Our Children Don’t Want to Live Under the New World Order
February 26, 2013 0
Dave Hodges - thecommonsenseshow
Growing up is filled with challenges,
disappointments, excitement and anticipation of the future. Growing up
should contain some measure of enjoyment and the self-satisfaction that
the pride in our own personal growth can bring. However, for too many of
our soon-to-be young adults, life is filled with misery, disappointment
and a sense of hopelessness. Society is responsible for providing an
environment which fosters growth and the freedom to explore one’s
limits. And for decades, America produced children which surpassed the
accomplishments and life-style of the previous generation.
Unfortunately, this is no longer the case.
At one time in this country, parents
formed the backbone for child development along with teachers and
clergy. Today, the influences on our youth are not what they should be.
Today, where do these influences come from? A Gallup Poll from the late1950′s asked teens to rate their biggest influences on their attitudes and lives and they listed these variables in the following order:
1. Parents 2. Church 3. Teachers 4. Peers 5. Media
Fifty years later, this same survey produced the following results:
1 & 2. Peers and media were in a virtual tie
3. Parents 4. Teachers 5. Church
(information derived from a conference presentation on child safety sponsored by Arizona States in 2006).
Something Is Terribly Wrong
Increasingly for our young people, the
world is not a safe place. In many areas of the country suicide has
replaced car accidents as the leading cause of death.
There are an estimated 8-25 attempted suicides
for each suicide death. Therefore, the suicide rate is only small
representation of the hopelessness being experienced by the younger
generation. The misery index in this country for our young people is off
the charts.
What is the number one reason why teens
are killing themselves? The straightforward and simple answer is that
they have a foreboding sense of hopelessness. Life is bleak and
meaningless and all their cell phones, IPADs and X-Box games can not
fill the void of emptiness.Hopelessness is the number one predictor of
This Is Not the Way It Is Supposed To Be
Traditionally, when teens grow into adulthood, they begin to learn that they have a measure of control
over their life. Through trial-and-error, teens gain knowledge and
acquire the tools necessary to solve their problems in the best way that
they could. In the past, when we felt hopeless, we pulled through our
crises with the resources we had at our disposal and with the support
from friends and family. Increasingly, that support has all but eroded.
For teenagers, their overwhelming sense
of hopelessness is enough to cause them to take their own lives. Most
teens who survive suicide attempts say that they tried to kill
themselves because they were trying to escape a situation that seemed
impossible to deal with, or they were trying to escape overwhelming
feelings like rejection, guilt, anger, or sadness in which they lacked
any significant degree of control.
Even Our Brave Young Warriors Do Not Want To Live In This World
When they are discharged from the
service, they return to a nation which has a destroyed economy along
with corrupt leaders who make the veterans question their service to
their country. Most veterans, as in past wars, are riddled with guilt
for the traumatic acts of survival that they had to engage in. However,
unlike most of our past wars. they come to learn that their service is a
charade and they do not serve the American people and our national
interests. Rather, they come to know that they serve the stockholders
of the oil companies, Goldman Sachs and the corrupt elite that run this
planet. This is why Pat Tillman was murdered, because he was going to
tell all and the military brass could not allow a person of this
standing to reveal the true agenda of the war. Tillman could have become
a one man TET offensive, which could have ultimately brought down
support for the war in Vietnam.
One could argue that the post-traumatic
stress of dealing with combat issues is the major reason why these
veterans are killing themselves in record numbers. That might be
considered to be true if this was America’s first war. However, compared
to all the past wars, both popular and unpopular, our veterans are
choosing suicide as a solution for living in a dehumanized world with no
hope in record numbers. Children and veterans see through the deceit
faster than the rest of us who are blinded by television and new media
What Is the Solution?
Teenagers and veterans are the canaries
in the mine. By their suicides, children and veterans are telling us how
bad our world stinks. The solutions for these mental health issues does
not lie within individually treating depression and accompanying
suicidal symptoms. The problem I am describing here is systemic and
global, not individual in its causation. Our new-found collectivist
society is the culprit which is robbing of us our freedom and
self-determination.That is the problem. It is inherent for humans to be
free and without freedom, life becomes meaningless.
The New World Order
controls society with its mindless entertainment with everything from
American Idol, to the Oscars, to the NFL, and the propaganda machines of
the networks and in our public schools are working overtime in an
attempt to get children to accept their place in the NWO with an
accompanying loss of freedom in the name of serving the “greater good”
of collectivism.
Our children and our veterans are
telling us that they do not want to live in this world and neither
should you. I am not endorsing suicidal behavior. However, It is only a
matter of time until all of us feel the same pervasive sense of
hopelessness. IF you do not care about living in the squalor, filth and
moral decadence that is the NWO, then maybe the welfare of your children
should jolt you into action.
If you want to see things change, then
change yourself by rediscovering your spirituality and living a moral
life. For when we all do this, it will not make any sense for us to
accept the immorality of those who would be our global masters.
Maybe if our teens saw us standing up to
the immorality, they might see a ray of hope in their future. Maybe, if
we demanded that our government reach out to our vets instead of
incarcerating and drugging them for incorrect political views, maybe
they would want to rejoin society upon completion of their service.
Maybe if we collectively grew a backbone and took our world back from
Satan, we could live out our lives in the manner that our creator
Start now! Pick out one cause that you
can get behind and put everything you have into that cause. Whether it
is the End the Fed movement, or forcing term limits on Congress, it does
not matter. Do something, do it with others so our numbers can grow,
before it is too late.
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