Thursday, December 6, 2012

Kim Dotcom Cleared To Pursue Case Against New Zealand For Illegal Spying

Kim Dotcom Cleared To Pursue Case Against New Zealand For Illegal Spying

from the opening-up-a-can-of-worms dept

The latest in the saga of New Zealand's Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) -- their version of the NSA -- illegally spying on Kim Dotcom, is that he's been cleared to file a lawsuit against the GCSB for its activities and the GCSB will be told to reveal some of the details of its secret electronic spying setup.
The order for the GCSB to reveal top secret details came as the High Court at Auckland ruled the spy agency would now sit alongside the police in a case probing the unlawful search warrant used in the raid on Dotcom's north Auckland mansion.

Chief high court judge Helen Winkelmann said the GCSB would have to "confirm all entities" to which it gave information sourced through its illegal interception of Dotcom's communications.

She said her order included "members of Echelon/Five Eyes, including any United States authority". The Echelon network is an international intelligence network to which New Zealand and the United States are members, along with Australia, Canada and the United Kingdom.
You have to imagine that New Zealand officials are seriously regretting falling for the DOJ's version of the Megaupload story without bothering to actually check the details, huh?

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