The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Global Corporate Coup, Assault on Democracy and National Sovereignty
According to Ron Kirk former US Trade Representative: making the text public would raise such opposition that it could make the deal impossible to sign.
is a battle building between the people of the planet and transnational
corporations. The battleground is the Trans-Pacific Partnership. It
is a battle the people can win if we act in solidarity.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership is a global corporate coup that makes
corporations more powerful than governments and undermines our national
sovereignty. While the public and media are not allowed to see the
text, and members of Congress only receive limited, heavily restricted
access, 600 corporations have been advising the president and suggesting
amendments as they have full access to the documents. This includes
some of America’s worst corporate citizens: Monsanto, Walmart, Bank of
America, JP Morgan, Phiser and big Pharma, Cargill, Exxon-Mobil, Chevron
among them.
Green Shadow Cabinet is putting forward a critical, in-depth analysis
of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (see links below). Top people in their
fields – movement leaders, academics, researchers and activists – are
writing about specific aspects of the TPP and how it affects virtually
every aspect of American life. The Green Shadow Cabinet is
about half way through its analysis with more statements coming over
the rest of the week and into the next two weeks. This is the type of
in-depth analysis we need from people informed on the topic so that the
public becomes informed and joins the campaign to stop the TPP.
members of Congress are making their way through the bureaucratic
process that allows them to see the text, but does not allow their staff
to do so, nor does it allow elected officials to make copies, take
notes with paper or computer; and they are not allowed to share it with
their constituents. It took Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL) six weeks of negotiation with the US Trade Representative to finally got to review the text on June 17th. He was only allowed to see an edited version of the text and was not allowed to bring any staff with him.
Grayson told the Huffington Post that the Obama administration classifies the documents to prevent discussion of the contents, “They
maintain that the text is classified information. And I get clearance
because I’m a member of Congress, but now they tell me that they don’t
want me to talk to anybody about it because if I did, I’d be releasing
classified information.”
we appreciate Grayson for going as far as he has, Members of Congress
need to break the silence and share the contents with the American
people. From what has been leaked, the TPP will give corporations
control over every aspect of our lives and make them more powerful than
governments. This non-transparent approach to something so far-reaching is an assault on US democracy. As Senator Elizabeth Warren said when questioning the new Trade Representative:
“I have heard the argument that transparency would undermine the Trade Representative’s policy to complete the trade agreement because public opposition would be significant,” Warren explained. “In other words, if people knew what was going on, they would stop it. This argument is exactly backwards. If transparency would lead to widespread public opposition to a trade agreement, then that trade agreement should not be the policy of the United States.”
pointed out the irony and hypocrisy of the Obama administration’s
approach: “What I saw was nothing that could possibly justify the
secrecy that surrounds it. It is ironic in a way that the government
thinks it’s alright to have a record of every single call that an
American makes, but not alright for an American citizen to know what
sovereign powers the government is negotiating away.”
movement to stop the TPP calls on the administration to be transparent
about this important treaty. The administration needs to:
1. Release the text that has been agreed on.
2. Release the proposals they are making in our names.
other essential step is for the administration to allow real democracy,
to let the checks and balances of the US Constitution to be allowed to
work. They should state publicly their support for transparency, checks
and balances and Constitutional government by not pursuing “Fast Track”
which short-circuits the Constitution and prevents Congress from doing
its job.
If you want to join the campaign to stop the TPP sign up at
Below are excerpts from the
statements released so far by the Green Shadow Cabinet, to get the full
statement click on the headline. Visit the website
for more statements in coming days. The first statement was signed by
the full cabinet and it is a call for solidarity for all those concerned
with economic and social justice as well as protecting the planet from
ecological collapse to join together to stop the TPP.
