Sunday, June 16, 2013

I Sold My Soul For Mind Control

I Sold My Soul For Mind Control


The Declaration of Independence, in all of its arcane glory, tells us that the truth written in it is self–evident and that all men are created equal.
However, as civilization makes its plodding course through the first century of the new millennium, we see that time has ceased to progress and that the course we take now is more self–evident: the majority of Americans unfortunately remain on their knees and some even ‘roll over and play dead’ because they have been programmed to go with the flow and to be mindful of the power wielded over them from the elite.
We are realizing now that when someone makes a move to somehow honor the constitution instead of the leviathan government, the well mentally controlled herd cries out that there is a traitor among us. However this so called traitor has to flee in order to protect his life.
This is a unique time for all of us because there is a majority of America that does not think beyond their politics or even their religious bias.
Many Americans have been solidly programmed to not function independently but to find themselves indentured to popes, presidents, kings, holy clerics and dictators. Many, if not all, of these so-called leaders have in recent history demonstrated that while they claim divinity and mandate, they continue their betrayal and they rob the innocent of their virtue.
They are no longer satisfied with a citizen who obeys the law. They are now looking for full spectrum dominance of all things on the planet. In their quest for this they are now collecting blood, taking down the digits, putting them in biometric chips and data mining information about you.
If you think about information on an esoteric level you can actually determine that the data we create, all the thoughts we have and the conversations we have are what make us who we are personally. Our thoughts and our communication, all the information about us is technically part of what we call the soul.
So not only do we see the attempts at taking your DNA –we are also seeing the illegal and intrusive way a government steal your soul. The data of course can be used for all sorts of things from incrimination to mind control.
A friend of mine tipped me off to a book she was reading that reminds me of the situation we are in now with the PRISM scandal. The book had been written long before this had happened and I thought it was an appropriate analogy for where we find ourselves now in this country. The book is called “The Broken Window” By Jeffery Deaver. The book was written in 2008 and is a crime thriller about a killer that has access to the world’s biggest data mining company called Strategic Systems Datacorp. He is using detailed information to commit crimes and blame them on innocent people.
Not only does the book create a motive for why our government would want to use data mining illegally but it also makes a point that our data is actually what makes us immortal. The every fact that we have information about us from the time we are born till the time we die is quite literally the contribution we have made in our lifetime and that it is quite frankly part of our soul.
Furthermore, the killer that’s using the data to frame people for crimes does not think of the people as human beings but as “sixteens” which are merely sixteen-digit identification numbers.
The killer then makes a chilling statement about what he does and why he uses data information against the sixteens:
What most sixteens, including my pursuers, don’t understand and what puts them at a pathetic disadvantage is this: I believe in the immutable truth that there is absolutely nothing morally wrong with taking a life.
Because I know that there is eternal existence completely independent of these bags of skin and organ we cart around temporarily. I have proof: Just look at the trove of data about your life, build up from the moment you’re born. It’s all permanent, stored in a thousand places, copied, backed up, invisible and indestructible. After the body goes, as all bodies must, the data survives forever.
And if that’s not the definition of an immortal soul, I don’t know what is.”—The Broken Window, 2008
This whole idea makes the PRISM scandal even more chilling if not an important and vital issue. This is more than some scandal that is rocking the Obama presidency; it is a very primitive way of your government attempting to get into the minds of Americans and in essence reading and interpreting the collective consciousness, the very soul of every citizen which puts us all at a pathetic disadvantage.
Think of a future where all biometric data includes your DNA, medical records, and what your words and thoughts and core beliefs are. What was once personal is placed in a chip or a tattoo and once a forbidden thought or belief enters into your head the data can be erased and you then become a mentally controlled serf educated for your purpose and leaving behind free will and the ability to question and rebel.
The idea of stealing or selling your information is the modern equivalent of selling or having someone steal or hijack your soul for their advantage. Stealing the soul or the data that makes you who you are is one more way the authorities want to play god.
Full spectrum control is mind control, physical control and slavery to the oligarchy. It is not constitutionally correct for any reason. There is no excuse for the stealing of one’s soul, or even the data that makes them who they are.
With advances in determining mental propensities and collecting data you are now literally open and vulnerable to being erased from history. Your loved ones may remember you, but you could wind up being a killer, a terrorist, or something worse all by data transference or even disappear at the the push of a delete button.
The question is now which is worse?
Those in power permit belief and they create crisis and provide solutions to the problems they create. They can also shut down certain beliefs and replace them with new histories and program us for new ideologies that can benefit the globalist empire they wish to control. It is unfortunate that they can make you laugh, make you cry, and even ask you to lay down and die for them. They have deep pockets, and they have their own public relations firms to tell you that what they want will not harm you.
