged. There were too many. They were too good. Then came the interviews on the CBC's As It Happens. They interviewed two men both politicians accustomed to falsehoods. Ben Mulwa was the first. He was shot in the leg and had a bullet graze his head. The second was Somalia's former Prime Minister Ali Khalif Galaydh. They speak of the sounds and how loud they were. In fact they speak very clearly and concisely like they were talking about a walk in the park on a Sunday afternoon. I find the story difficult to believe. I've been in the holdup business for many years. I've counselled many colleagues after the holdup and or shootout. There is something missing here the bald faced terror and fear. I don't care how tough you think you are a gunfight is a sphincter popping event. Those of us in the know would commonly make light of it. It can't be controlled. It's a matter of heart rate and blood pressure brought on by extreme 'terror.'

The other major factor is the head fuck. You are going to be seriously affected by the killing and wounding. The blood splatter and brain splatter mixed in with the visceral organs spread all over the floor unnerves the toughest of them. It takes days just to get down to some semblance of normalcy. It can take weeks to months to years to never to heal psychologically. For the guests to calmly and matter of factly relate the horror of the day to the CBC is beyond belief to me. There should be shaking in the voice, outright crying, or serious syntax errors. They read their lines like a well-rehearsed script. Perhaps because it was one. They both talked about the noise, but it was a noise most listeners would be unaware of. Gunshots make lots of noise. Grenades make even more. Since they are an explosive they create a blast wave that physically assaults the body at the ear. Being indoors magnifies the effect significantly.

Soldiers in combat are said to have the thousand yard stare. It is the look of a mind detached from existing reality. It is illustrated above, and they are trained soldiers. Even battle hardened ones will show it. We are supposed to believe two politicians have no feelings about the event at all. More so I cannot believe they could even hear the questions over the phone. Gunshots of the type used should be in excess of 133 decibels. They can reach as high as 160 to 180 decibels. The pain threshold is 140 where permanent damage occurs without hearing protection. Grenades reach 191 decibels. Eardrums can rupture at 195. Death can occur at 202. So let us suffice it to say our men would be hearing bells ringing in the ears at least. They should be almost deaf for a serious period of time. When hunting I don't use ear protection. Just one shot gets the bells ringing and creates a surreal sound effect for hours, and that is outside not inside.

Our man Ben Mulwa is interviewed on the news. I viewed a portion as he describes his ordeal. He has a bit of a bloodshot eye. It could be from lack of sleep preparing as a crisis actor. The CBC said he was SHOT IN THE LEG! Our man is STANDING UP! In the CBC interview he said a bullet creased his head. Look at his head. There is NO WOUND. To the people who can see him he states it whizzed past. Even if he had a superficial leg wound he would be bleeding. He stated to the CBC he didn't feel the bullet enter. He didn't know he was shot until people pointed out the bleeding. Perhaps no surgery was performed. Perhaps his leg wound was very small. I would suspect a real gunshot victim would be under the influence of anesthesia and pain medication. I've been wounded or hospitalized for real. I know.

We are told this news image is Ben Mulwa after his release from hospital. He looks like a guy who jumped onto a bus after the crash hoping to get a settlement claim. Bullets never mind grenades carry particles. Whether metal fragments or powder residue they would spray his face. He would have numerous little wounds. I vote FRAUD! The other man, Ali Khalif Galaydh, was a former Prime Minister of Somalia. When I searched for his story there was nothing there. There was a bio on wiki. There were old stories. Except for the CBC interview there was no news article. You'd suspect he would be the center of attention.

Maybe our man Ben is the anti-Christ surviving the shot in the head. Maybe it will be faked like everything else. I find the sources being used not credible. I feel mainstream media is deceiving us as they usually do. Truth is the first casualty. Their reports are theatre of the mind. You are the victims of another mass Psy-Ops. Will you come to terms and CHANGE THE CHANNEL or will you choose to PERISH. It is your choice.

And by the way Dr. Ali Khalif Galaydh is reported to be a notorious conman, swindler and thief. He looted the funds from a sugar company he ran and fled to the States with suitcases stuffed with millions in cash in the 80's when that meant something. He did it again a bit later fleeing with funds in the millions. If it were an Olympic sport, he would be a medalist. Hats off to the CBC for giving airtime to a master criminal. I'm sure he told the 'TRUTH.' We are the casualty.

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