The Green Shadow Cabinet stands united in opposition to the proposed
Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), and is committed to defeating this
Obama administration effort to enrich and empower global corporations at
the expense of people and planet.
three years, the Obama administration has engaged in 16 rounds of
secret negotiations to develop the TPP. Those negotiations have included
hundreds of representatives of global corporations. The TPP
negotiations have excluded representatives of the vast majority of the
American people. It is a fact that the TPP is global economic policy for
the 1%, at the expense of the 99%.
all five branches and 81 members of the Green Shadow Cabinet begin to
act in concert to not only defeat the TPP, but to show America that
another government with another global economic agenda is possible.
There is an alternative to the corrupt political establishment that
produces economic terrors like the TPP. Our Cabinet is proof of that
trade pacts must clearly protect the right of workers to organize and
form unions to protect their jobs, health and safety and communities in
which transnational corporations operate. It is only strong worker
protections that can prevent such tragic situations from occurring that
we have seen in the Union Carbide factory explosion in Bhopal, India
that killed thousands in 1984; the recent tragedies in Bangladesh — the
building collapse in April and the fire that killed more than a thousand
workers in November, and the untold numbers in the U.S. and worldwide
who have been victims of cancer alleys created by the oil, chemical,
energy and agribusiness industries.
desire of the Bush and the Obama administrations to pass the TPP is
apparently an effort to create a coalition of nations to match China’s
exploding economy and increased military and political influence in the
region. On Nov 12, 2011, Obama spoke before the Summit of the
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum and stated that, “… we’ve turned
our attention back to the Asia Pacific region.” This is being
accomplished through two vehicles: the TPP and the “Pivot to Asia,”
meaning a redeployment of American priorities and military forces away
from Europe and the Middle East to Asia. Also in the same month, this
time speaking before the Australian Parliament, Obama said: “As a
Pacific nation, the United States will play a larger and long-term role
in shaping this region and its future.” The United States now has
320,000 troops in the Pacific region, and the Pentagon has promised
there will be no reductions as troops are drawn down in Afghanistan and
other parts of the world.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership would increase povertyBy Rev. Bruce Wright, President’s Commission on Ending Homelessness
The much touted, at least by multinational corporations and some governments, Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement, has grave consequences for the so-called poor of the world, including those in the United States. This agreement, clouded in secrecy, has been characterized as something akin to “NAFTA on steroids!” But, what exactly does it mean for the poor and working class of the United States?
With TPP, Obama has moved from transparency to secrecy, from human rights to corporate rights
By Richard McIntyre, U.S. Trade Representative
a Taiwanese company wanted to open a factory in California to make
clothing. They propose importing workers who would accept a daily wage
of $10, would not spend any money in the plant to meet U.S. occupational
health and safety regulations, and would be rabid in opposing workers’
attempts to meet collectively to discuss their grievances or to bargain
collectively with management.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: Another assault on human rights that must be opposedBy Ajamu Baraka, Public Intervenor for Human Rights
right to have the means to sustain one’s physical life is a
foundational principle of human rights. The right to work and earn a
livable wage in conditions commensurate with human dignity that allow
for securing adequate food, clothing, housing, medical care and
necessary social services is the basis for material sustainability and a
dignified life.
The Top Secret deal between 11 countries that will affect your lifeBy Lee Camp, Commissioner for the Comedic Arts
You know one of the most powerful weapons the government can use against us? It’s not missiles, or gas, or propaganda, or threatening to release all the nude TSA body-scanner images of you as Christmas cards. Nope. …It’s boredom. When evil stuff is boring, mind-blowingly BORING, people don’t give a crap about it. Boring evil is the worst! People care less than Vladimir Putin at an Amnesty International convention.
The TPP is bad for business
By Sarah Manski, Small Business Administration
Small businesses and entrepreneurs are foundations of strong communities. Yet as with previous international trade agreements, small businesses are not at the table negotiating the details of Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement. Instead, the TPP is being drafted by the representatives of more than 600 major corporations. Unlike the owners of cooperatives and community businesses, the owners and managers of big capital are unconcerned about the economic impact of trade policies on local communities and the people who live in them.
Kevin Zeese is a participant in which will be announcing a campaign to stop the TPP in the very near future; and a member of the Green Shadow Cabinet where he serves as Attorney General.
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