Obama Says Catholic And Protestant Schools Encourage “Fear” And “Division”
Obama is at it again attacking religion as he always does. But also, as he always does, he only attacked Christianity. Worse, he did it in a foreign country when he disparaged both Protestants and Catholics on a recent visit to Ireland.For the last five years President Obama has used his pulpit to bully Christians in the U.S.–remember, Obama is the man whose IRS has terrorized Christians for four years– but now he’s attacking foreign Christians, too, as he did in a visit to Northern Ireland for the G8 Summit.
In his address Obama claimed that a Christian education promotes division and resentment.
As reported by The Scottish Catholic Observer, the President wagged his finger at the Brits saying, “If towns remain divided–if Catholics have their schools and buildings and Protestants have theirs, if we can’t see ourselves in one another and fear or resentment are allowed to harden–that too encourages division and discourages cooperation.”
So Christianity does nothing but divide, eh?
No doubt Obama would be pretty un-happy with Texas Governor Rick Perry’s newly signed Merry Christmas bill, eh?
The Catholic Observer went on to scold Obama:
Ironically, President Obama made his comments just as Archbishop Gerhard Müller, the prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, told a crowd in Scotland that religious education upholds the dignity of the human person. Archbishop Müller said that Catholic schools should promote “all that is good in the philosophies of societies and human culture.But it is fitting since Obama’s Pentagon has deemed Christianity a “hostile” religion.
Of course, the obvious question raised with Obama’s ubiquitous hatred for all things Christian is this: Would he ever go to a Muslim-controlled part of the world and excoriate them for having Madrasas that divide people?
Heck, no. Obama’s loves his “fellow” Muslims, after all! Why, he’d never talk bad about Islam. He’s a healer, dontcha know?
Obama loves him some Christian bashing, though. It is quite likely, for instance, the Prez is entirely happy with the University of Chicago re-purposing its 88-year-old Christian chapel into a Muslim prayer room and all purpose community space.
So, what do you say? Is this just another example of how Obama hates Christianity? Or much ado about nothing?
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