
Saturday, April 10, 2021

The ‘Vaccine’ Wasn’t Made For COVID, The COVID Disease Was Created For A ‘Vaccine’—Once You Understand That, Everything Else Will Make Perfect Sense


STOP DRINKING THE COOL~AID FOLKS !!!   wakey~wakey ,eggs & bakey

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Get a COVID-19 vaccine and you’ll be counseled to keep wearing a mask and keep staying away from other people. So, what’s the point?

There’s an immediate benefit to the person who receives a vaccine, said Andy Slavitt, White House senior adviser on the COVID-19 response.

“People are interested in taking the vaccine,” he said at a Monday news conference, because “they don’t want to be sick and they don’t want to die.”

“According to large research trials, getting two shots of either the Moderna or Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine reduces an individual’s risk of developing symptomatic COVID-19 by about 95%”…WHAT LARGE RESEARCH TRIALS?

Can we talk about how many colds and cases of flu could have been prevented or knocked down by Ivermectin over the past 40 years? While BigPharma sold billions in flu vaccines and OTC “remedies”?

Just putting this out there to make people wake up to the psychopathic malignancy of BigPharma.

Ivermectin is an anti-parasitic AND anti-viral drug that is safer and more benign than aspirin. It is also dirt cheap, especially since it is off-patent and has been for years.

So stop and think about this. We now know from the CoronaScam that Ivermectin has what honest doctors describe as “miraculous” effects against Coronaviridae (aka “colds”) and all respiratory viruses in general, including influenza, both as a treatment for the symptomatic, and as an incredibly effective prophylactic, knocking down viral loads by a factor of 5000 according to ACTUAL SCIENCE performed over the past year.

Here’s what is absolutely infuriating. These SOB’s have had a drug that could have prevented or massively knocked down pretty much EVERY sickness experienced by healthy adults in the first world – colds and cases of flu – and they intentionally kept this drug off the market in order to feed their multi-multi-multi billion dollars over the counter cold and flu remedy AND flu “vaccine” markets. (source)

Why did we not strongly recommend and use Ivermectin despite the overwhelming evidence that it worked all the way back to April of 2020?

The $30,000 in extra payments to the hospital wasn’t enough — oh no, there were in fact tens of billions of dollars at stake, and your mother, grandfather, or other family member had to be slaughtered in order to make sure that money flowed and kept flowing. 

An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under a EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Taking into consideration input from the FDA, manufacturers decide whether and when to submit a EUA request to FDA.

The EUAs for vaccines (and Remdesivir) were illegal if there was an adequate, approved, and available alternative.  HCQ, Ivermectin (and budesonide) are all available and approved drugs.  This meant that in order to obtain EUAs for Remdesivir, monoclonal antibodies, and the vaccines on a EUA basis it was necessary to deliberately deny that the use of these existing therapeutic agents was adequate even though the data was that their use prevented somewhere between 75 and 90% of all hospital admissions when used early and even when not used until hospital admission prevented the majority of intubations and deaths.

Our government, physicians, and hospitals knew how to keep Covid-19 from being a serious threat to your health in April of 2020 with cheap and widely available drugs just as physicians use antibiotics for bacterial infections on a daily basis that would otherwise be deadly.  Instead of using known safe and available existing drugs they intentionally let the virus kill nearly a half-million people along with the government destroying the education of our children and countless businesses and jobs for the explicit purpose of funneling billions of dollars to the medical and pharmaceutical industry, along with furthering the political aspirations of various actors all through the United States. (source)

These were not deaths that occurred despite our “best efforts”; they were mass-homicide.

If you are willing to let your government slaughter your mother while believing their intentionally false claim that wearing a diaper on your face “works” and as a result, you sat back for the last year and watched 500,000 of your countrymen and women die rather than rising up and holding every one of those ghouls accountable for the unnecessary death they deliberately allowed for both political and financial profit then you are the monster.

The putsch regime wants as much sickness and death as possible, and BigPharma wants to sell their obscenely marked-up and ineffective drugs AND, of course, their DeathJabs.

Even more evil is the fact that BigPharma and the government know damn good and well that the “Emergency Use Authorization” for their poison DeathJabs is wholly contingent upon there being NO OTHER DRUGS to treat the Masonic Sniffles. Ivermectin proves that the DeathJab is a criminal and malicious conspiracy because even if the DeathJab actually were a vaccine (which it is not), bypassing ALL testing is completely unjustified because there is a HIGHLY effective treatment, so effective that it is routinely described as “miraculous” by doctors who have used it.

The “vaccines” are clearly, obviously about something completely unrelated to curing a seasonal cold virus, namely totalitarian control of human life, AND almost certainly the rapid reduction of the human population by as much as 90% as every one of the oligarchs has been openly declaring a “necessity” for decades. If it had ANYTHING to do with health, Ivermectin would be deployed. Instead, all there is terrorizing agitprop and coercion which violates every human rights charter in existence vis-a-vis coerced medical experimentation. There is only the “vaccine”. All must have the “vaccine”. There is no alternative to the “vaccine”. Only people with intellects completely darkened by living in unrepentant mortal sin could fall for such transparent lies and obvious criminality.

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