Hey how about that MEGA-RITUAL ?SUPER BOWL ???
Beyonce Satanic Choreography - Put a Ring on it
by Chris Constantine
Beyonce Satanic Choreography - Put a Ring on it
by Chris Constantine
Thursday, 13 January 2011 16:38 | Last Updated on Tuesday, 18 October 2011
03:22 |
Beyonce hit single (All the single ladies, put a ring on it) is a
Pagan Sun god worship song.
The choreography for the song's dance routine is also in honour of the Sun god Apollyon/Halios
Put a Ring (HALO) on it
Apollyon the Destroyer (Revelation: 9:11) - He is also known as HALIOS (Meaning "SUN")
Apollyon/Halios is the son of ZEUS
Yes this is really happening!
HALIOS aka Apollyon The Destroyer1. The two dancers legs
and bodies form an.....H 2. Beyonces legs & the dancers arms form an.. A 3. The dancers arms form two L's.................. L (also upper and lower case "L l" as an "i")......l 4. They are all standing in a Sun circle............O 5. Beyonce makes the winged Serpent pose.....S HALIOS - aka Apollyon the Destroyer (who also happens to be Alexander The Great) |
The choreography for the song's dance routine is also in honour of the Sun god Apollyon/Halios
Put a Ring (HALO) on it
Apollyon the Destroyer (Revelation: 9:11) - He is also known as HALIOS (Meaning "SUN")
Apollyon/Halios is the son of ZEUS
Yes this is really happening!
Beyonce-Single Ladies( Put A Ring On It)-OFFICIAL VIDEO |
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The Winged Serpent - Satan1. Right hand on hip to form a
Wing 2. Left arm extended in a seemingly feminene posture but the depiction, and body moves, are like a snake Snake like body movements and Pagan Masonic symbolism are used throughout this cryptic worship dance routine |
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TURN IT ALL UPSIDE DOWN 1. Standing on a Sun disc 2.Legs form XXX (X is a secret name for sun) 3. Arms form 3 "W"s (WWW)Turn the picture upside down you have: 1. SIX Pyramids (arms) 2. XXX (Crossed legs = SUN SUN SUN) 3. Flying Sun/Halios disc (Spot light circle on the floor) The letters A.X.O. are Greek and the "X" is pronounced as a "H" in Greek language The three letters spell the following 3 words: AXO, XAO & XOA AXO means "Do as thou will", a term used by the infamous Freemason/satanist Aleister Crowley XAO is an abreviation for the name HALIO (as in Halo) & was also used by Red Indians as a greeting (We use "Hallo" as in Halo) XOA I have yet to work this one out but it is used by riders to stop horses: XOA (HOA) |
Watch this video to understand why XXX means SUN SUN SUN (HALIOS) |
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Angel WingsGenesis 6 states that there are people on
Earth who are half human half Angel (See also Jesus Christ's
Parable "The Wheat & the Tares" These are the Nephilim and the Tares. Nephilim are Giants - Tares are human size. Tares are perfect counterfeits of humans. |
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3 "Angels flying" around a Sun discThe Sun Disc was used by Adolph Hitler and is still used today by Pagans, Wiccans, Druids and Freemasons |
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Pointing at the Finger of Apollo (Palmistry: Ring/Halo/Sun finger) |
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The all seeing EyeArms make up the Eye shape Head acts as a pupil Like this: <o> |
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The winged serpent |
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Symbolic punching towards the ground (Earth)A possible sign of violence aimed towards the Earth |
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XXX - The Triple X (EO EO EO SUN SUN SUN)The X sign is
flashed 3 times = XXX (then there is a break where beyonce blows
a kiss before making another "X" see pic below) Modern use of XXX = Extreme acts of sex or violence "X" is the Greek H - It is called Chi in English The Greek pronounciation of Chi is "HEE" (like a snake) |
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After the 4th X Beyonce blows a kissA kiss "Goodbye"? |
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After 6th X (EO/SUN Beyonce depicts an explosionHence the kiss goodbye |
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Overt shameless SexualisationBeyonce opens her legs,
thrust her hips forward, exposing her crotch and gyrates, in a
sexual manner, downwards The background music changes & a strange low frequency sound (a "Bong") plays in the background. Definition: A Bong is a term for a sound which produces "interesting thoughts" - The thoughts here are clearly sexual |
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Two white thick lines appear in the video. They move from the top of the screen downwards and rest on Beyonces vagina area |
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The dancer to the left has the same thing done to her vagina area |
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Beyonce sings the words "Blowing my cover" whilst gesturing towards the HeavensThis is a reference to God Almighty lifting the veil of secrecy and exposing The Great Whore of Babylon (Pagan Cult) |
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Beyonce sings the words "Dont pay him any attention"She
then makes a dismissive upward hand gesture. This is a condescending snipe at God Almighty Beyonce is preaching to her herd not to listen to God Beyonce's two followers turn their backs |
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HALIOS aka Apollyon The Destroyer1. The two dancers legs