They also have political “true believers” that will sell you out if it means their pockets are lines with their fake money. They will malign and ridicule those who see the danger in their illegal activities and call them traitors if it satisfies their need to rob American citizens of their soul.
We now are aware that these psychopathic individuals have somehow found their positions in the network control centers of our culture. Many of them have lost contact with the past and refuse to see what might be a bright future. So they have decided that it is the moment to take all they can and hoard it because there will be a time where resources will eventually dry up, including human resources.
Yet ignorance still has its grasp on the consensus reality because there are those who refuse to use our new technology for solitary study and will not commit to getting a well rounded story because it interferes with passive forms of entertainment and socialization.
Our day-to-day schedules prevent us from taking time out to think about whose side we are truly on.
Spiritual self–reflection without the aid of religious and political badgering is a rarity now. People are beginning to experience anxiety, depression, self–absorption, emptiness and a loss of self–esteem.
Why is it that this is becoming a psychological plague?
Because we have unwittingly sold our souls for mental control, we are not looking at how deep this data mining can steal one’s soul and destroy cognitive liberty.
The idea of data mining as soul stealing is not too far of a leap when you realize that your data and your soul are interchangeable and that you are your information, you are your DNA and if they have it and can produce it they can not only manipulate it but erase it and with the act of erasing you, you are completely silenced, you have no voice, and no existence.
I remember another book that I read called “A Wind in The Door” and how in the story your name and your information were part of who you were. Being named and existing was an act of love it is what made up your soul.
However, there were these dark entities known as the Echthroi and they would come down as empty souls and erased names and individual histories making them meaningless and eventually all things they unnamed were ignored and unloved.
The Echthroi, the enemy or the un-namers, tried to destroy individuals by turning someone into no one, something into nothing, gradually making all things meaningless and banal.
The Echthroi would take all things that were important and destroyed them. Eventually these important things and important people would be ignored and their contributions to the world null and void.
Names have power. Your data and personal thoughts and conversations have power. Giving consideration and appropriate respect has power. It is the power of good that fills the emptiness. The emptiness and the chaos are so easily obtained that most people today choose it because of its convenience.
The Echthroi represents inertia against all things that can be creative and helpful in our lives. They fight against that which moves us toward new life, health, new love, wisdom, risks, openness and truth.
As I have said in the past, the truth may set you free, but it may piss you off trying to get to it. Now the word “truth” seems to be an abused word, and the word “free” also has to be looked at with a jaundiced eye.
These words have been reduced to meaningless, watered–down euphemisms for tyranny. They have been bastardized because of the human tendency to make absolutes out of what limited truth we can grasp at any particular time. The “truth” most people grasp is the half–truths and disinformation that have been infused into the consensus reality through the network of social controls.
We see now that not only do we have to give up freedom for national security we must sell our souls, have our DNA collected, allow our data to be mined, our ideas and thoughts exploited and have all of that data exploited and used to eventually control us.
There are many people in power today who abuse your trust and good faith in order to move along their agendas. They wrap themselves in protective myths and they are able to wrap you up in them as well.
It is hard to explain to people that some of the most evil entities hide behind the mask of respectability.
Thomas Merton, a well-known poet and monk, said that perhaps we should look at those in power and ask if they are truly sane. He poked fun at the “pop culture’s” creation of idols of respectability.
Now it begins to dawn on us that it is precisely the sane ones who are the most dangerous. It is the sane ones, the well–adapted ones, who can without qualms and without nausea aim the missiles and press the buttons that will initiate the great festival of destruction that they, the sane ones, have prepared.” — Thomas Merton
Tell me now the sanity of defending these acts of soul stealing. Tell me about who the traitors are and who the patriots are. Have we truly been programmed to follow the mob and have we truly surrendered our souls to the centralized intelligence hub?
George Orwell once made the statement that, “Circus dogs jump and do somersaults when the trainer cracks his whip. But the really well-trained dog is the one that jumps and does somersaults when there is no whip.
There seem to be many dogs already trained to defend government over constitutional law, and there are those who scream traitor when they should evaluate their charge to defend human freedom and our rights to life, liberty and the preservation of the human spirit.
It looks as if the so-called ‘mark of the beast‘ is here and the people behind it want your blood and your soul, otherwise they will erase you from existence. Not physically but electronically, and with the importance we place in technological data bases your soul can be reduced to just a couple of digits and those digits can easily be erased along with anything you ever achieved, expressed, or even contributed to your family, friends or even your country.                  

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