Here is a picture sent to me by Watcher Shawn;
This is why there are no shootings in Israeli schools. Think about it.
A nation of responsible gun owners is now under assault. We
now have people calling for an outright murder of NRA officials, a
repeal of the 2nd Amendment and the regulation of bullets (as a way
around the 2nd Amendment). It’s unbelievable, in the wake of a terrible
tragedy we now have more Americans actually calling for the mass murder of law abiding citizens, which manifested itself on Twitter in response to Tim Brown’s article over on the Freedom Outpost
There are no shortages of recent articles out there calling for a change in, or outright repeal of the 2nd Amendment. I like how these people know what’s best for me, citing that there is simply no further room for debate about this topic.
Finally we face the most pathetic attempt to conduct an “end around” on the 2nd Amendment, a substantial regulation on bullets. I really believe the people that write these articles are completely ignorant with respect to gun culture, or the practice of reloading.
Here is a picture sent to me by Watcher Shawn;
This is why there are no shootings in Israeli schools. Think about it.
Share this: THE BANNERS !!! Gun owners of USA ...THIS is WHAT we R up against! it is their LOVE? ...don't u C !
Murder NRA Officials, Blame Survivalists, Repeal the 2nd Amendment, Regulate Bullets.
by PJ
When I wrote yesterday about the liberals coming out against guns, I had no idea just how some people would react. What once would have been unthinkable to blast out into public seems to be becoming more normal via things like Twitter and Facebook. Below are a selection of Tweets that are clearly anti-Second Amendment and even calls for the murder of the National Rifle Association President David Keene, along with NRA members.
Blame Survivalists
Other news media outlets are placing some
of the blame on the shooter’s mother, implying that her
prepper/survivalist lifestyle directly contributed to this tragedy
(never-mind the fact that the shooter suffered from mental illness). This recent article, entitled Gunman’s
‘survivalist’ mother was OBSESSED with guns and stockpiled supplies as
she planned for economic collapse before son shot her in the face while
she lay in bed, pulls no punches in painting a negative picture
(i.e. obsessed, hoarding) about individuals who are preparing for the
tough times ahead.
The mother of Newtown school massacre gunman Adam Lanza was a survivalist who was stockpiling food because she thought the world economy was on the verge of collapse. Nancy Lanza began hoarding food and water because she feared that the onging financial crisis was going to bring about the end of civilized society. She reportedly became ‘obsessed’ with guns and taught Adam how to shoot, but on Friday in a grim twist he blasted her to death while she laid in her own bed.Repeal the 2nd Amendment
There are no shortages of recent articles out there calling for a change in, or outright repeal of the 2nd Amendment. I like how these people know what’s best for me, citing that there is simply no further room for debate about this topic.
Therefore it is time. It is time to repeal the 2nd Amendment to the US Constitution and start over. It is time for strict licensing with mandatory training classes, liability insurance and licenses that must be renewed on regular basis. It is time for firearm registration with 14 day waiting periods and thorough background checks. It is time to limit, as the UK does, the maximum caliber of weapons the public can own along with the firearm’s capacity. It is time, as Norway does, to require the purchaser to have a valid reason to own a gun.But wait, there’s more!
Under the adage “all politics is local”, I believe the following is possibly the best path ahead, in that it places directly in local hands the responsibility and accountability for gun control:Regulate Bullets
Vote to repeal the second amendment which states ” A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”
Vote to pass an amendment which states “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall be decided by vote at the lowest political subdivision [To Be Revised]“
Finally we face the most pathetic attempt to conduct an “end around” on the 2nd Amendment, a substantial regulation on bullets. I really believe the people that write these articles are completely ignorant with respect to gun culture, or the practice of reloading.
Perhaps the best argument in favor of limiting ammunition, though, is this. The mantra of firearms advocates is the Second Amendment to the Constitution, which reads:So what can be done about all of this? There surely is a huge wave of momentum and public outcry which will bring about new proposed legislation via elected officials, whether that legislation passes (in some form) remains to be seen. We who believe in the 2nd Amendment and the right for responsible citizens to bear arms need to be twice as vocal in our support of such concepts, do not stand by on the sideline while plots are made to strip away our rights. Take the time to write your elected officials and support the NRA! I wrote about the cost of gun control and what happens when you stay silent, if you haven’t seen the video I posted there check it out. We must stand firm, resolute in our God given rights, there simply is no other alternative.
A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.
It doesn’t say a single thing about the right to own bullets. At the time of the adoption of the Constitution, bullets were largely inert slugs, loaded into flint-lock muskets propelled with loose gunpowder packed into the muzzle. There was no need to assure the right to ammunition, which may be the loophole the government needs to dramatically curtail the scourge of gun violence. Bear all the arms you want. Make your own at home. Without a bullet to fire from it — or, at the very least, far, far fewer bullets — we can achieve what the Founding Fathers really sought: a stable, secure nation.
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