Welcome To Hitlerville
Over the weekend I was reading a story about Dick Cheney. He will soon be the subject of a documentary where he admits that he lied about what happened during the attacks of September 11th, 2001.In the Showtime documentary, “The World According to Dick Cheney,” the former Vice President and accused war criminal says “I got on the telephone with the president, who was in Florida, and told him not to be at one location where we could both be taken out.” Mr. Cheney kept Bush flying aimlessly in the air on 9/11 while he and his wife left on a helicopter for a secure, undisclosed location. They left Washington in a bleak, scared silence with no one reassuring the nation in those first terrifying hours.
We all know that the events of that day were whitewashed with heroism and possible phone calls from panicked passengers. It was these events that Mr. Cheney and many of his cronies only speculated about a year prior in a private proposal called ‘Project for a New American Century‘ or PNAC. In the proposal that Cheney co-authored, there was a section entitled “Strengthening America’s Defenses” and it was a blueprint for the police state. It called for the necessity of military spending, the Militarization of space. It called for the toppling of regimes, the offensive stance of our military against Central Asia and the Middle East and the willingness to use nuclear weapons to control the world’s resources.
The problem that faced the authors of this radical plan is that the American people would not stand for this. There is no way Americans would stand for this radical change. Americans knew of the warnings of president Eisenhower and his exhortation to not allow the growth of the military industrial complex.
All that Dick Cheney and his co-planners of police state America needed was a body count.
All that was missing was, what one of the PNAC planners called, an event “like a new Pearl Harbor” to galvanize public support for unlimited military action. Later the planners got what they had written about as planes were hijacked by terrorists. Two met their targets in New York at the World Trade Center and the other hit the Pentagon.
Let us not forget that Dick Cheney and his group of New World planners thought that no matter what happened, change will only come with a body count. According to the mainstream narrative, Dick Cheney and his cast of plotters all got their wish because terrorists just coincidentally decided to hate America enough to attack and allow for the expansion of the military and the rejection of the constitution in favor of a police state in America.
The attacks of September 11th, 2001 opened the dialogue for the police state and a state socialism creep much like what happened in Germany after the 1933 Reichstag fire.
At the urging of Hitler, President Hindenburg responded the next day by issuing an emergency decree “for the Protection of the people and the State,” which stated: “Restrictions on personal liberty, on the right of free expression of opinion, including freedom of the press; on the rights of assembly and association; and violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches, orders for confiscations as well as restrictions on property, are also permissible beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed.”
The Nazi’s immediately used the decree to intensify their attacks on their political opponents, especially the communists. Although the Nazi Part failed to win a majority in the March 5 elections, Hitler was able to push through the Enabling Act (officially, “Law for Removing the Distress of the People and the Reich”) on March 23. With 441 votes for and 84 against (the Social Democrats) the act officially recognized Hitler as Germany’s dictator and abolished democracy.
After 74 years, the question of who actually started the Reichstag fire is still debated.
Nevertheless, most historians believe that Nazis were involved either directly or through instigation what would now be called a false flag operation in order to blame the communists and garner public support for their programs.
It has been said that Hitler removed the guns from the people prior to his takeover. While the statement is false, the truth is far more interesting. The gun ban was harsh at first and then loosened only to be a “selective” ban where certain people that fit a certain criteria could have a gun.
As World War I drew to a close, the new Weimar Republic government banned nearly all private gun ownership to comply with the Treaty of Versailles and mandated that all guns and ammunition “be surrendered immediately.” The law was loosened in 1928, and gun permits were granted to citizens “of undoubted reliability” but not “persons who are itinerant like Gypsies.”
In 1938, under Nazi rule, gun laws became significantly more relaxed. Rifle and shotgun possession was allowed only for hunters, Nazi Party members, and government officials. Gypsies and Jews were prohibited from owning firearms and other dangerous weapons.
The same plan is now being tested in many part of the United States today.
In California, the government is already coming for the guns.
Notwithstanding the Second Amendment, rules and regulations across the United States outline certain restrictions for who can legally possess a firearm. In the state of California, factors such as a felony conviction or a history of mental health issues mean roughly 20,000 gun owners are holding onto their firearms illegally. Slowly but surely, though, California police officers and tactical SWAT and CERT teams are showing up door to door to pry them away.
There’s more, though: backers of the program suggest this becomes a nation-wide practice and are asking the White House to help make it happen.
As many as 200,000 people across the United States may no longer be qualified to own firearms, and in California they are making sure that number drops day by day. In one example cited in this week’s Bloomberg report, journalists recall a recent scene where nine California Justice Department agents equipped with weapons and outfitted in bulletproof vests knocked on a suburban residence, requested to speak to a certain gun owner and then walked away with whatever arsenal they could apprehend. In California, some shortcuts are already meaning weapons are being removed from lawful owners.
Bloomberg reports cite the example of 48-year-old Lynette Phillips, a California woman who was recently hospitalized for mental illness. When a team of agents went to collect her two registered firearms, they also walked out with one registered to her husband. Her husband of course was not mentally ill and was not in a data base that marked him for gun confiscation.
