Sunday, September 22, 2013

Justice Dept: Al-Qaeda Runs A Chemical Weapons Program

Terrorist group runs a R&D lab while Washington is focused on Iran
Kit Daniels            
September 20, 2013
While the Washington discourse is shifted towards Iran, the U.S. Department of Justice quietly admitted that al-Qaeda is currently running a full-blown chemical weapons program, complete with a research and development lab in Somalia.
During an investigation of three members of al-Shabab, an al-Qaeda subsidiary in Somalia, the DOJ found that “the defendants had substantial knowledge regarding an al-Shabaab research and development department that was developing chemical weapons for use by that terrorist organization.”
CBS This Morning attributed the quote to a case document released by the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York.
“Isn’t this our worst nightmare?” One of the CBS anchors asked. “Terrorists using chemical weapons.”
“It’s certainly in the top one or two: nukes or chemical weapons,” responded John Miller, their guest on the show and a former FBI assistant director.
“Al-Qaeda is more likely trying to develop their own homemade sarin or working with – and this is a real problem – readily available, commercial and industrial products that can be turned into dispersal devices that can be very deadly in terms of chemical weapons.”
This revelation is yet another addition to the already substantial evidence that al-Qaeda can easily launch chemical attacks in Syria.
As we reported last week, the U.S. military admitted that Al-Qaeda possessed and produced “kitchen-grade” sarin gas for chemical attacks against the Syrian people.
The National Ground Intelligence Center report stated that Al-Qaeda in Iraq produced the sarin gas and then shipped it to the Jabhat al-Nusra Front, the main opposition force in Syria.
Back in May, anti-terror forces in southern Turkey seized a cylinder of sarin gas from Syrian rebels with the al-Nusra Front.
An analysis on the seized gas found that it was a “kitchen variety,” which corresponds to the sarin gas used in the Aug. 21 chemical attack near Damascus, according to Dr. Yossef Bodansky, a top terrorism expert.
Unlike military grade sarin, the sarin used in the Damascus attack did not accumulate around the victims’ hair and clothing, according to Bodansky.
If it did, he said, the sarin molecules would have detached from the victims and “killed or injured the first responders who touched the victims’ bodies without protective clothes … and masks.”
Yet even though none of the first responders to the Aug. 21 attack wore adequate protective gear, there were no reported casualties among them.
High-level U.S. intelligence officials reinforce Bodansky’s conclusion, stating that they are unconvinced that the Aug. 21 chemical attack was carried out on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s orders or that it was even carried out by Assad’s government.
They are not even sure that Assad knew about the attack beforehand.
But it is now known that al-Qaeda can develop sarin gas in-house for chemical attacks around the world, especially for false flags.
This article was posted: Friday, September 20, 2013 at 1:57 pm

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