Thursday, June 13, 2013


Posted by George Freund on June 11, 2013 at 2:45 PM

Many crop circles carry some of the most important messages
mankind could receive at this time. It is a time of one cycle of
evolution ending while another begins with smooth synchronicity.
It is a cosmic moment of awakening to our oneness with all of
Creation and awareness of the truth that our power within that
oneness resides right within the "crop circles" of our own DNA.

That power is about to take one quantum leap in the mass
consciousness of every single person on planet Earth, and
many crop circles have been showing us the keys and codes
of this energy transformation in plain sight in their designs.

The energy of the planet is accelerating in frequency to the
point where it (and we) will experience a moment of no space,
no time, commonly called zero point. Gregg Braden in his book
Awakening to Zero Point states Earth's maximum vibratory rate
for this segment of our evolution will reach a max of 13 cycles per second.
What's important is that each rise in frequency is a rise in dimension,
and each rise in dimension is a rise in consciousness. Yes that
is also being called ascension, or the ascension process.

The cells of our body are responding, likewise Earth as one large cell,
is responding. Its molecular mass is changing geometrical shape,
and that's where we come to the crop circles showing us how
frequency acceleration is causing the cubes and spheres of the
geometry of earth and cubes and spheres of the geometry of our own cells
to change form, shift their shapes -- shape-shift!--to critical mass energy
which automatically will trigger that quantum awaking in consciousness
mentioned above.

Let's look at what GW Hardin says about that moment we reach
critical mass. A cosmic tone or sound will envelop the earth. He
explains it best in an email he got:


There is an upcoming event that begins and ends with a new cosmic sound
that will resonate through our local Universe. The Bible refers to it as ‘The Word,’
[or the Sacred Sound] and it sets the tone for the whole of our physically manifested reality.
This sound is also a key that allows many energy structures of a controlling nature
that have long been locked in place to become unlocked and set aside.

The new sound replaces one of a lower frequency, and in so doing it moves the whole
scale upwards. By activating a new consciousness structure it invites and enables
a return to full consciousness for all of humanity. This key sound we refer to will be sudden,
happening, as the bible says, 'in the twinkling of an eye'. Veils will be rent asunder;
old energy-based humanity-control systems will finally collapse and no longer be effective.

The long battle for the souls of humanity will have been won, and we shall start to
have our true selves back.

End of Quote

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

by G W Hardin.

And directly underneath, the crop circle of 1 August 2007, Sugar Hill, Aldbourne, Wiltshire UK.

Sugar Hill crop circle.

In a nutshell, our extraterrestrial crop circle messengers
want us to know that human DNA in the form of what is termed
the DNA Tesseract, is designed to hold cosmic light in specific
geometric shapes equal in capacity to the maximum level at
which the entire cosmos vibrates--there is no greater frequency.


It is the All That Is, and the All That Is sits in us. Gregg Braden has a name for the All That Is: the God Particle. It is about to be triggered into full power (awakening) hand-in-hand with rising frequencies running up to the arrival of the New Cosmic Sound.

So what is a Tesseract? Here's Wikipedia:

In geometry, the tesseract, also called an 8-cell or regular octachoron or cubic prism, is the four-dimensional analog of the cube; the tesseract is to the cube as the cube is to the square. Just as the surface of the cube consists of 6 square faces, the hypersurface of the tesseract consists of 8 cubical cells. The tesseract is one of the six convex regular 4-polytopes.

For more information, please read an article by GW Hardin at this link. Also please view video.

A 3D projection of a 120-cell performing a simple rotation.

A 3D projection of a 120-cell performing a simple rotation (from the inside).

Now please look at the Sugar Hill crop circle again. Look how many Tesseracts. This is big news.

It resembles pattern of human DNA Tesseracts which make up what we are--trillions and trillions of cells of the stuff. As humanity is quantum-leaped omnidirectionally, mankind's collective awareness goes through the roof WORLDWIDE and at precisely the same moment, the matrix which has kept us prisoner, kept us locked down and dumbed down, goes poof.

Is Sugar Hill the ONLY crop circle clearly conveying this key message of the Tesseract power-house in our DNA? No. There are many more. Here are just a few:

Cley Hill, nr Warminster, Wiltshire, July 9, 2010
Fosbury, Wiltshire, July 17, 2010
White Sheet Hill, Wiltshire, June 25, 2010
Danebury Hill, Hampshire, July 6, 2010
and you can spot many more now that you know what you're looking for!


Everything is connected to everything else. There is no separation. Human is composed mostly of water. Imagine the IMPACT on the human body bathed in rising cosmic (aka LIGHT) frequency when it comes to triggering our power within!

Some researchers are investigating Cymatics to determine whether the crop circles are formed into naturally occurring geometric shapes due to vibration.

When water is vibrated, various geometric patterns occur. These patterns have been recognized in some crop circle formations.

So dear code-breakers, next time a pattern appears in a field, please remember to look for more confirmation that a divine DNA Tesseract or many sit right there staring back at you. Remember that there are galactic-faring races of beings who care so much, they want us to remember, to awaken, to open to the flow, and KNOW without doubt, the divine blueprint that lies within, and that its full blossoming VERY SOON into the perfect FLOWER OF LIFE WHICH IS YOU, is without doubt one of their most important messages they want everyone to know.

Even Pyramids are likely to contribute to the new Cosmic Tone coming.

Pyramids made the news last year when they suddenly began beaming energy into that "mysterious" photon "cloud" that has enveloped our solar system. Thanks to photons (highly-charged light particles), we and the planet ARE able to benefit, for their high frequency is the cause of expanded consciousness and planetary transformation to a less dense state.

And photon frequencies (cosmic energies) are still rising more every day. How will pyramids respond when the Earth itself hits that point of suddenly emitting a specific sound worldwide? Specific sound frequency also intensifies the entire pyramid forcefield. And there are pyramids everywhere.


Can you IMAGINE the massive energy intensification from ALL pyramids worldwide when Earth starts to ring, and how their energy as well will contribute to mass awakening? Not only awakening of consciousness of mankind, but further awakening or altering of the molecular structure of the planet herself changing from carbon to crystalline.

And so the crop circles, many of them, have been telling us about the sounds, shapes and power held within those forms in the earth, in structures upon the earth (i.e. pyramids), and within ourselves, being transformed as we speak by rising cosmic light-frequencies to point of critical mass for quantum awakening of this earth and all humankind upon her.

In your lifetime? Oh indeed. Coming to this planet where you are, very very soon. And it will be a good thing. Fellow decoders, we are not so much into destruction as into restructuring in more balance and harmony with the universe. There is no fear. There is only knowledge.

Categories: New World Order

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