According to the Bloomberg report, Phillips claimed that she was involuntarily held at the hospital for observation last December. She says that nurse that admitted her exaggerated the magnitude of her condition. She is not at all listed as mentally compromised; however because of a small stay at a hospital for seasonal issues she now loses her gun privileges. Phillips said her husband used the guns for recreation.
She does not blame the government however for the removal of the guns. She rationalizes that based on the information they had; she surrendered her guns and those of her husband.
When Barack Obama spoke in Berlin in 2008, he spoke as a “world citizen” and not as a presidential hopeful. He spoke in front of the Victory Tower. Coincidentally the last major political speech made at the Victory Tower in Berlin Germany, was delivered by Adolph Hitler.
It was an odd and unpleasant venue that reminds us that one is slowly converted by the ineffable but very real power of the despot and how we have become stuck within our choices. We don’t know whether to be an unwitting victim or a fellow perpetrator. So it has become fashionable to downplay the notion that your choices are not choices at all. You have not had the time to understand what is at stake.
At the moment it may seem trivial to argue over the banning of 32 ounce sodas in New York City, but the precedent of eliminating choice at will, and then when it is thrown out of court a despot wants it appealed is saying a lot about the attitude of power hungry mobsters that have taken over the public trust. Take away the people’s choice no matter how trivial and selectively enforce the laws when it is expedient.
This is despotism; this is something that should be alarming to any American citizen. However many Americans won’t sound the alarm because many are unaware or have been swayed by the mainstream narrative that is controlled by special interests that are supportive of the fascist makeover that is being conducted and enforced by the government. We have all been duped into believing in the smooth pabulum that has been created by consultants, ad agencies and spin doctors that downplay and belittle the reality of tyranny. They blindside the public with issues like abortion, immigration and global warming. Things like constitutional rights are no longer important to the average American citizen. Fear has determined that the constitution is a worn out document that is a death sentence. The truth is painfully revealing itself and the chances of you being oppressed by your own government has increased now that Obama has become president. This is not based on any political ideology, but of course republicans will point the finger stating that Bush had nothing to do with the rise of the fascist state.
The truth is both the right wing and the left wing when flapping together give the fascist bird the ability to fly. Left to its own devices, it will swoop down and sink it’s talons into its prey. You will have to lay low and avoid being seen by its ever watchful eye.
One president, nine Supreme Court justices, one hundred senators and 435 congressmen equals 545. That is the totals of how many, out of the 300 million people in this country are directly responsible for creating and implementing the police state. The police state is in place in order to somehow protect us from the consequences of the domestic crisis that they have created.
There are untold thousands of others employed to enforce the police state on a federal and local level. Several alphabet agencies report to the chosen 545 and do not question their motives. They only know that there is a crisis and an executive directed that imposes civil rights violations across the board. There is only one alphabet agency that does not answer to Congress and they are the Central Intelligence Agency. They have unlimited budgets to wiretap, observe, search and seize property without due process.
We are also seeing the accused being tried in the court of public opinion on television. The media creates a bias, to fit an agenda and anyone who questions the treatment of a suspected prisoner is accused of condoning crime. Even with the treatment of accused criminals there are constitutional rights of due process and rights of cognitive liberty. I am hearing people now say that the so called mentally ill are the newest witches that are ready to be hunted down and gathered up and disarmed. The question is who determines what is mental illness and what if you are treated and cured? Or is that something that stays on your record and makes you less than a citizen?
In the book 1984 by George Orwell, anyone who fought against “the party” were considered mentally ill and were forced under duress and drug treatments to say that they “were ill and conspired with Goldstein.”
Now in some Orwellian nightmare a person that will gain no sympathy from the public will be James Holmes the suspected shooter in Aurora Colorado. A judge in Colorado will allow Holmes to be tested with a “truth serum” should he plead not guilty by reason of insanity.
Judge William Sylvester ruled that in the event of Holmes pleading insanity his prosecutors would be permitted to interrogate him while he is under the influence of a medical drug designed to loosen him up and get him to talk. The idea would be that such a “narcoanalytic interview” would be used to confirm whether or not he had been legally insane when he embarked on his shooting spree on 20 July last year.
The precise identity of the drug that would be used has not been released, other than a statement that it would be “medically appropriate“, but it would most likely be a short-acting barbiturate such as sodium amytal.
William Shepherd, chair of the criminal justice section of the American Bar Association, whose members include both prosecutors and defense lawyers, said that the proposed use of a “truth drug” to ascertain the veracity of a defendant’s plea of insanity was highly unusual in the US, yes of course it is highly unusual because it violates the 5th amendment.
It is also interesting to try and understand how any kind of analyses can be taken efficiently with an intoxicated suspect. These same types of activities were actually carried out by Nazi scientists on prisoners of war.
Speak out against any of this and you may be suspected of sympathizing with criminals.
The unfortunate thing about the typical American is that they are too comfortable with the idea that America is too big to fail. They believe that our very form of government is immune to collapsing into a different form. We as Americans SHOULD know full well when our government is teetering on the brink of socialism, communism, Nazism or even despotism. But we don’t. We believe that it just can’t happen here.
It has already happened here, it is happening now and it continues.
Welcome to Hitlerville.
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