
This is a very ominous Google doodle for many reasons. The most obvious of which is it is ever changing. The suspects are in constant flux. They are operating under cover of something trusted like a father figure. It implies an inside operation a false flag. There is one major type of potential of false flag the NWO has had on the option table for years that has not been successfully deployed. It is the nuclear option. There has only been one source of information devoted to exposing this sort of attempt on many occassions. We were the only ones tracking the mystery ship to the Vancouver Olympics with suspicious cargo. We have alerted primary target New York in many false flag attempts. We blew the whistle hard for the London Olympics. We are still batting 1000. We see a diamond rising from the second O. The risen structure of the O looks like a stadium. The e is in a red diamond. The red could represent blood at the baseball diamond. The E an electron. The first two letters imply the mission is a GO. In the doodle the fathers stop in various roles. The one that stopped most often for me was the baseball player.

Of course we could be way out in LEFT field, but the twilight language cannot lie. If the concept of the world being holographic in nature holds truth, then every part contains the whole of the rest. However, I'm more inclined to believe that as part of the military industrial complex if not the very heart of it, Google uses the doodle as a code for its faithful to keep them informed on the QT as it has been termed. Since all communications are monitored, it is virtually impossible to use traditional encryption codes. Here the message can be read in plain sight because most people are illiterate to it. Even when informed of the principles, they still prefer to remain blind. Remember how we exposed the Blue Arrow Code and spilled the beans on the model airplane plot. That was one of most successful decrypts. All other alternative media hides from these revelations. We decode the future. We see through the matrix into its heart. No one else can do that. None dare even try.
The historical substance of the doodle is Father's Day. The man the day was based on was William Jackson Smart. He fought in the Civil War on the Union side. He was recruited in the south in Fayetteville, Arkansas. That tells us the side of the alleged perpetrator of the future plot is infiltrated by the Union or government. His unit was organized in Little Rock. Fayetteville was burned as Union forces approached. In 1863 he fought Confederate guerrillas in Arkansas and Missouri. He was in the Camden Campaign to attempt to push into Texas. They failed. The moral of the story is the NWO is trying to consolidate power with the Union as before. The issue of the Civil War was not slavery but States' rights. We are at the apex again as Washington tries to usurp power to establish a global government. Smart had 5 children with his first wife. One died leaving 4. He was step father to 3 children from his second wife. They had 6 children. 4 times 3 is 12, 21 in reverse. The six from the second marriage tell us a date. June 21st. Now we turn on the TV.

In an article titled BEWARE: 9/11 and (now) 6/22 Terrorism foretold in “The Simpsons” from Veterans Today we see John Kimber stepping up to the plate no pun intended. He illustrates how The Simpsons revealed 9/11 and a dirty bomb event for 6/22. Of course that is the summer solstice. It is a very important Illuminati sacrifice day. Days start at sundown until the next sundown. 6/21 would be the eve. Another TV show revealed predictive programming for 6/21.

As in the Batman film revealing the Sandy Hook targets to the nth degree, so too does a TV show called REVOLUTION.
Revolution contains the full 6/22/13 U.S. coup plot, like “Jericho” - nuclear bombs, an EMP-like attack, a bioweapon, and civil war, plus Obama’s domestic drones.
Revolution S01E12 632-18-5796 = 11-9 21-6 = 9/11 6/21.
So there we have it boys and girls the stage is set. We know what they want to do. We know when they want to do it. The next question of course is where? The Google doodle implies that. Admittedly Sergeant Smart was from Fayetteville, but he moved to Wilbur, Washington as the railroad came into being. His second wife died there. So the Father's Day story originated there as well. That implies the target. Wilbur is near Spokane. Spokane's baseball team are the Indians. Their home turf is the typical baseball field. And in left field the 'aliens' left us a message.
Crop circle found in a field near Wilbur, Washington 2012
While I'm not a major crop circle expert, the field is generally skewed to space as opposed to the terra firma they are written on. I see the message relating to Wilbur and vicinity. If the predictive programming is nuclear in nature, then a rather less popular image of nuclear matches the crop picture.

It is three orbits around a nucleus of atoms. The pyramid is the center point of the atom in some interpretations of its foundations of creation. The circles also ape the classic bio-hazard sign as well. A bioweapon was implied too. Its release perhaps starting the Civil War as implied by the doodle base Sergeant Smart and the show REVOLUTION. The circle contains both messages. The big circles are the orbits of the small circles the electrons.
The classic bio-hazard sign
In the explosion photo above we see a small town main street. We see the mountains in the background. Do we see Wilbur, Washington? It is small, rural and quiet. It might prove to be a sleepy staging area for the Illuminati to prepare their main event. Have we pegged them? Perhaps. We do try our best to read what is hidden to the MAX! The street front bears an eerie resemblence to the one the Toronto Star used prior to the attempted Toronto terror attack. We stopped that on DEAD in its tracks. We broke the code. We put the secret agents under surveillance. We blew their cover. What other media forum can lay claim to that. Conspiracy Cafe is the point of the sword. Never forget that. Stay tuned. They mean you harm even the 'aliens' have told you.

Toronto Star front page
Closeup image notice the explosion
It's all before your eyes if your prepared to open them. Here at the Cafe, we're all eyes and all ears because we have been given a unique gift. We share it with you for free. You can reward us for our efforts at the DONATE button or you can suffer the consequances of corporate media monopoly. The choice is yours. You can also change the channel to That Channel and listen to moi on Conspiracy Cafe. We are the diamond in the rough, but we play a mean game Father's Day and every day.
Punk Rock Band The Isotopes
The five-piece is back at it on new EP Blood Diamond, only fiercer, piling through the tale of a player who blows it all in a betting scandal in “Rule 21”, channelling the Undertones’ “You Got My Number (Why Don’t You Use It?)”, and pondering the tale of kidnapped Washington Nationals catcher Wilson Ramos in “Operation: Vamos”.
Their Dickies-like version of “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” is silly, mind you, and a tad lazy for a band that’s managed to keep the concept alive for four solid official releases. But it isn’t totally painful, either, so let’s just say that if “Rule 21” is classy like Eight Men Out, then “Ball Game” is Major League.
Truth is stranger than FICTION!
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