Why Russia Needs Alaska
Dave Hodges -

Part one,
I detailed how Obama is the right communist at precisely the right time
to bring about the demise of this country. Part one revealed how Obama
was born and bred to be a communist and we see the evidence of this
through his East German Stasi tactics within his daily routine as
evidenced by his help in passing the NDAA and other draconian
unconstitutional legislation. In Part one, I also detailed how prominent
Russian defectors have tried to warn America that Russia will rise up
and attack the United States.
It is clear that any Russian attack upon the United States will come
through Alaska and I am now of the opinion that Russia will not wait for
us to attack Iran before attacking the United States. The following
paragraphs will demonstrate why Alaska is so vitally important to the
fulfillment of Russia’s communist plans for world domination.
The Heartland Theory
British geographer and military historian,
Sir Halford MacKinder,
in1904, wrote an article that changed how politicians and military men
viewed the world. It was a perception that influenced Hitler to send his
troops eastward in an attack upon Russia in 1940. It was also the
driving force that led to the underpinnings for superpower foreign
policy which guided foreign policy for both sides during the Cold War.
The theory that had so influenced nearly three generations of
strategists was called simply, the Heartland Theory.
Basically, Mackinder’s Heartland Theory viewed
geo-political military history as a struggle between land-based and
sea-based powers. Mackinder believed the world had become a “closed”
system, with virtually no new lands left for the Europeans powers to
discover, to conquer, and to fight over without creating chaos
elsewhere. According to the theory the common denominator for world
conflict has been reduced to sea powers vs. land-based powers which
would subsequently struggle for dominance of the world, and the ultimate
victor would be in a position to set up a world empire. The determining
factor in this struggle was physical geography; “Man and not nature initiates, but nature in large measure controls”.
Containing Russia Is the Key to World Peace
From Mackinder’s perspective, Soviet Russia had to be contained
within the heartland. Mackinder’s believed that whosoever controlled
Eurasia, controlled the world, so long as the controller had access to
useable ports. The problem for Russia is that they have so few usable
ports thus impacting commerce and the movement of men and material in a
time of war. So long as Russian could be prevented from being a major
sea power, the forces of the United States and Western Europe were safe.
However, if Russia should become a sea power in conjunction with its
massive land-based power, Russia could rule the world.
Zbigniew Brzezinski confirms the Heartland Theory, in his book,
A Geostrategic Framework for the Conduct of the US-Soviet Contest
(pp 22-23), n which he echoed the words of Mackinder when he stated
that “Whoever controls Eurasia dominates the globe. If the Soviet Union
captures the peripheries of this landmass … it would not only win
control of vast human, economic and military resources, but also gain
access to the geostrategic approaches to the Western Hemisphere – the
Atlantic and the Pacific.” For Russia, controlling the peripheries of
the landmass means controlling Alaska and having access to its ports.
This would make Russia the world’s most preeminent land and sea power
and the world would have to pay homage to the new global master.
Stalin’s Secret Plans to Invade Alaska In 1951

In 1999, at a
held at Yale University, previously-secret Russian documents revealed
that Russian Dictator Joseph Stalin had undergone extensive planning in
preparation to invade North America as early as 1951. The event was one
of a series of programs sponsored by the Washington D.C.-based Cold War
International History Project (CWIHP), which monitors new documents
pertaining to the Cold War. The Yale conference centered on Stalin’s
relationship with the United States.
These documents, from the Cold War, revealed that Stalin had a
definitive plan to attack Alaska in 1951-52 and had undergone major
military preparations in anticipation of the invasion. Russia has
always considered itself to be landlocked and this served as the major
motivation for Russia’s planned incursion which would have given Russia
access to good sea ports. Stalin subsequently died and the plans were
abandoned, at least temporarily.
Suspicious Happenings In Alaska
In light of the evidence, it is abundantly clear that there are clear
economic, political and military reasons why the Russians would want to
occupy Alaska. My interest in this topic surfaced quite serendipitously
as a couple of listeners to my radio program sent me information on the
Agenda 21 invasion of small Alaska communities, and oh, by the way,
they also reported that they were seeing Russian troops in their
respective communities.

sighting of Russian troops in small Alaskan towns such Ketchikan,
Alaska, got my undivided attention. Ketchikan is the southeastern most
city in Alaska. With an estimated population of 8,050. Ketchikan is the
fifth-most populous city in the state. Another area where there are
civilian sightings of Russian troops is in Sitka, Alaska. The City of
Sitka, formerly New Archangel under Russian rule, is located on Baranof
Island and the southern half of Chichagof Island in the Alexander
Archipelago of the Pacific Ocean. Additionally, one military veteran
reports seeing Russian submarines, on a frequent basis, just off the
coast. Further, there are civilian reports of Russian vehicles and
troops moving through Alaska north of Anchorage. These are only
anecdotal accounts and further proof is required in to validate these
eyewitness accounts. Yet, there are indeed verifiable, reported media
accounts of Russian troops on American soil.
The presence of Russian troops on American soil is very troublesome.
America does not need to rely on the anecdotal accounts of Alaskan
civilians to be concerned about the presence of Russian troops on
American soil. Russian commandos are also “training” at
Fort Carson,
in Colorado Springs since last spring. Why is this concerning? The
United States is about to go to war with Iran for selling its oil to
Russia, China and India for gold instead of the Petrodollar. Russia and
China have threatened to
nuke the United States if it dares to attack Iran. Russia is, and should be considered to be an enemy of the United States.
A Stunning Act of Treason