and bodies form an.....H 2. Beyonces legs & the dancers arms form an.. A 3. The dancers arms form two L's.................. L (also upper and lower case "L l" as an "i")......l 4. They are all standing in a Sun circle............O 5. Beyonce makes the winged Serpent pose.....S HALIOS - aka Apollyon the Destroyer (who also happens to be Alexander The Great) |
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Angel Wings flappingAll 3 dancers place their hands on
their hips and thrust them back and forth, which makes their
arms flap like wings - Angel Wings To spot these things you need to stop thinking sexually and look at what is actually going on right in front of your eyes |
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More overt sexual gesturesbut these are enacted as if receiving something sensual from above |
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Standing on a Sun discLegs make 3 X's XXX (EO EO EO = SUN
SUN SUN Arms out as if flying (Remember they are standing on the "flying" Sun disc) |
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Human Side = Man Iron & Clay = Human & Tare Beyonce wears half a metal glove First she shows her palm (Flesh/Clay) cont.. |
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Iron Side = TareIron & Clay = Human & Tare Beyonce then shows the back of her hand (Iron/Tare) Symbolic of Jesus Parable of "The Wheat and The Tares" |
Click here for: Jesus Christ Parable of The Wheat and The Tares: |
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Winged Serpent posture againRemember: They are dancing on a Sun/Halios disc |
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666 (inverted 999)Three dancers, each makes an inverted 6
with her arms (3 6's = 666/HALIOS) Each dancer jerks her upper arms & body twice to make two more 6's. - Three dancers each make a 666 666 666 666 = Halios Halios Halios (view my video: 666 solved - Nibiru Palace part 13) |
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XXX with their legs on a Sun disc again |
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Winged Serpents flying down to the EarthThe Book of Enoch
states that 200 Angels (refed to as "satans") came to the Earth
and sinned with the women The KEBRA NEGAST (Download here) says that the Angels were granted human bodies by God and when they came to the Earth and saw the daughters of Cain enjoying orgies, they did not restrain themselves for a moment. |
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More Winged Serpent postures |
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3 pyramids made with the arms |
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XXX with armsXXX with legs |
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Arms used to depict a Serpent (Satan) slitheringXXX with the legs |
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Beyonce makes a V shape with her left hand (Try it your self and see it is not a natural hand shape to make and requires practise)She points at her Ring finger (Palmistry: Ring finger is called the Sun/Apollyon/Halios finger) She uses her right index finger to point (Palmistry: The index finger is called the Jupiter finger. Jupiter is the Roman name for ZEUS the father of Apollyon/Halios) |
MASONIC HAND SIGNS SOLVED!Watch this video to understand better what these Pagan (Masonic) Hand Signs mean as they are all related directly to HALIOS (Apollyon The Destroyer) |
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This move is performed 3 times in a row The right hand on the hip and the left arm going over the head (3 times for each dancer) 666 666 666 Halios Halios Halios |
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Calling to the "enlightened" worldCalling out to the
worshipers of the so called Sun god HALIOS, who is Apollyon The
Destroyer The self admitted Worshipers of Halios/Apollyon are... Freemasons, illuminatti, Pagans, Wiccans, Druids |
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Beyonce moves her arm & fingers like a flickering snake tongue |
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Beyonce symbolisis flesh (humans) embracing the IRON (Nephilim / Tare |
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IRON (Nephilim / Tares)
Beyonce symbolises the "Iron"
Possessing the flesh in a grip of IRON
The Holy Bible makes it very
clear that Satan is a Serpent - The Prince of the power of the
air = A Flying Serpent
The final Satanic Empire on the
Earth shall be one of IRON & CLAY
Daniel 2:40-45
40 And the fourth kingdom shall
be as strong as iron, inasmuch as iron breaks in pieces and
shatters everything; and like iron that crushes, that
kingdom will break in pieces and
crush all the others. 41 Whereas you saw the feet and toes,
partly of potter’s clay and partly of iron, the kingdom
shall be divided; yet the
strength of the iron shall be in it, just as you saw the iron
mixed with ceramic clay. 42 And as the toes of the feet were
of iron and partly of clay, so
the kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile. 43 As you
saw iron mixed with ceramic clay, they will mingle with
the seed of men; but they will
not adhere to one another, just as iron does not mix with clay.
44 And in the days of these kings the God of heaven
will set up a kingdom which shall
never be destroyed; and the kingdom shall not be left to other
people; it shall break in pieces and consume all
these kingdoms, and it shall
stand forever. 45 Inasmuch as you saw that the stone was cut out
of the mountain without hands, and that it broke in
pieces the iron, the bronze, the
clay, the silver, and the gold—the great God has made known to
the king what will come to pass after this.
The dream is certain, and its
interpretation is sure.
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