Sunday, September 22, 2013

Parent Arrested at Public Meeting for Asking Unscripted Questions About Common Core (WATCH)

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Parent Arrested at Public Meeting for Asking Unscripted Questions About Common Core (WATCH)

Parent faces 10.5 years in prison for asking an unscripted question at town hall meeting.

Dees Illustration
Activist Post

Last week the Baltimore County School district held a public meeting to go over the "Common Core" curriculum now being taught in Maryland schools.

This was reportedly the first of any public forum concerning what is now being taught to Maryland children.

The parents' questions had to be submitted prior to the event and no new questions would be discussed. This angered some residents who felt the need to ask tougher questions than those selected by superintendents.

One parent, Robert Small, very respectfully tried to voice his concerns and was shut out from participating when a policeman forcefully removed him from the auditorium.

"I want to know how many parents here are aware that the goal of the Common Core standards isn’t to prepare kids for full-fledged universities, it’s to prepare them for community college," explained Small before he was approached by security.

Small went on to warn the residents that they have a right to a proper debate on what's best for their own community and they shouldn't be dictated to by bureaucrats.

"Parents, take control. We’re sick of this. This is not a CNN political game. This is a public town hall ... Listen, don’t stand for this. You’re sitting here like cattle. You have questions. Confront them. They don’t want to do it in public ... Parents, you need to question these people...Do the research, it’s online."

Mr. Small was arrested and charged with second degree assault of a police officer with a second charge of disrupting a school function. He faces 10.5 years in jail if found guilty.


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