Thursday, September 19, 2013

Google launching a biotech pharmaceutical company? printable article

Originally published September 19 2013

Google launching a biotech pharmaceutical company?

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Google appears to be joining Big Pharma with its launch of a new biotechnology company called "Calico." It is being headed by Art Levinson, chairman of Genentech, a company that earns huge profits from people dying of cancer.

Google co-founder Larry Page announced the new company would, "focus on health and well-being, in particular the challenge of aging and associated diseases."

See the full text of the Google announcement at:

It's obvious from the description that this new company is going to focus on biotechnology and pharmaceuticals. Perhaps in the near future we'll even have Google vaccines that inoculate you from whatever scary new disease Google News is publicizing at the time.

As you ponder the implications of this, keep in mind that Google has intentionally erected many obstacles to the promotion of natural medicine, nutritional products and even a free market for pharmaceuticals. Google has utterly censored nearly all truthful Adwords advertising for many product categories (such as "detox" products), and it has banished non-U.S. pharmacies from advertising to U.S. customers (thereby protecting the Big Pharma domestic monopoly).

The fact that Google's founders have brought in a top pharma executive is a strong clue where all this is headed. Watch for Google to roll out some sort of anti-aging pill that actually kills you while your brain is being "uploaded" into a machine, Kurzweil-style, after which it is claimed you are now "immortal." This is the kind of scary, freaky stuff that quickly comes to mind when you consider what the world's most powerful internet company might have in mind for humanity.

Now, suppose I'm wrong about all this a minute. Suppose Google actually does something for humanity and "conquers aging" so that everybody can live forever.

This is a far worse problem than the issue of people dying from old age (for obvious reasons). First off, the technology would be immediately monopolized and controlled to make sure only the global elite get to use it. Can you imagine people like Bill Gates or David Rockefeller living forever? There is no greater curse on humankind than immortality being achieved by the power-hungry global elite. Because the one saving grace we all have right now is the idea that everybody dies sooner or later, and thank goodness for that or humanity never would have achieved any advancements at all.

Secondly, the idea of people living forever obviously creates a massive over-population problem which can then only be solved by deliberately killing people off. (Hey, that's what vaccines are for!) So if Google actually manages to "conquer death" as is being wildly claimed in the mainstream media, then Earth will become a living Hell with all the rampant overpopulation and corporate cronies living forever.

Nothing good can come from Google jumping into biotechnology or pharmaceuticals. The company simple doesn't have the maturity and the ethics required to lead humanity toward any lasting solutions. If you want revolutionary breakthroughs for longevity, look no further than your own backyard garden. Check out the "miracle" nanotechnology called "heirloom seeds." Learn about permaculture. Explore the nature of consciousness and the non-material spirit. Meditate!

These are what will solve the real problems humanity is facing today, not another drug, another genetic engineering experiment or another Google-spinoff pharma company.

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