has given away seven strategic, oil-rich Alaskan islands to the
Russians at a time when we could be going to war with Russia. At
minimum, the oil, alone, from these Islands should be considered to be a
military asset. I remain very concerned that these seven islands in the
Arctic Ocean and Bering Sea could also be used as a military staging
area from which to invade Alaska and defend its new claims of the
mineral rich resources at the North Pole.
The Department of Interior estimates billions of barrels of oil are
at stake, related to these seven Islands. Didn’t Obama promise energy
independence. Didn’t this proven communist president promise to help the
economy bounce back by lessening our dependence on foreign oil? And
despite our ongoing economic depression, Obama killed the Keystone
Pipeline a few months ago. Perhaps, very soon, America will not need the
Keystone Pipeline because Alaska will not be remaining as a viable
member of the United States. To those who think that Obama would never
sacrifice Alaska to Russia, then please tell us “conspiracy theorists”
why he would give away seven Islands, one as big as Delaware, with great
natural resources, to the Russians? This is a case of bold-faced
treason plain and simple. Obama and his cabinet should be arrested,
tried and sentenced as we would with any traitor. Yet, there is more.
The Giveaway of Alaska
There exists documented facts which support the reasons why Alaska should be placed on high alert.
Russia recently sent four brigades to the Arctic. The Arctic can be used as a staging area for the invasion of the
North Pole to protect its recent mineral claims, but more importantly, this area of the Arctic could serve as a
base of operations from which to invade Alaska with the help of pre-positioned assets within the state.
In March of 2012, with a microphone left on. Obama made an unguarded comment to Russian leader
Dmitry Medvedev to be “
more lenient on nuclear issues”
because he could be more flexible “after the November election”. Does
more flexible mean killing the Keystone Pipeline prior to giving away
seven rich Alaskan Islands to the Russians? Does more flexible mean
letting the Russians train in Colorado Springs and in Alaska? Does being
more flexible mean compromising our defense of Alaska?
More Treason From Obama
Although some journalists have said that they suspect that Obama is
preparing to give away Alaska to Russia. I previously did not see how a
sitting president could do such a thing and remain in office. However,
if Russia were to militarily seize Alaska, that would provide Obama with
a plausible excuse in which he claims America was caught off guard and
the danger was unforeseen. Obama could best accomplish this by weakening
the defenses of Alaska and the evidence is supportive of this
suspicion. The evidence does not support a timetable, however, I would
guess that this event may transpire in Obama’s last year in office, or
possibly in the lame duck session where he cannot be held accountable.
This article will hopefully remove Obama’s ability to excuse away the
notion that America lost Alaska because it go caught with its proverbial
pants down.
The giving away of seven strategic, oil-rich
is a good start to support a claim of treason because Obama is
purposely weakening the defense of Alaska. Also, local residents along
the Alaskan coast have reported to me that the massive over flights
along the coast have all but ceased. The
have disappeared. The Air Force says the flights have been suspended
because of oxygen concerns which are impacting the pilots. Then
shouldn’t the flights be replaced by F-16′s? What about national
security?These over flights have been a staple of Alaskan defense since
the Cold War. If we are close to war with Iran and its ally, Russia,
then shouldn’t we beefing up our patrols in Alaska?
Recently the
asked for gun registration records in Alaska. Perhaps the Russians need
to know, in advance, where the most civilian opposition will come from
when they take over Alaska.
Are Plans Being Made For a Post-Russian Takeover of Alaska?
It is now on the record that Putin said that he was going to make his
country the greatest country, economically, as he said in print that he
claiming part of Alaska. Adding fuel to the fire, it is now clear that Russia is also establishing plans for an
industrialization. In geopolitical and military terms, it could be an
easy to claim to make if the military resistance in Alaska is greatly
compromised, and it has been.
last thing that country should do on a potential front line area is to
close military facilities and bases, yet, this is exactly what is
happening in Alaska. Obama and the Base Realignment and Closure
Commission have been closing bases and/or reducing base operations all
through Alaska. It has gotten so bad that the Alaskan Governor hired a
lobbyist to prevent military reduction.
Two years ago, a prominent
Russia Professor
predicted the end of the United States. The professor stated that
Alaska would return to the control of Russia and that the United States
would be split into six pieces.
John McCain
recently said “I think it’s very clear that Russian ambitions are to
restore the old Russian Empire. Not the Soviet Union, but the Russian
There is also a
from Russia to Alaska being constructed. Are we funding our own demise
with our tax money which is designed to set up Russia’s future? Last
summer, Russia challenged west coast
detection capabilities
of our military by making provocative moves with their submarines
inside of our territorial waters. Also, in a stunning move, Putin
banned adoptions
of Russian children by American parents. Could it be likely that he is
looking out for the Russian adoptees as this is a reaction to what Putin
knows is coming?
Should we be closing bases on the potential front lines? Should we be
failing to patrol off of our coast? Should we allow the unchallenged
sightings of surfaced Russian subs close to the coastline? Any one of
these events should be considered to be a serious national security
concern. Yet, the media and Obama act as if all is well.
There are a lot of dots on this wall to connect. However, there is
one monumental dot to seriously consider. Subsequently, I have some
final questions. If Obama is willing to give away seven oil-rich Islands
in the area of Alaska, during these tough economic times, then what
exactly isn’t he capable of doing to the United States? Is the sacrifice
of Alaska so far-fetched in light of these other considerations? Aren’t
the apparent Russian plans to seize Alaska part of the fulfillment of
the Heartland Theory in which Mother Russia propels itself in the status
of the world’s super power by making itself both a land and sea power
through the seizure of Alaska?
When someone can provide a plausible set of answers to the questions
that I have raised here, then I will continue to sound the alarm that
“The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming.”